Council Members, Agendas, Minutes, City Contact Information
To add an item to the council meeting agenda, please contact Betsy Ammermann at 320-857-2322. Information and supporting documentation must be submitted one week prior to the Council meeting to be included in the council's workshop packet and meeting agenda.
The City Council of Grove City typically meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Center. If that Monday falls on a holiday, the meeting will typically be held on the second Tuesday. The council also holds monthly workshop meetings usually at 3:00 p.m. the Wednesday prior to the regular council meetings. All meetings, unless otherwise noted, are open to the public.
Council Term
Contact Information
Council Term
Remainder of 2023-2026 term
Contact Information
Council Term
Contact Information
Term: 2025-2026
Phone: 320-262-9828
Minutes for this meeting will be posted after they are approved at the March council meeting.
Minutes for this meeting will be posted after they are approved at the February council meeting.
Members Present: McCoy, Lokken, Sordahl, Simota, Anderson Bergstrom
Members Absent: none
Visitors Present: 4
The meeting was called to order at 6:45PM by Mayor McCoy.
AGENDA REVISIONS/ADDITIONS -Move Tax Levy to after Truth in Taxation Meeting and move Fire/Rescue to start of regular meeting.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken, and carried, to approve the agenda of the December 9, 2024 meeting. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken, and carried, to approve the following by consent: Vote: 5-0
November 12, 2024 Regular Council Meeting
NOV 18, 2024 CLAIMS: $181,127.95; NOV 27, 2024 CLAIMS: $26,776.19: TOTAL: $207,904.14.
NOV 15, 2024 PAYROLL: $11,667.63; NOV 27, 2024 PAYROLL: $11,726.98: TOTAL PAYROLL: $23,394.61.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Simota, and carried, to approve a 2025 tax levy of 5% for $243,217. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom, and carried, to approve the liquor licenses for Honkey’s, Lucky’s Liquor, and MN Beer Co. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Sordahl, and carried, to start ordinance abatement proceedings for the following nuisance property in Grove City: 502 Atlantic Ave W. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Sordahl, and carried, to approve the application for rezoning of property at 105 3rd Street S, from residential to commercial. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom, and carried, to accept the new fees as followed: Electric base rate: Commercial-$45, Residential-$25; Electric Three Phase (No Demand)-$55; Electric Three Phase (Demand)-$55; Sewer base rate: Commercial-$35, Residential-$29; Water base rate: Commercial-$35, Residential-$32. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Simota, and carried, to start a monthly coffee time to be held in the Community Center for 2025. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom and carried, to start a quarterly artisan/makers marketplace to be held in the Community Center. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Simota, seconded by McCoy, and carried, to approve the purchase of 12 new tables for the community center, not to exceed $3,000. Vote: 5-0
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Simota, and carried, to approve the purchase of tractor and tiller from Schlauderaff Implement for $17,850. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Simota, and carried, to approve the creation of a City of Grove City Facebook page, to be used to post announcements concerning the city with the comments section inactivated. Vote: 5-0
RESCUE – Mike Dahl reported that Ready Racks have been ordered.
FIRE – Successful banquet. Will look into billing for fire calls.
SHERIFF – calls.
CLERK – Nothing to report
PUBLIC WORKS – Jack asked for permission to get Water license, either C or D. Cost is $300 plus travel. Motion: McCoy, seconded by Lokken, approved 5-0.
Sordahl inquired about the sanding of intersections and who determines when roads are sanded. Discussed the process. Voted that the deputy on duty has the authority to call for snow emergency. Motion: Lokken, seconded: Simota. Carried: 5-0
MCCOY – Requested the power to be turned on at campsite lot 1 for Lions lighting in park.
LOKKEN – Requested that the white strands of lights that are not all on be unplugged.
Presented quote from Ramsey Printing for banners for main street poles. $120 plus shipping.
Reminded Council Members of Open Meeting rules. Concern with holiday gatherings.
Thanks to Jason and Lorie for serving on the City Council!
SORDAHL – Would like the city to continue replacing metal siding on city shed.
SIMOTA – Thanks!
ANDERSON BERGSTROM – Inquired as to the status of the trailer park sale. McCoy responded that the owners have 45 days to respond to the offer from the EDA.
McCoy noted that he will stay on the county EDA board.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Sordahl, and carried, to adjourn the meeting at 7:52 pm. Vote: 5-0
Members Present: McCoy, Lokken, Sordahl, Simota, Anderson Bergstrom
Members Absent: none
Visitors Present: 4
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Mayor McCoy.
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Sordahl, and carried, to approve the agenda of the November 12, 2024 meeting. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Anderson Bergstrom, seconded by Simota, and carried, to approve the following by consent: Vote: 5-0
October 14, 2024 Regular Council Meeting
OCT 15, 2024 CLAIMS: $66,548.79; OCT 31, 2024 CLAIMS: $16,683.48: TOTAL: $83,232.27
OCT 15, 2024 PAYROLL: $13,489.94; OCT 31, 2024 PAYROLL: $13,033.84: TOTAL PAYROLL: $26,523.78
No public comment
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom, and carried, to approve a public hearing for said properties on December 9, 2024 to declare a public nuisance and order abatement. Vote: 5-0
Kathy Loveland, property owner at 109 2nd St N, informed the council of her intentions to complete the clean-up on her property by November 18th.
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by McCoy, and carried, to approve building permit with the following requirement(s): correct ordinance violations. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Simota, seconded by McCoy, and carried, to approve 2024 election results. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by McCoy, and carried, to accept the quote from Bemboom’s for $10,000 materials and labor. Vote: 5-0
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Lokken, and carried, to accept the two year contract from Meeker County Sheriff’s Department for 2025 for $119,600 and for 2026 for $127,400. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken, and carried, to approve the LMC insurance renewal for 2025. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom, and carried, to approve certifying the collection of past due bills owed to the city through property taxes. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Sordahl, and carried, to approve new language concerning employee pay increases. New policy to begin January 1, 2025, with retro pay for already approved wage increases to start Oct 15, 2024. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Simota, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom, and carried, to approve updated policy to change payroll pay dates from the 15th and 30th of the month to a bi-weekly payroll to start on January 1, 2025. Vote: 5-0
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom, and carried, to accept the Annual Financial Report for 2023 as presented by Westberg/Eischens. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Anderson Bergstrom, seconded by Sordahl, and carried, to extend the Lion’s gambling license for Bingo at Trinity Lutheran Church on 11/22/24. Vote: 5-0
YARD LIGHTS AT 4J’S TRAILER PARK – TABLED because of public safety concerns
RESCUE – New hire to department with experience. Asked about the status of 2 new radios.
FIRE – Need to set up time to meet with David Spencer.
SHERIFF – Uptick in calls
CLERK – Update on renovations. South Grove apt rented.
PUBLIC WORKS – Putting up stakes to mark for plowing in alleys.
MCCOY – nothing
LOKKEN – Has received many favorable comments on the updates happening in the city office and community center.
Met with ACGC Community Ed about Summer Rec and favors keeping it in Grove City to serve our kids and not join Atwater. Asked if the school wants to help with the cost of banners on the light poles.
Asked for approval to take an online course offered by the League of MN Cities about Social Media Liabilities. Motion by McCoy, seconded by Simota, and carried, to approve Gabra taking the course.
SORDAHL – Wants to clarify the responsibilities of committees in the next term.
SIMOTA – nothing
ANDERSON BERGSTROM – Met the newly elected state representative, Scott Van Binsbergen. He would like to attend an upcoming council meeting to see how he can best serve our community.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken, and carried, to adjourn the meeting at 7:07 pm.
Members Present: McCoy, Lokken, Sordahl, Simota, Anderson Bergstrom
Members Absent: none
Visitors Present: 5
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Mayor McCoy.
Motion by Simota, seconded by McCoy and carried, to approve the agenda of the October 14, 2024 meeting. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Simota, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to approve the following by consent: Vote: 5-0
1. September 9, 2024 Regular Council Meeting
SEPT 20, 2024 CLAIMS: $167,507.59; OCT 2, 2024 CLAIMS: $172,236.44: TOTAL: $339,744.03
SEPT 14, 2024 PAYROLL: $13,663.79; SEPT 30, 2024 PAYROLL: $12,101.94; TOTAL PAYROLL: $25,765.73
A. Briedget Hartmann addressed the council with her concerns about city ordinances and “beautifying” the city.
B. Tyler Nothnagel requested permission to hunt the holding ponds. Request was denied, per past precedent.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to accept list of delinquent payers and to have the delinquent amounts assessed to their property taxes. Vote: 5-0
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom and carried, to approve an added surcharge to utility billing for the purpose of future meters at $1.50 per meter type. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to accept the quote from 201 Building Supply for $1,200.00 materials and labor. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Simota, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom and carried, to accept the quote from Halvorson Company for $9,840.00. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by McCoy and carried, to table the Building Permit for Moreno discussion until November workshop. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Simota, seconded by McCoy and carried, to approve placing the CITY CELEBRATION COMMITTEE under the EDA. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Lokken, seconded by McCoy and carried, to approve said resolution for calendar year 2024. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Sordahl seconded by Anderson Bergstrom and carried, to approve said resolution for calendar year 2024. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve said resolution for calendar year 2024. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom and carried, to designate a location for tree of lights. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom and carried, to approve the wage increases as follows: Park Maintenance PT - $20/hr.; Custodian PT - $21/hr.; Deputy Clerk PT – increased to $600/month insurance stipend; Public Works Assistant - $27.50/hr.; Public Works Supervisor - $38.50/hr.; City Clerk - $31/hr., after 6 month review.
Vote: Yea: Lokken, Sordahl, Simota, Anderson Bergstrom: Nay: McCoy
A. RESCUE – 7 calls in September.
B. FIRE – 1 call in September.
C. SHERIFF – 41 calls in September.
D. CLERK – 2023 Audit is completed.
a. Requested approval of curb painting quote - $1,500, motion by Sordahl, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom, Vote: 5-0; approved.
b. Requested permission for Shannon to attend Heartland Energy annual conference, motion by McCoy, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom, Vote:5-0, approved.
F. MCCOY – no report
a. Shared a comment on adding red lights in addition to the white lights for holiday season.
b. Worked at Cleanup Day and received many positive comments about this service.
c. Has received positive comments on the city’s efforts to clean up the town.
H. SORDAHL – Commented on the positive responses to town cleanup day.
I. SIMOTA – no report
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 pm.
Members Present: McCoy, Lokken, Sordahl, Simota, Anderson Bergstrom
Members Absent: none
Visitors Present: 4
The meeting was called to order at 6:35PM by Mayor McCoy.
A. Add Boy Scouts and Summer Rec to agenda
B. Add City clerk wage to August Meeting Minutes
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom, and carried, to approve the agenda of the September 9, 2024 meeting. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Simota, and carried, to approve the following by consent: Vote: 5-0
1. August 12, 2024 Regular Council Meeting
AUG 15, 2024 CLAIMS: $5,457.00; AUG 19, 2024 CLAIMS: $84,134.97: Sept 6, 2024 CLAIMS: $ 55,807.84 TOTAL: $145,399.81
AUG 15, 2024 PAYROLL: $11,051.67; AUG 30, 2024 PAYROLL: $11,606.12; TOTAL PAYROLL: $22,657.79
A. Lacey Clark addressed the council with questions/concerns about Windmill Days.
B. Andrew Hallin gave final report on Summer Rec.
C. Jeff Doty requested permission for the Boy scouts to use the Community Center for their meetings. Motion by McCoy, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the Boy Scouts to use the Community Center. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Simota, seconded by Sordahl, and carried, to approve Resolution 2024-14 regarding access to Grove City’s checking and savings account.
Vote: 3-0, Abstain: Lokken, McCoy
B. PICKLEBALL FENCE QUOTE – Tabled due to lack of bids.
Motion made by Lokken, seconded by McCoy and carried to contact the city attorney for advice on how to conduct the festival properly and legally. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom, and carried, to approve the quote from Floor to Ceiling for $3,771.42 for flooring. Vote: 5-0
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the quote from Lorie Simota for $20.00/hour up to $1,000.00 for painting of the office, because of the absence of any bids. Vote: 4-0 Abstaining: Simota
Motion by Simota seconded by Anderson Bergstrom and carried, to approve the quote from Floor to Ceiling to replace flooring at South Grove, apartments 204 for $5,912.47 and 210 for $5,266.14: and from Ramirez Painting for $2,400, to repaint said apartments.
Vote: 5-0
Motion by McCoy seconded by Simota and carried, to approve a pet policy for South Grove Apartments effective October 1, 2024, for new tenants and for January 1, 2025 for existing tenants with pets; $250 deposit and $10/additional monthly fee.
Motion by McCoy seconded by Simota and carried, to update the South Grove lease.
Vote: 5-0
Motion by Lokken seconded by McCoy and carried, to start ordinance abatement proceedings for the following nuisance properties in Grove City: 109 2nd Ave N, 115 2nd Ave S, 104 Sunset Ridge, 408 Asta Ave W, 410 4th St S. Vote: 4-0, Abstaining: Sordahl
G. FALL CLEAN UP DAY – Scheduled for Oct 12, 8AM-Noon @ City Shop.
Motion by McCoy seconded by Simota and carried, to raise the preliminary tax levy to 5% . Vote: 4-0, Object: Sordahl
Motion by Lokken seconded by McCoy and carried, to approve moving the Housekeeper position under the supervision of the City Clerk-Treasurer.
Vote: 5-0
A. RESCUE – no report
B. FIRE – no report
C. SHERIFF – no report
D. CLERK – Betsy Ammermann briefed the council on her attendance at the Clerk’s Academy at the League of Minnesota Cities. Requested permission to attend the Region 3 training through MCFOA on Oct 24. Motion by McCoy, seconded by Lokken and carried, Vote: 5-0.
E. PUBLIC WORKS – Shannon Roering requested to send Jack Ramthun to Water School; motion by McCoy, seconded by Lokken and carried, Vote: 5-0. Discussed issues at trailer park. Requested approval of shop renovation; to approve up to $20,000 to insulate and install heat in one garage bay of maintenance shed. Motion by Sordahl, seconded by McCoy and carried, Vote: 5-0
F. MCCOY – Jason McCoy discussed Facebook posts concerning himself. Requested permission to contact city attorney as to whether this is a city/council issue or personal. Motion by Sordahl seconded by Simota and carried, permission to contact city attorney. Vote: 4-0, Abstaining: McCoy
G. LOKKEN – Gabra Lokken read letter from library. Brought up not allowing unauthorized people in office and recommended future badge/FOB keying system to keep record of who is entering and when. Brought up employee raises and Council tabled employee evaluations and wages to next workshop.
H. SORDAHL – no report
I. SIMOTA – no report
Motion by Sordahl seconded by Simota and carried, to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 pm.
MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 2024 AT 6:30PM
Members Present: McCoy, Anderson Bergstrom, Sordahl, Simota, Lokken
Members Absent: none
Visitors Present: 5
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Mayor McCoy.
III. AGENDA REVISIONS/ADDITIONS – Lokken requested additions of Election Day Food, Windmill Days, Resolution 2014-13 Resolution Accepting Donations and South Grove Apartment Mailboxes.
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the agenda of the August 12, 2024 meeting. Vote: 4-0
Motion by Simota, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to approve the following by consent: Vote: 4-0
1. July 8, 2024 Regular Council Meeting
B. JULY 16, 2024 CLAIMS: $105,080.83; JULY PAYROLL: $22,382.23; AUGUST 7, 2024 CLAIMS: $270,452.10. Total: $ 397,915.16.
A. Resolution 2024-12: Resolution for the Appointment of Council Member.
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve Resolution 2024-12 appointing Debra Bergstrom to fill the term of Council Member until such time as the regular election may be held. The term for the appointment will expire as of December 31, 2024. Vote: 4-0
B. Oath of Office for Debra Bergstrom
C. Agave Cantina LLC Liquor License Revocation Hearing
Motion by Simota, seconded by McCoy and carried, to revoke the liquor license for Agave Cantina LLC per the request of the State of Minnesota. Vote: 5-0
D. Jack Heacock – As the lien holder for the trailer park, he filled us in on his plans to clean up junk on the properties and fix the water line and leak issues.
E. New City Clerk-Treasurer
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the hiring and terms of employment, hourly wage $30, including a negotiation for two weeks of vacation the first year, for Elizabeth Ammermann as the City Clerk-Treasurer for Grove City, pending background check. Vote: 5-0
F. November Council Meeting Date
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to change the November 2024 meeting date from Monday, November 11 to Tuesday, November 12, 2024 due to the Veteran’s Day holiday. Vote: 5-0
G. City Office Cell Phone – Tabled
H. Notary Commissions for City Personnel
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to approve notary commissions for the City Clerk-Treasurer and the Deputy Clerk. Vote: 5-0
I. City Credit Card - Tabled
J. Pickleball Court Fence Quote – Tabled
K. City Office Remodel Update – Jason will talk with 201 Building Supply regarding schedule.
L. Block Party Procedures – Tabled to research ordinances and insurance.
M. South Grove Handbook & Pet Policy - Tabled
N. Lions Club Storage – Quotes will be collected for metal cages to hold the Lions’ things and voting machine separately and securely from each other in the closet.
O. Fire Alarm Box – This has been fixed.
P. Dakota State Test Report and Recommendations
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to accept the recommendations from the Dakota State Test Report. Vote: 5-0
Q. August 13, 2024 Election Day Food
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve providing the election judges with breakfast, lunch and dinner on August 13, 2024 not to exceed $200.
R. Windmill Days – The City Clerk’s office receives a lot of calls regarding Windmill Days and has no contact information to give them except an email address. The Deputy Clerk reached out on August 8, 2024 to the email requesting the names of volunteers on the Windmill Days committee. The response received was anonymous and said they don’t have a specific list. The Deputy Clerk responded back asking for information about musicians, events and anticipated expenses. A reply to these questions wasn’t received as of the date and time of this council meeting on August 12, 2024. Lokken said that Windmill Days must be handled differently next year to avoid problems with communication, overspending and social media friction. Lokken recommended that a non-profit organization be started, with Council Member Simota’s help, to handle the Windmill Days city celebration. This organization could plan the celebration and solicit and accept donations. The City could then make a donation to that organization.
S. Resolution 2024-13: Resolution Accepting Donations
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve Resolution 2024-13 accepting donations totaling $4,200 to be used for the Grove City Windmill Days celebration. Vote: 5-0
T. South Grove Apartment Mailboxes
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to approve the utilization of the South Grove mailboxes for communications from the City. Vote: 5-0
A. RESCUE – Chief Mike Dahl reported and will be getting the pay information together. He submitted a quote from Alex Air Apparatus for 3 gear lockers. He requested that David Spencer print out the rescue budget for him.
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the purchase of 3 gear lockers from Alex Air Apparatus for $3,507. Vote: 5-0
B. FIRE – Chief Joe Jans reported that Hennes fixed the truck and the City should have received the invoice. The GCFD is planning an event at the Fire Hall for October 10 from 5pm-7pm that will cover fire prevention and drawings for 4 bikes and some smoke detectors. They will also be selling food on Friday for Windmill Days and giving rides after the parade on Sunday.
C. SHERIFF – No report. The report for Grove City stats showed 28 calls.
D. CLERK – Lokken reported on behalf of the City Clerk’s office. The 2023 audit is not done yet and the auditors have filed an extension twice. There are still issues with Microsoft Support and the method of payment which she will continue to try to troubleshoot. A damage deposit of $100 was not returned to a renter of the Community Center due to fire alarm damage and lack of cleaning. Three data requests have been received and one has been mostly completed and the other two will begin to be processed this week.
E. PUBLIC WORKS – Ramthun reported regarding the water tower leak. Council tabled the heating of the last stall of the shop.
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Anderson Bergstrom and carried, to approve Waconia Water School for Shannon Roering on August 29, 2024 for $150. Vote: 5-0
F. MCCOY – The League of Minnesota Cities Thank You Letter to Representative Dean Urdahl was read aloud by McCoy.
G. LOKKEN – Complaints have been received from several people in the community about properties not being maintained well. They want ordinance enforcement of nuisance properties and lawn, weed and tree maintenance. One individual asked why the Council is allowing people to use their properties as “junk yards.” Lokken presented a quote from Floor to Ceiling for City Clerk office flooring which was tabled. She will reach out to Matt Zupke at ACGC to see if they are interested in going in on the purchase of banners for the light poles on US Highway 12. Lokken has been taking an online City Clerk’s Foundational course and has updated the personnel forms as they were outdated. She received information for a playground grant and will investigate it.
H. SORDAHL – No report.
I. SIMOTA – No report.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 pm. Vote: 5-0
Minutes July 8, 2024 City Council Meeting – 6:30PM
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Visitors Present:
The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Mayor McCoy.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to approve the agenda of the July 8, 2024 meeting. Vote: 4-0
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the following by consent: Vote: 4-0
1. June 10, 2024 Regular Council Meeting
Total: $ 47,654.36
A. JH Partial Sewer Credit – Council will waive the sewer portion of the bill.
B. South Grove Mail - Allan Knutson addressed the council with a complaint against the City discontinuing the delivery of South Grove mail to the residents at the end of July. Council explained they tried to mailboxes set up on the curb but the USPS will not deviate from their route to accommodate mailboxes on 3rd Street S. Council further explained that the discontinuation of mail delivery from the USPS to South Grove is due to legal/liability reasons and to keep responsibility of mail delivery to final destination with the USPS.
C. Commercial Fence for Monica/Brent Whitcomb – The Whitcomb’s addressed the council and said they repaired the fence but are wondering how to accommodate the meat market with gates. Council will look into it prior to the August workshop.
D. Windmill Days and Website – Jess Hopp presented the Council with tentative plans for Windmill Days. She and Council Member Simota will meet on Friday, July 12 to further discuss the schedule of events and logistics and Council Member Lokken will update the Windmill Days website with the information obtained after their meeting. The official email for Windmill Days is Electrical outlets at the shelters are needed. Food trucks are being sought and all of Grove City’s restaurants/bars are invited and encouraged to participate. Lokken will reach out to the local food/beverage establishments.
E. Resolution 2024-11: Resolution Appointing Primary and General Election Judges for the Elections of August 13th and November 5th, 2024.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve resolution 2024-11 appointing election judges Lacey Clark, Robin Puckett, Gwen Cram and 1st alternate Stacey Rogers and 2nd alternate Sara Olson. Vote: 4-0
F. Council Vacancy – No one has applied or expressed interest in the vacancy as of this date.
G. Office Air Conditioner Unit Quotes
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by McCoy and carried, to approve the quote from Magnuson Sheet Metal for $5,100.00 for the City Office AC unit. Vote: 4-0
H. DSI Grant Amendment
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the SCDP Grant Amendment Request from DSI. Vote: 4-0
I. Lions Club Bingo License for Trinity Lutheran Church
Motion by Lokken, seconded by McCoy and carried, to approve the gambling license for the Lions Club Bingo at Trinity Lutheran Church. Vote: 4-0
J. City Shop - Tabled
K. Dakota State Report – The report will be emailed to the Council members to review and appropriate modifications made based upon the recommendations given.
L. Dropbox
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the use of Dropbox for document sharing between the office and remote employees. Vote: 4-0
A. RESCUE – No report.
B. FIRE – No report.
C. SHERIFF – National Night Out is August 6, 2024 from 5p-7p.
D. CLERK – Updates given by Lokken that City Clerk applications are being accepted and interviews are being scheduled this week and next.
E. PUBLIC WORKS – No report.
F. MCCOY – No report.
G. LOKKEN – Many compliments and expressions of gratitude have been received from members of the community and others regarding the beautification efforts of main street.
H. SORDAHL – No report.
I. SIMOTA – No report.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to adjourn the meeting at 7:45pm. Vote: 4-0.
Minutes June 10, 2024 City Council Meeting – 6:30PM
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Visitors Present:
The meeting was called to order at 6:30p by Mayor McCoy.
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the agenda of the June 10, 2024 meeting. Vote: 4-0
Motion by Simota, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to approve the following by consent: Vote: 4-0
1. May 13, 2024 Regular Council Meeting
Total: $ 171,285.95
A. 4H VOLUNTEER SERVICE PROJECTS: The Danielson 4H group would like to plant flowers and do service projects for Grove City. They can work with our Public Works Supervisor for project ideas.
B. WINDMILL DAYS: The City Council will not be a part of organizing Windmill Days. It is a volunteer opportunity for members of the community.
C. ELECTION CANDIDATE BALLOT APPLICATIONS AND DEADLINE: Those wishing to run for Mayor and Council positions this fall should submit their applications to the City office between July 30 and August 13, 2024 at 5pm.
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by McCoy and carried, to approve Jack Ramthun’s registration cost to attend Overhead School and to be reimbursed for lodging and mileage. Vote: 4-0
E. CITY OFFICE REMODEL – Mayor McCoy will collect bids for paint and flooring for the City office.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve 201 Building Supply’s bid to remodel the City office window and wall not to exceed $2,443.95. Vote: 4-0
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve Community Center kitchen remodel quote from 201 Building Supply not to exceed $24,000. Vote: 4-0
G. GREASE TRAP ISSUES: Waiting for plumber recommendations.
H. SOUTH GROVE MAIL: Residents and office renters will need to get individual PO Boxes. Notification will be sent out with instructions before the end of the month.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Sordahl and carried, that the City will no longer deliver US Mail to the South Grove residents or office space renters after July 31, 2024. Vote: 4-0
I. IT TECH SUPPORT: Lokken will contact a computer tech to assist with PC issues in the office and quote for cabling of office for the remodel.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to revise camping contract cancellation policy to read “Cancellation Policy: Rent will be returned in full upon a two (2) week notice prior to arrival. If cancelation happens one (1) to two (2) weeks prior, 50% of the rent will be returned. If cancelation occurs within one (1) week of arrival, no refund will be given. Vote: 4-0
L. ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS: Discussed nuisance properties.
N. COMMITTEES: Members were assigned to committees where there was a council member vacancy.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to accept the resignation of Sheldon Evenson as a City Council Member and declare that a vacancy exists on the Grove City City Council effective May 13, 2024. Vote: 4-0
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the use of the West Central Tribune for official publications. Vote: 4-0
A. RESCUE – Mike Dahl reported on firehall remodel. Will bring a quote for ready racks to next meeting.
B. FIRE – No report.
C. SHERIFF –National Night Out will be held on the 1st Tuesday of August.
D. CLERK – This position is vacant and has been posted on the digital sign and with Employment Plus in Willmar. Applications are available at City Hall.
E. PUBLIC WORKS – Jack Ramthun reported and provided quotes for handicap doors for City Hall and a Lift Station Pump Controller.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the Arrow Glass quote to install Handicap Operators and buttons on City Hall doors for $7,800. Vote: 4-0
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to approve the Quality Flow quotation for a Lift Station Pump Controller for $5,690.00. Vote: 4-0
F. MCCOY – Provided a trailer court update.
G. LOKKEN – Requested exercise equipment sign quote for South Grove as children were climbing on the equipment. Will be $70 or less.
H. SORDAHL – Wants to see a Profit/Loss Statement each month.
I. SIMOTA – No report.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 pm.
Agenda Detail May 13, 2024 City Council Meeting – 6:30PM
Members Present: McCoy, Lokken, Sordahl, Simota
Members Absent:
Visitors Present: 1
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM by Mayor McCoy.
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the agenda of the May 13, 2024 meeting. Vote:
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the following by consent: Vote:
1. April 8, 2024 Regular Council Meeting
Total: $ 126,976.06
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Simota and carried, to accept the resignation of Sheldon Evenson as a City Council Member. Vote: 3-0
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Simota and carried, to appoint Council Member Gabra Lokken, as Mayor Pro Tempore. Vote: 3-0 Lokken Abstained
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to remove Sheldon Evenson as an authorized signatory and add David Spencer and Gabra Lokken as authorized signatories. Vote: 3-0 Lokken Abstained
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve contracting with Employment Plus of Willmar for a City Clerk. Vote: 4-0
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the Innovative Office Solutions quote for City Office update and remodel not to exceed the amount of $15,000. Vote: 4-0
F. SOUTH GROVE BLANDIN GRANT FOR $5K. This grant will be for expansion of the patio and standing height flower pots. The Grove City CARES Board should work with the Public Works Supervisor for placement.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to approve $300 for flowers at South Grove. Vote: 4-0
I. VETERANS MEMORIAL – The Grove City Lions want to create a Veterans Memorial at Windmill Park. They will bring plans to the City Council in the future.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to approve Moreno Permit Application to replace/repair original house roof only. Vote: 4-0
Motion by Simota, seconded by McCoy and carried, to approve the Dakota State Security Assessment Agreement. Vote: 4-0
L. COMMUNITY EDUCATION AND GROVE CITY SUMMER RECREATION 2025. Lokken reported that the ACGC Community Ed Board would like to absorb the Grove City Community Ed program under their umbrella for 2025.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the purchase of a new campground sign. Vote: 4-0
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Simota and carried, to accept KLM’s proposal/quote for the Mixer and Dry Tank Cleanout of the Grove City water tower not to exceed $17,800. Vote: 4-0
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the Vibrant Broadband quote/contract dated 4/30/2024 for internet service in the Water Plant and City Shop. Vote: 4-0
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve an increase to $75 of the Assessment Search Fee. Vote: 4-0
R. RESOLUTION 2024-7 Naming Windmill Days EDA as Official Windmill Days Operators. - TABLED
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the use of the Litchfield Rail newspaper, City Office and City Website for official publications.
T. ESRI ArcGIS – The City received notification that prices will be increasing as of June 2024.
U. CITY SHOP FENCE BID – The original bid’s doors aren’t wide enough for the plow to get through.
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by McCoy and carried, to approve an additional $1,500 to get wider doors.
A. RESCUE – No report
B. FIRE – Chief Jans gave a report. Removal of the wall in the fire hall is underway.
C. SHERIFF – Deputy Swisher gave a report. There were 30 calls last month. He will talk with records to see why the City hasn’t been receiving the monthly Sheriff’s Office report. The DARE graduation took place at ACGC with close to 60 students graduating from the program.
D. CLERK – No report
E. PUBLIC WORKS – Shannon Roering gave a report. The tank for watering the hanging baskets has been obtained. The brackets for the planters should be done soon.
F. MCCOY – Has been working with the railroad on some cleanup as well as a quiet zone application. Motion by McCoy, seconded by Simota and carried, that council members who temporarily fill in, part-time, for absent city employees during emergency or shortage situations will be paid $20/hour for clerical and $15/hour for public works. Vote: 3-0 Lokken abstained.
G. LOKKEN – She and Simota will choose and plant flowers for the City Hall planters this week. Lokken is still trying to get through to Microsoft to change the payment method.
H. SORDAHL – No report.
I. SIMOTA – No report.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 PM.
MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2024 AT 6:30 P.M.
Members Present: McCoy, Evenson, Lokken, Sordahl, Simota
Members Absent: None
Visitors Present: 2
The meeting was called to order at 6:31 PM by Mayor McCoy.
Motion by Council Member Lokken, seconded by Council Member Simota and carried, to approve the agenda of the April 8, 2024 meeting. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Council Member Evenson, seconded by Council Member Sordahl and carried, to approve the following by consent: Vote: 5-0
1. March 11, 2024 Regular Council Meeting
Total: $ 133,562.90
Payroll: $ 22,367.42
a. Bridgiet Hartman with Atwater Boy Scout Troop 221 thanked the council for the opportunity to work with the Lions for the Bingo event. It was a huge success. The Boy Scouts will be able to sell food during the Clean Up Day. They will also have a food drive and hand out literature the Sunday before.
B. LAPTOP PURCHASE – $1500 for 2
Motion by Council Member Sordahl, seconded by Council Member Evenson and carried, to approve the purchase of two new laptops to be used by office staff and public works staff. Vote: 5-0
Motion by Council Member Lokken, seconded by Mayor McCoy and carried, to approve the Mosquito Spraying Contract with Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc. at the estimated cost of $4,743.00 for 9 Bi-Weekly treatments.
Vote: 5-0
Motion by Mayor McCoy, seconded by Council Member Evenson and carried, to accept resignation of Alysia Listerud and remove Alysia Listerud from the bank accounts and add David Spencer to bank accounts. Vote: 5-0
Motion made by Mayor McCoy, seconded by Council Member Sordahl and carried, for EDA to enter into negotiations with the trailer court owners. Vote: 5-0
Motion made by Council Member Sordahl, seconded by Council Member Simota and carried, to open the City Clerk’s position. Vote: 5-0
I. OFFICE REMODEL QUOTE – Tabled. Council Member Lokken will request drawings.
Motion made by Mayor McCoy, seconded by Council Member Evenson and carried, to install a privacy fence by the City Shop for $5,000. Vote: 5-0
A. RESCUE – Chief Mike Dahl gave a report.
B. FIRE – No report.
C. SHERIFF – No report.
D. CLERK – No report.
1. LED Lighting Replacement for Fire and Rescue. Shared quote from Ryan Buer Electric
2. Campground Signage
3. Beautification lights will be ordered from Amazon by office personnel.
F. MCCOY – No report.
G. EVENSON – Gave pickleball court update.
Motion made by Mayor McCoy, seconded by Council Member Evenson and carried, to accept quote from Joe Riley for $19,960 for Pickleball court. Vote: 5-0
H. LOKKEN – Discussed city beautification, office keys, South Grove kitchens, ordinance violations, office remodel and need to replace the Litchfield Independent as official newspaper.
Motion made by Council Member Sordahl, seconded by Mayor McCoy and carried, to use the City Website, City Office and Grove City Post Office for official publications. Vote: 5-0
I. SORDAHL – Made a statement he does not wish to proceed with development of the south lots.
J. SIMOTA – No report.
Motion by Mayor McCoy seconded by Council Member Sordahl and carried, to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 PM.
MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2024
6:30 PM
A. VARIANCE HEARING - Ranulfo Moreno was present for the hearing. Bill Peterka spoke against the variance request. The City hasn't received any other objections. No motion was made to approve the variance request. Mr. Moreno was advised to continue with and complete the cleanup of the ordinance violations on his properties.
MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2024 AT 6:30 P.M.
Members Present: McCoy, Evenson, Lokken, Sordahl, Simota
Members Absent: None
Visitors Present: 4
The meeting was called to order at 6:48PM by McCoy.
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Evenson and carried, to approve the agenda of the March 11, 2024 meeting. Vote: 5-0.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Evenson and carried, to approve the following by consent: Vote: 5-0.
1. February 12, 2024 Regular Council Meeting
Total: $ 163,090.29
Payroll: $ 12,219.58
A. BOYSCOUTS – Briedget Hartman and Jeff Doty came to speak on behalf of the Boyscouts and the Lions Boyscout Fundraiser. They would like permission to do a BINGO event to help raise funds for camp in August. They would need a gambling permit under the Grove City LIONS control.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the gambling license through the Lions Club for the BINGO event. Vote 5-0.
Motion by Lokken, seconded by McCoy and carried, to approve the cost of activities to $25.00 per activity, to increase Director Pay to $3500.00 and the purchasing of additional equipment at the cost of $400.00 to be used by the Grove City Summer Rec Department. Vote:5-0.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the new accounting system CTAS (Small Cities and Town Accounting System) to maintain accounting records. Vote: 5-0.
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to approve the increase in Election Judge Pay for the 2024 year and beyond at $15.00 per hour. Vote: 5-0.
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve sending Jack Ramthun to Underground School on May 7th – May 10th at the cost of $535.00. Vote: 5-0.
Motion by Evenson, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to approve the electric contract with Missouri River Energy Services. Vote: 4-0. McCoy voting against.
Motion by Evenson, seconded by McCoy and carried, to approve the Street Sweeping Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation as presented. Vote:5-0.
Motion by Evenson, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve Resolution 2024-3: Resolution Authorizing Entering into Joint and Cooperative Agreement for Purchasing of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) as presented. Vote: 5-0.
A. RESCUE – Rescue Chief Mike Dahl reported that they had 6 calls in February. Discussed purchasing a new rig – but has found they are hard to find.
B. FIRE – Fire Chief Joe Jans was absent, so Mike Dahl spoke on his behalf. Discussed the grant money needed for the SCBA gear. Tanker truck will need to be fixed; brakes locked up on a call.
C. SHERIFF – Absent
D. CLERK – Alysia Listered reminded the council that she would be out of the office at MCFOA training in St. Cloud next week, March 19-22.
E. PUBLIC WORKS- Shannon Roering discussed the need to replace manhole covers. Received a quote for $1467.80 to replace 6 covers.
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the purchase of 6 manhole covers at the cost of $1467.80. Vote 5-0.
Lokken asked about lights for wrapping the poles through town. Discussed how other towns have simply purchased inexpensive Christmas lights.
Roering also discussed that there will be 2 new light poles purchased – will be covered by insurance.
McCoy asked Roering where they were regarding the Alley and when it would be completed.
F. MCCOY – Jason McCoy told the council that he would be absent from the April Workshop meeting. McCoy set up a meeting for March 20th at 6PM for anyone interested in volunteering to help with the town celebration.
McCoy discussed getting a tanker that public works employees can use to water the plants that will be hung from the light poles this summer.
Discussed with Roering about mounting the Lions Club sign on the side of the building.
McCoy stated that the Lions Club would be picking up the rest of the Christmas décor in the park this weekend.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to approve the purchase of
GIS Software at the cost of $1247.00. Vote 5-0.
G. EVENSON – Sheldon Evenson discussed a bid that 201 Building Supply is putting together for the shed and privacy fence. Should have multiple bids to discuss at the next council meeting.
H. LOKKEN – Gabra Lokken gave an ordinance violation follow up regarding 300 2nd Street South. The county will not step in and help unless the house is in foreclosure. Lokken called the Dassel City Office to see how they handle these types of situations. Court costs can be added onto property taxes. The date of April 29th will be added to the letter – stating this is the deadline to have everything cleaned up.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Lokken and carried, to proceed with the City Attorney regarding 300 2nd Street South. Vote 5-0.
I. SORDAHL – Michael Sordahl asked about the mosquito spraying that is done each year in Grove City. Sordahl would like to encourage those that have an ordinance to come into the City Office to discuss. Sordahl would like a list of all the ordinance violations at the next council meeting.
J. SIMOTA – Lorie Simota discussed the one bid she has for the kitchen remodel at the Community Center. Still waiting for one more bid to come in. The bid should be received before the next council meeting.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to adjourn the meeting at 7:41PM.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2024 AT 6:30 P.M.
Members Present: McCoy, Lokken, Sordahl, Simota
Members Absent: Evenson
Visitors Present: 1
The meeting was called to order at 6:30PM by McCoy.
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the agenda of the February 12, 2024 meeting. Vote: 4-0.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to approve the following by consent: Vote: 4-0.
1. January 8, 2024 Regular Council Meeting
2. January 2024 Fire Department Meeting
Total: $ 236,788.71
Payroll: $ 21,625.01
A. Meeker Cooperative Light and Power Association – Luke Johnson from Meeker Cooperative Light and Power came to discuss and present the Meeker Cooperative Agreement and answer any questions. Majority of the agreement discusses how Meeker Cooperative will help/support Grove City if we are need in need of assistance or overflow. No start up fee, costs come from labor/material, able to bring in other Coops to help if multiple counties/towns are without power.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve Resolution 2024-3 Declaring a Nuisance and Ordering Abatement for property located at 300 2nd Street South, Grove City, MN. Vote 4-0.
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the Variance Hearing for the property owner at 110 2nd Street North at the March City Council meeting. Vote 4-0.
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to approve Minnesota Beer Company Renewal License at 510 Atlantic Avenue as presented. Vote 4-0.
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Sordahl and carried, to approve the Haying City Property Agreement as presented. Vote: 4-0.
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the Truck Fund as presented. Vote: 4-0.
G. 2024 BUDGET
Motion by Simota, seconded by McCoy and carried, to approve the 2024 Budget as presented. Vote: 4-0.
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the purchase of a plow for the silver truck from Crysteel. Vote: 4-0.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the company Stericycle to come and shred documents for the City Office at a minimum charge of $235.00 on an as needed basis. Vote: 4-0.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the quotes from Floor to Ceiling for apartment 203 kitchen floor and flooring in the garbage room. Vote:4-0.
Motion by Sordahl, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve that any electrical service project over $5000.00 will require a 50% down payment of the total service, before service will begin. Vote: 4-0.
A. RESCUE – New Rescue Chief Mike Dahl discussed how he is learning the position.
B. FIRE – Chief Joe Jans discussed that Brandon Thompson retired. Jeremy Boeyink is working on the grants-needing council signatures for a one year warranty for $1500.00 – will service the equipment.
D. CLERK – Would like to attend the Minnesota Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers Association Annual Conference in March.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve Alysia Listerud to attend the MCFOA Annual Conference on March 19-22, 2024.
b. Safety and Loss Control Workshops are available for any council member or office staff to attend.
E. PUBLIC WORKS - Shannon Roering discussed Dakota Supply Group (DSG) coming and replacing the city water meters. Roering would like to have DSG come and speak to the council and answer any questions they might have. DSG would be able to help with a Lead and Copper Ruling report that is due to the state in October 2024. Roering also discussed the Lift Statin Pumps and the issue with grease build up. Had an issue arise and no alarms went off.
F. MCCOY- Jason McCoy discussed the unemployment insurance letter received from a past employee, this matter will be sent to lawyer to draw up an appeal. Discussed the need for more parking areas for Hwy 12 and the possibility of using an old road that has since been covered with grass. Talked to the owner of the building next to Agave, and the possibility of purchasing. The owners of Agave talked to McCoy about the possibility of putting a few tables outside the front of their entrance and on west side of building, they were instructed to present at a council meeting.
G. EVENSON – Absent
H. LOKKEN – Gabra Lokken discussed the dates for the Spring Cleanup and adding this to the billing statements. Also talked about the ordinance procedures and process.
I. SORDAHL – Michael Sordahl brought information regarding grease traps to help with the grease building up. Talked with the state plumbing inspector. We can require that these be installed.
J. SIMOTA – Lorie Simota talked about the bids she has received for the kitchen remodel in the community center. One bid has been received for $40,000.00 and is waiting for the second one to come back.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to adjourn the meeting at 8:09PM.
MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 2024 AT 6:30 P.M.
Members Present: McCoy, Evenson, Simota, Lokken
Members Absent: Sordahl
Visitors Present: 2
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by McCoy.
Operations and Maintenance Agreement – Tabled until the February meeting.
Motion by Evenson, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the agenda of the January 8, 2024 meeting. Vote: 4-0.
Motion by Evenson, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the following by consent: Vote: 4-0.
1. December 11, 2023 Regular Council Meeting
Total: $ 133,258.12
Payroll: $ 51,413.40
Trisha Larson spoke regarding her January 29th deadline to clean up her yard. States she has been trying to clean this up but has physical and time limitations. Lokken stated that she should contact local churches to possibly help her with clean up. Due to the many complaints the city has received from neighbors and the multiple letters Larson has received the deadline of January 29th would be kept as is.
A. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT – Motion tabled until February meeting. Needs more discussion.
Joe Jans reported that he found no other cities charge fire calls besides the Atwater Fire Department. The council will discuss this again in one year at a township meeting.
Motion by Simota, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the Land Rental Agreements for Paul Martin and Matt Weseman in the amount of $240.00 per acre as presented. Vote: 4-0.
Motion by Evenson, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the Fee Schedule as presented. Vote: 4-0.
Motion by Evenson, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the Personnel Policy as presented. Vote: 4-0.
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the process of obtaining a credit card from Grove Bank in Grove City for office use. Vote: 4-0.
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Evenson and carried, to approve Resolution 2024-2. Resolution appointing presidential nomination primary election judges for the election on March 5, 2024. Vote: 4-0.
Motion by Evenson, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve the Annual Appointments as follows: Vote: 4-0.
Weed Inspector: Jason McCoy
Mayor: Jason McCoy
Acting Mayor: Sheldon Evenson
Health Inspector: Meeker County Public Health
Buildings Commission: Sheldon Evenson and Mike Sordahl
Utilities Commission: Michael Sordahl and Shannon Roering
Official Newspaper: Litchfield Independent Review
Official Depositor: Grove Bank of Grove City and 4M Fund
Parks and Playground: Shannon Roering and Sheldon Evenson
Streets: Sheldon Evenson and Michael Sordahl
Police Commission: Jason McCoy and Sheldon Evenson
Ordinance Commission: Lorie Simota and Gabra Lokken
Personnel Committee: Jason McCoy and Gabra Lokken
Finance Committee: Jason McCoy and Gabra Lokken
South Grove: Lorie Simota and Gabra Lokken
Data Practices Compliance Official: Alysia Listerud
City Attorney: Jay Squires; Rupp, Anderson, Squires & Waldspurger
City Engineer: Bolton and Menk Engineering
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Evenson and carried, to designate the 2nd Monday of each month for the regular business meetings. Occasionally conflicts will arise that will warrant changes to regular scheduled meeting dates. Vote: 4-0.
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Simota and carried, to designate the first Wednesday of every month for Workshop Meetings. Occasionally conflicts will arise that will warrant changes to workshop meeting dates. Vote: 4-0.
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Simota and carried, to approve Resolution 2024-1 regarding access to Grove City’s checking and savings account. Jason McCoy, Chris Ransom, Sheldon Evenson, and Alysia Listerud will have access. Vote: 4-0.
L. City of Grove City Ordinance Tags – Tags will be used as door hangers and printed on neon green paper. The new tags will allow the city to check off the appropriate ordinance violations. Council agrees with the look/sample of tag presented.
A. RESCUE – Chief Thomas reported they had a new applicant from Grove City. Alysia Listerud will work on getting the correct new employment paperwork to the applicant. Thomas asked about what we knew about the Truck Fund. Alysia reported that an email was sent out to the 4 townships about records regarding the Truck Fund. Thomas stated that it all depends on the Truck Fund on what type of vehicle they can purchase.
B. FIRE – Jeremy Boeyink spoke regarding a grant they received to purchase new gear for the fire department. Boeyink stated that they would be over by about $20,000 and asked that the city pay for the out-of-pocket expenses.
Motion by Evenson, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the fire department to order new gear as proposed with help from the city on out-of-pocket expenses totaling around $20,000. Vote 4-0.
Chief Jans asked if the city could be hired to plow the parking lot at Trinity Church. McCoy stated that he does not want to use public equipment to do private locations.
C. SHERIFF – Sheriff Swisher reported that other than the report, everything has been good. Lokken stated she would like to see the street names listed on the report again.
D. CLERK – Alysia Listerud will be attending Election Judge Training on January 18th at the Meeker County Courthouse. Listerud asked if she could attend the MCFOA (Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers Association of MN) Training on January 26th at the cost of $20.00.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve Alysia Listerud to attend the MCFOA Training. Vote 4-0.
E. PUBLIC WORKS – Public Works Supervisor Shannon Roering would like to finish the replacement of LED lights at South Grove. Roering received 2 quotes and Buer Electric was the cheapest. There is a grant from Heartland Energy that will help pay for 50% of the total costs.
Motion by Evenson, seconded by Lokken and carried, to approve the changing of lights to LED lights at South Grove as presented by Roering. Vote 4-0.
Roering asked to send Jack Ramthun to the MRWA Technical Conference in St. Cloud on March 6-8th to receive his license. The cost is $275 per person. Roering would also like to attend the conference to get his water license if there are no conflicts with him attending.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Evenson and carried, to approve Roering and Ramthun to attend the MRWA Technical Conference. Vote 4-0.
Roering brought up the need to purchase pressure relief valves to help clean out the fire hydrants.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Lokken and carried, to purchase pressure relief valves to clean the hydrants. Vote 4-0.
Roering brought up his concern regarding the contract for backup electrical services. Concerned that they would not be able to help if multiple counties went out as well. McCoy stated that the motion was tabled so that it could be further discussed.
Evenson questions Roering regarding the “No Smoking” sign that was placed inside the doors at South Grove and the confusion as to where this sign should be placed. As it stands right now it looks like you can smoke inside the vestibule. The sign should be placed outside. Roering will look into getting another sign to be placed outside the doors and will check the other doors to make sure they have signs.
F. MCCOY – Received bids regarding replacement blinds for the office and community center space.
Motion by McCoy, seconded by Lokken and carried, to accept the bid from Interior Design Studio for the total of $3728.00 to replace the blinds in the office and community center area. Vote 4-0.
G. EVENSON – Wants to make sure we are keeping track of who attends the council meetings and workshops. Alysia will make sure this is getting done.
Questioned who is plowing the alleyway behind the city building – this is private property and should not be plowed by the city. Roering will make sure that Ramthun is not plowing this location. Evenson asked if an office assistant is still needed to come into the office. As it stands right now, she is on an on-call basis.
H. LOKKEN – Would like to proceed with ordering the door hangers regarding ordinances. Sheriff Swisher will help with identifying ordinance violations and email the clerk when one is seen.
I. SORDAHL – Absent
J. SIMOTA – Discussed the kitchen remodel in the community center. The city received a donation for $15,000 for the remodel. Simota will work on getting prices/bids on appliances and countertops.
Motion by Lokken, seconded by Simota and carr
SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING November 27, 2023 @ 3:00 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT – McCoy, Evenson, Lokken, Sordahl and Simota
Interview for new City Clerk: Alysia Listerud was interviewed by the Council for the City Clerk position.
City Clerk Position: Council Member Evenson made a motion to hire Alysia Listerud for the City Clerk position at $30/hour along with $600 per month for health insurance and the hiring bonus of $2,000 per Heartland’s conditions, with background check pending. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. The motion carried with McCoy, Evenson, Lokken and Sordahl voting in favor and Simota opposed.
Grove City Special Council Meeting June 12th, 2023 @ 6:30 pm
MEMBERS PRESENT – McCoy, Evenson, Lokken, and Sordahl ABSENT – None
Mayor McCoy called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Fence Variance for MN Beer Company- Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve the fence variance for MN Beer Company. MN will need to pay the $200 fee for applying for the variance after the work was completed. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Council Member Evenson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Baily Kalkbrenner
Meeting Minutes
Grove City Regular Council Meeting
Monday November 13, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: McCoy, Evenson, Lokken, Sordahl, Simota ABSENT: None
Mayor McCoy called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: October 9, 2023
C. October 2023 Claim Totaling 116,299.98; Payroll $18,678.03
Council Member Evenson made a motion to accept the consent to the agenda. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Zoning Issues with R1 Property – The owner hasn’t returned the Mayor’s call. The City Public Works Supervisor will follow up with him.
Trailer Court – Tabled
City Clerk: Our final candidate for City Clerk withdrew their application. David Spencer did some recruiting of applicants and received responses from five candidates. He would like a clerk on board before the next council meeting. David Spencer will cut back on driving into the office starting on December 15. His fees will be doubled after the 15th to $50/hour. Council Member Lokken thanked David Spencer for his help.
Employee Reviews and Increases: Council Member Lokken made a motion to adjust the Public Works Supervisor’s hourly wage by $2 retroactive to August 1, 2023 and increase it another $2 effective December 1, 2023 for his 7-year merit. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor. Council Member Sordahl made a motion to increase our housekeeper’s hourly wage by $2/hour. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor. Council Member Lokken made a motion to increase the Public Works seasonal worker’s hourly wage by $2/hour. Council Member Simota seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Money Markets: Mayor McCoy made a motion to close two money market accounts and transfer up to one million into one account. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Liquor Licenses: Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve Lucky’s Liquor Renewal License at 216 Atlantic Avenue. Council member Simota seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor. Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve Honkey’s Liquor License renewal. Council member Sordahl seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Parking and Speed Limit Signs: The bid is two signs for $9,600. They will arrive in two weeks. Discussion ensued regarding moving the 30 mph speed limit sign further west of the intersection of Highway 4. Council member Simota will investigate our options. Jake brake noise ordinance signs were discussed.
2024 Budget: David Spencer provided the council with a draft of the 2024 Budget. The water and sewer fund is the healthiest fund.
Bolten and Menk 2023 Street Project Pay Request #1: Council Member Sordahl made a motion, subject to the Mayor’s approval, that we will find out what is due now for completed work. Council Member SImota seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Approval of Collateral Substitutions: Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve the Substitution of Collateral notices from Grove City Bank. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-23 Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve Resolution 2023-23 A Resolution Certifying Past Due Utility Billings and Garbage to the Meeker County Auditor for Collection with Property Taxes. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-24: McCoy made a motion to approve Resolution 2023-24 Resolution Appointing Presidential Nomination Primary Election Judges for the Election of March 5, 2024 for election judges Lacey Clark and Robin Puckett. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Ordinance Violations: Council Member Lokken made a motion to have the City attorney write up the letter to 300 2nd Ave. Evenson. Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor. Council Member Evenson made a motion to approve the purchase and use of green door hangers for ordinance violations. Council Member Simota seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-25: Council Member Sordahl made a motion to approve Resolution 2023-25 Resolution to Adopt the Provisions of Minnesota Basic Code of Ordinances § 10.98 and a Schedule of Offenses and Voluntary Administrative Penalties. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-26: Council Member Lokken made a motion to approve Resolution 2023-26 Resolution to Designate Members of the City Ordinance Committee as a Body Responsible for Determination and Enforcement of Ordinance Violations. Council Member Simota seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Fire: They got the $5,000 DNR Matching Grant. This is for the sled unit that goes in the back of the 4-wheeler. Chief Jans will work with Chris on it. They’re still working on getting the turnout gear using the grant for that. They hope to order it in two weeks. Mayor McCoy would like to be notified of the Fire Relief Meetings. Council needs to approve the minutes from Fire and Rescue and this will start in 2024. Discussed how to handle bills for the Fire Department. David Spencer requested a meeting with Chief Jans before the township meeting. Fireman’s banquet is the first Saturday of December in Manannah.
Rescue: Chief Thomas presented an invoice for Ridgewater training. There is a box of fire turnout coats that needs to be returned for names to be velcroid on the back of the coats. Chief Thomas asked if background check had come back for a new member. Invites to the Holiday Dinner were distributed to Council members.
Clerk’s Report: Sales Tax overpayment situation has been taken care of and our account has been credited. Penalties will not be refunded due to the poor payment history. Council Member Evenson commended David Spencer on the work he has been doing for us. Filing in the office needs to be straightened out.
Public Works: Public Works Supervisor Roering recommended we send Jack Ramthun to electric meter school in Marshall, February 6-9, 2024 for $680 plus mileage and hotel. In the spring he can go for his water license. Council Member Lokken made a motion to send him. Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Plow truck is ready. Need the tabs. Mayor McCoy will get the tabs for it tomorrow.
Mayor’s Report: Mayor McCoy hasn’t heard anything regarding the unemployment hearing verdict. The digital sign is ready to use. McCoy will schedule a training meeting.
Council Member Evenson’s Report: Council Member Evenson discussed the pickle ball court and recommended checking with other contractors for the pickle ball court since it didn’t get done this fall. He reminded the council again of the overdue November 1 deadline for a residence to replace a roof and siding. Mayor McCoy will follow up on it.
Council Member Lokken’s Report: Council Member Lokken will purchase Christmas pots from the Dance Team. She continues to research costs for city banners and lighting and has been helping out in the City office as needed.
Council Member Sordahl’s Report: Council Member Sordahl brought up the retaining wall at the Barker residence which started falling apart. The resident doesn’t care if we fix it or remove the retaining wall. It is fixed for now. He said he won’t be able to be at the workshop next month on December 6.
Council Member Simota’s Report: Nothing to report.
ADJOURNMENT: Council Member Evenson made a motion to adjourn at 8:26p. Council Member Simota seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Meeting Minutes
Grove City Regular Council Meeting
Monday, October 9, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: McCoy, Evenson, Lokken, Sordahl, Simota ABSENT: None
Mayor McCoy called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: August 14, 2023
C. Ratify December 11, 2023 at 7pm for the public meeting regarding final tax levy to County Auditor.
Council Member Sordahl made a motion to accept the consent to agenda. Council Member Simota seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Taylor Williamson from West Central Sanitation came to answer questions and presented names to the Council of delinquent payers. Mayor McCoy made a motion to accept the list of payers and have their delinquent amounts assessed to their property taxes. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Council Member Sordahl asked if recycling dumpsters would be available if we wanted them and they would be.
Mayor McCoy read aloud the correction to the August 14, 2023 minutes regarding lawful gambling managed by St. Phillips.
Summer Rec: Andrew Hallin gave a report of the summer rec program. There were kids from 20 different families at $10 per activity. Eight volunteers were involved. Cenex provided discounted pizzas. He presented a report of his expenses. Suggestions for future planning are to start advertising sooner, allow coordinator to make equipment purchases under an equipment budget, and purchase an adjustable basketball hoop if basketball is continued. Participants requested more than just 3 sessions. Council Member Evenson mentioned that next year there should be a pickleball court available in town. Council Member Lokken made a motion to approve a payment of $2,200 to Andrew Hallin for the remainder of the $2,500 summer rec contract. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Community Room Rental: Jeff Doty and boy scouts from the Atwater Boy Scouts Pack 221 requested utilization of the Community Center again this year. Council Member Evenson made a motion to allow to them to use the Community Room on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 7pm during the 23-24 school year. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Bank Investment Options: Tabled.
Liability Waiver Form: Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve the liability waiver form to complete the property and casualty renewal for 2023-2024. Council Member Simota seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Residential Property Zoning Violation: The property at 201 5th Street North is an R1 zoned property with three apartments in it, which is in violation of R1 zoning. Owner will be sent a letter informing them of the zoning violation and possible options.
Retaining Wall Damage: The retaining wall at the corner of 117 3rd Street N has broken blocks. Public Works will add it to their work schedule. Public Works will add repair of it to their work schedule.
New Lindstrom Ave Address: The property at the east end of Lindstrom has been submitted to the county as 99 Lindstrom Avenue East. A motion was made by Mayor McCoy and seconded by Council Member Evenson to approve the address and the placement of a modular home on that property. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Discussion ensued regarding holding of water between 99 Lindstrom Ave E and 101 Lindstrom Ave E. Public Works will look into a solution.
Ordinance Violations Enforcement: Members of the community have requested more enforcement of lawn and nuisance property violations to help the town look better. Mayor McCoy made a motion to change the property ordinance violation process and send a letter to the community explaining the new process. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
MMUA Services Agreement: Council Member Evenson made a motion to approve the 15-month contract for $16,339. Council Member Simota seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Lions Club Charitable Gambling Application: Lorie Simota and Rhonda MccCoy from the Lions Club are requesting a permit to have lawful gambling at Agave Mexican Cocina in Grove City. Council Member Evenson made a motion to allow the Lions Club to have lawful gambling at Agave Mexican Cocina at 218 Atlantic Avenue in Grove City and for approval of their premises permit application. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council Members Evenson, Lokken and Sordahl voting in favor and McCoy and Simota abstaining.
Utility Rates: Mayor McCoy made a motion to increase the base rate $1/month per utility. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Wings Gym Rental: The organization requested use of the South Grove gym again this year. Council Member Evenson made a motion to charge $20 per day for the rental of the gym. Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council Members Evenson, McCoy, Lokken and Simota in favor and Sordahl opposed.
Township Meeting: The next township meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 7pm.
Rescue: Rescue Chief Thomas will give Mayor McCoy the information needed to order the bracket that was approved last month. Council instructed him to put together a budget for FY24 to be ready in time for the township meeting. Chief Thomas continues to try to find a new rescue vehicle. It will cost $90K or more for a 4 wheel drive. A background check needs to be done on a new rescue and fire member. She will be put on the squads pending background check. Mayor McCoy will get the background check done.
Fire: Council instructed Fire Chief Jans to put together a budget for FY24 to be ready in time for the township meeting. They are being shown turnout gear and air packs which they can order with the grant. Controlled burns aren’t able to be done right now.
Clerk Report: no report.
Public Works: Supervisor Roering requested permission for Jack and himself to attend the Heartland Winter Workshop. Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve their attendance and mileage and Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Mayor’s Report: Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve the Salvation Army Heat Share Assistance Program for 2023-2024. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Mayor McCoy received a request for a South Grove apartment and garage lock change. Council clarified that residents can request lock changes and it will be at their own expense.
Evenson’s Report: Council Member Evenson reminded the council of an impending November 1 deadline for a residence to replace a roof and siding.
Lokken’s Report: Council Member Lokken is in the process of obtaining costs for city banners and lighting. She gave an update on the Clerk’s office and recommended rerunning ads for a new City Clerk. Council Member Sordahl made a motion to rerun ads for City Clerk and Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Sordahl’s Report: Council Member Sordahl asked if the committee list has been updated. He would like to have descriptions about committee functions. He would also like to see the City Shop get cleaned up.
Simota’s Report: Council Member Simota suggested that we review and amend the quiet time ordinance. She suggested changing the monthly workshop time to the afternoon. Council decided to hold workshops at noon on the Wednesday before the City Council meeting instead of at 9am.
ADJOURNMENT: Council Member McCoy made a motion to adjourn at 8:33p. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Meeting Minutes
Grove City Regular Council Meeting
Monday, September 11, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: McCoy, Lokken, Sordahl, Simota ABSENT: Evenson
Mayor McCoy called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBER APPOINTMENT: Mayor McCoy appointed Lorie Simota to the end of the 2024 term and regular election. Mayor McCoy swore in the new council member, Lorie Simota.
CONSENT TO AGENDA: Mayor McCoy made a motion to accept the consent to the agenda, excluding payroll. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
VISITOR RECOGNITION: Sheila, the City Engineer gave an update on the street project. Work was done last Wednesday. Seal coating is coming in on Wednesday and the project should be done on Wednesday. Sweeping will be done beforehand. No parking on Wednesday and no parking signs will go up earlier. Mayor McCoy asked about the pickleball court. Sheila said that she told the contractor to get the pickleball court done this fall. The GIS portion is done. Mayor McCoy made a motion to accept the contract for the GIS system with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. for $1,247. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Updated Zoning Map: Sheila will get us updated copies of zoning maps once we provide her with the work former Mayor, Jesse Hudec, and Council Member Lokken did with the rezoning over a year ago.
Online Banking Access: Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve online banking access for the City of Grove City with Chris Ramson having authorization to access accounts online. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Preliminary Tax Levy Motion: Council Member Sordahl made a motion to raise the preliminary levy to $240,813.00. Council Member Simota seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
South Grove Deputy Office and Keys: Keys are made. Deputy Swisher is meeting with City Maintenance tomorrow to see what he needs for his office. Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve a new lock and separate keys for the new Deputy’s office. Council Member SImota seconded. Motion passed with all members voting in favor.
City Clerk-Treasurer Job Description: David Spencer has completed a draft of the job description.
MCFOA Reg 3 Meeting: Council Member Lokken made a motion to send Mayor McCoy and David Spencer to this meeting on September 21, 2023 for $20 each. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Main Street Beautification: Discussion ensued about having decorative lights on both sides of the streets and Falcon banners and flowers like what other towns have. Council members will investigate costs and ideas.
ACGC Dance Team Gym Use: Mayor McCoy made a motion to allow the ACGC Dance Team to use the South Grove gym for their dance practices. Council Member Sordahl seconded. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
City Office Interior Updates: We will obtain estimates for paint, stripping of wallpaper, and two sections of horizontal blinds. Will work on budgeting for updated cabinets and countertops. Will investigate funding options like grants, and gambling monies.
Southwest Initiative Foundation: Council Member Lokken made a motion to donate $100 to the Southwest Initiative Foundation. Council Member Sordahl seconded. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve the EDA invoice to Chappell Central, Inc. for their #8 draw of $28,111.40. Council Member Sordahl seconded. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Rescue: Josh reported that there is a new member wanting to join who is already EMT certified and firefighter I and II certified. She wants to join as a firefighter as well. She’s been given the application and has been interviewed by Rescue and needs to be interviewed by Fire. David Spencer provided Josh with the remaining budget amounts for Rescue. Some rescue gear will need to be replaced as it’s getting close to the 10-year mark. Josh will get estimates of gear and will discuss next year’s plan and budget and 5 year and 10-year plans with David Spencer. Rescue will look through their hall and determine what can be thrown away regarding gear and equipment. Rescue needs a charging card and bracket for the Lucas device. The mount is $625 and the charging cord is $530.
Council Member Sordahl made a motion that Rescue replace the mount and cord up to $1500. Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Clerk Report: A new hard drive was ordered in an effort to organize the computer files. Discussed computer training for the new Clerk and Deputy Clerk for Banyon. Cross-training will take place between the Clerk’s duties and Deputy Clerk’s duties.
David Spencer reported that he is working on getting the $40,000 overpayment of sales tax back. He also tried to get the $ 1,500 penalty forgiven for the late payment of sales tax 4 times in the past 25 months, but to no avail. David Spencer will figure in cost-of-living increases in the budget. The deputy clerk would like $20.25/hour retroactive to when the Clerk voluntarily resigned on August 14. Jack is overdue for his six-month raise and CDL increase. These increases will be retroactive.
Mayor McCoy made a motion to raise Chris’ pay to $20.25/hour retroactive to August 14, 2023. Council Member Lokken seconded. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Mayor McCoy made a motion to retroactively increase Jack’s hourly wage to what was negotiated for the six-month probationary period and for receiving his CDL, per the November 2022 minutes. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Public Works: Nothing to report.
Mayor’s Report: Reviewed the final design of the City Hall sign. Reviewed Minnesota unemployment insurance paperwork submitted by the former Clerk.
Mayor McCoy made a motion for Council Member Simota to receive a key to the community center and City office. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Lokken: Council Member Lokken typed up a Community Reminder page and provided 725 copies for the CARES flier that will be mailed out. The City will cost share with the postage. The temporary office assistant hours will be adjusted to an as-needed basis. David Spencer requested that the office assistant work 11a-1p daily and from 10a-4p when he or the Deputy Clerk are out of the office. Council Member Lokken has been volunteering nearly daily in the City Office since August 15. She was offered pay for the portion of time spent preparing meeting minutes but refused the pay and suggested it be reevaluated in October.
ADJOURNMENT: Council Member Sordahl made a motion to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Meeting Minutes
Grove City Emergency Council Meeting
Wednesday, August 24, 2023 at 3:00 PM
MEMBERS PRESENT: McCoy, Evenson, Lokken and Sordahl ABSENT: None
Mayor McCoy called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.
Kalkbrenner Resignation – Discussed what needs to be done after receiving Kalbrenner’s voluntary resignation letter. Council Member Evenson made a motion to remove Baily Kalkbrenner, along with former council members Mike Halterman, and David Larson from all bank, credit card and online accounts. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Mayor McCoy made a motion to add Deputy Clerk Chris Ransom to our checking account to temporarily sign checks until a new City Clerk is hired. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
City Office Access – Mayor McCoy made a motion to grant City office access to all council members, Sheriff’s deputy and City Maintenance Supervisor. Council Member Evenson seconded. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Key Policy – Referenced City of Fischer's key policy to use as a template for Grove City’s key policy. We have a check out sheet for keys. Council Member Sordahl made a motion to adopt and amend the City of Fischer’s key policy to include the Mayor, Council members, Sheriff’s Deputy, City Maintenance Supervisor, City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Staffing of Office – Mayor McCoy and Council Member Lokken have been volunteering their time to staff the office and informed the council what they have been working. Discussion ensued about interim staffing possibilities for the office. The Council talked with David Spencer, a certified and experienced City Clerk with over 35 years of experience who assists cities through transitional periods. Heartland has provided a grant application for a signing bonus of $1,000-$2,000 which has been submitted back to Heartland.
Temporary City Office Employees – Council Member Michael Sordahl made a motion to hire Parisa Rostamkhani as a temporary part-time Office Assistant at $20/hour from 10am to 4pm Monday through Friday, and to hire David Spencer as a temporary part-time employee for $25/hour plus mileage as his schedule allows, and to hire Lacey Clark to help with payroll and ordinance violations at $25/hour if she is interested. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor McCoy and Council Members Evenson and Sordahl voting in favor. Lokken abstained.
City Clerk Vacancy Posting – The City Clerk position will be offered first to our Deputy City Clerk, Chris Ransom. Pending her decision, a vacancy for either the City Clerk or Deputy Clerk will be posted. Council Member Lokken will prepare the posting. Council Member Sordahl made a motion, contingent on Chris Ransom’s decision, to hire a City Clerk for $20-$30 hour, dependent upon qualifications, or a Deputy Clerk for $15-$25/hour. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Adjournment: Council Member Sordahl made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Meeting Minutes
Grove City Regular Council Meeting
Monday, August 14, 2023 at 6:30 PM
MEMBERS PRESENT: McCoy, Lokken and Sordahl ABSENT: Evenson
Mayor McCoy called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
CONSENT TO AGENDA: Mayor McCoy added Key Policy to the agenda, Aaron VanDuinen and letter from League of Minnesota Cities. Clerk Kalkbrenner requested to add her immediate and voluntary resignation to the agenda. She provided a copy of her resignation letter to each council member, turned in the City recorder and keys to Mayor McCoy and exited the City Hall. Council Member Sordahl made a motion to accept the consent to agenda. Council Member Lokken seconded. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Brenda Grates and Andrea Carew from St. Phillip’s Church presented regarding MN Beer Company’s request for them to manage pull tabs. Mayor McCoy made a motion to allow St. Phillip’s church to have pull tabs at MN Beer Company. Council Member Lokken seconded. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Brian Peterka presented the City Council with information regarding haying of City property and a letter demanding $4,500 within 45 days to avoid further action against the City. He left information for the Council to review and submit to the City attorney.
Speed Signs: Tabled.
Fall Clean Up: Council Member Lokken made a motion to have a fall clean up on Saturday, October 7, 2023 from 8a-12p with no TV’s. Council Member Sordahl seconded. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-22 Joint Powers: Council Member Lokken made a motion to approve the Resolution 2023-22 Joint Powers agreement. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
City Council Interview Questions: The council reviewed examples of interview questions. Council Member Lokken will type up the questions for the next workshop.
Shirts for Council and City Staff: Tabled.
Camping Signage: Council will work with Maintenance Supervisor Roering on a list of camping rules.
Emergency Management Training: Council Member Lokken expressed interest in this free online training. Maintenance Supervisor Roering and Fire Chief Jans might also attend on either August 24 or August 29, 2023.
2022 Financial Report: David Euerle presented regarding the 2022 financial statement and provided handouts to the council members. He explained the financial trends and balances for each fund. Mayor McCoy signed a letter accepting the audit. Mr. Euerle will submit it the audit to the state auditor and provide a pdf copy for the City to provide to the USDA. Council Member Sordahl made a motion to approve the financial report. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Key Policy for City Office: Council reviewed examples of key policies from other cities. Council Member Sordahl recommended a temporary key policy. Discussion ensued as to who has keys, who should have keys and who will cover the City office in order to answer calls and be available to the public as much as possible. Mayor McCoy had contacted the City attorney and Council Member Lokken called the League of Minnesota last week who told her that there are no restrictions against council members having keys to the City office. Discussed that the Maintenance Supervisor and County Deputy should have keys to the office too for emergencies. Council Member Sordahl made a motion to give City office keys to the Mayor, Maintenance Supervisor Roering and Deputy Swisher.
Deputy Office: Discussion ensued regarding a suitable office space for Deputy Swisher. The City must provide an office with sole access only to the Sheriff’s department. Council Member Lokken made a motion to designate the old rent office at South Grove for Deputy Swisher. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Public Works: Maintenance Supervisor Roering discussed curb painting and an estimate received of $0.50/foot with a $400 minimum. Council decided to wait until the streets and crosswalks are redone. The Jetter truck is broken. Mayor McCoy made a motion to fix the Jetter Truck for $3,000. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Fire: Chief Jans reported that he received an estimate from 201 Building Supply of $2,300 for materials and $2,000 for labor to remove a support wall in the fire hall. Council Member Lokken made a motion to have the wall removed for a maximum of $4,500. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Chief Jans also reported they got a grant for $157,000. The City and the Townships have to kick in $7,500. This grant will be used for turnout gear and SCBAs. They have a committee who will determine how to spend the funds. Discussion ensued about the Township meeting which was scheduled for August 15, 2023. Due to the resignation of the City Clerk, the council decided to cancel the meeting and notify the townships via email. Mayor McCoy mentioned the Emergency Management webinar to Chief Jans. Chief Jans submitted a bill to be paid against the training budget.
McCoy: Discussed an abandoned house. The County won’t pay to clean it up. From a safety standpoint for the public, the City can go onto the property to cover doors and windows and mow it. Discussed trees that need to be trimmed on 2nd Street in order to provide better viewing for drivers and asked Maintenance Supervisor Roering to ensure the parade route looks good. Discussed whether bathrooms and dumpsters for Windmill Days had been ordered.
Lokken: Council Member Lokken mentioned she called the League of Minnesota Cities to ask if directives can be given to employees at workshops. They said yes and that decisions can also be made at workshops if there is a quorum present. She reiterated that the League said the council can go into the office and that confidential information needs to be concealed. Lokken also mentioned that she has received complaints about unreturned voicemails. She mentioned that the CARES lease needs to be printed without the DRAFT watermark on it so that it can be signed by the CARES board. The former clerk was unable to remove the watermark. The date and the amount of the rent needs to be added but otherwise the lease has all of the wording requested by their attorney. Lokken reported that 35 properties are in violation of the nuisance property, lawn and weeds ordinances. She mentioned that someone is going to need to be given access to the City website so that it can be updated with the minutes in the absence of a City Clerk. Lokken used to have access and Sordahl has web development experience. Lokken had a question about semi-trucks and trailers being parked on 2nd Street because the City ordinance says that no semi-trucks and trailers are allowed to be parked in residential areas. Maintenance Supervisor Roering will check into it more to see if the county truck route supercedes our City ordinance. Roering mentioned that the county isn’t responsible for plowing 2nd Street within the City limits. Lokken mentioned that she will try to help in the office as much as possible.
Sordahl: Council Member Sordahl made a motion to accept the resignation of Baily Kalkbrenner. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Sordahl initiated discussion about how the City office should be covered. Council members cannot be hired by the City to work in the office so it is volunteer work for council members. It was suggested to call a special or emergency meeting to get someone hired to help out. Sordahl would like the League to come in so we can ask questions regarding the City Clerk position.
Adjournment: Council Member Sordahl made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Regular Council Meeting July 10th, 2023 @ 6:30 pm
MEMBERS PRESENT – McCoy, Evenson, Lokken, and Sordahl ABSENT – None
Mayor McCoy called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Agenda- Kalkbrenner asked to add a quote from Arrow Glass for the Fire Hall window to Old Business. Mayor McCoy made a motion to add the window quote to Old Business. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Mayor McCoy made a motion to accept Consent to Agenda. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor McCoy and Council Members Lokken and Sordahl voting in favor. Council Member Evenson obtained.
SHEILA – BOLTEN & MENK- Sheila gave an update on the GIS Mapping project that was started. Sheila presented a few quotes to the council from Joe Riley Construction. The first quote is for Starktown Road. Council Member Evenson made a motion to rescind a previous motion to allow $2,500 for fixing Starktown Road and approve the quote from Joe Riley Construction for $4,220. Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
The second quote from Joe Riley Construction is for project #1 (storm sewer replacement/asphalt paving) and project #2 (Ulla Avenue) for the street project. Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve both Project #1 and Project #2. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion failed with Mayor McCoy and Council Member Lokken for the motion and Council Members Evenson and Sordahl opposed. Council Member Evenson approves project #2, and Bolten & Menk investigate prices a little bit more. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Pickleball Court- a pickleball court 30’x54’ will roughly cost $13,000 with 12” of gravel and 2” of bituminous. Council Member Evenson made a motion to use 6” of gravel and 2” bituminous for the court once the parks committee finds a location in town for it. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
TRAVIS – 201 BUILDING SUPPLY – Travis was not present although he had spoken with Roering and Kalkbrenner in previous days. Roering explained that Travis wants to add a driveway from third street south up to their property. Roering explained that he had met with Travis earlier and did not see any issue. Mayor McCoy made a motion to allow 201 to add a driveway to their property from third street south with the stipulation that they continue to work with the public works department and keep the working sidewalk. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
AMBER MOYERS- Amber came to the council to discuss the ordinance violation letter that they received. With that, she asked the council what she could do to fix up the property when the people they are buying the house from are not allowing them to get a permit for the house and do the work. The council discussed and gave three months until October 1st, 2023, to work out with the property owners and get a plan. The Council decided that there would not be any penalties until that time.
BILL PETERKA & ROSIE DILLEY- CARES – Rosie Dilly came to the council to ask the council for their approval of adding concrete to the South end of South Grove Square where the adult exercise equipment is being placed by the CARE program. With that, the CARE program had benches to be added to the area and a swing to be added on the East side where the playground is now donated. This cost is all on the CAREs program and is equipment that will be donated to the city for South Grove.
COMMUNITY SIGN – Council Member Lokken made a motion to spend up to $42,000 + the cost of the electrician to install a Digital Community Sign off the City Hall building. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor McCoy, and Council Members Lokken and Sordahl voting in favor. Council Member Evenson opposed. Kalkbrenner explained to the council that the City had not spent any of the ARPA funds and that this project will be paid from that money.
ARROW GLASS- Council Member Evenson made a motion to have Arrow Glass come in and fix the Fire Hall window. Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
ASSESSMENT CONTRACT- Kalkbrenner presented the Assessment Contract from Meeker County to the council to allow the city to work with the county on assessments throughout the year. Council Member Sordahl made a motion to approve the Assessment Contract. Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
PLOW TRUCK – Roering explained to the council that Evenson and himself went and looked at a state plow truck that was going to go up for auction if not sold prior. Roering explained that the cost is $10,000 and that he had money in his equipment fund to purchase this. Council Member Evenson made a motion to spend up to $10,000 on a plow truck for the public works department. Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
SOUTHWEST INITIATIVE FOUNDATION DONATION- Kalkbrenner asked the council if they wanted to donate $100 to the Southwest Initiative Foundation again this year. Mayor McCoy made a motion to donate $100 to Southwest Initiative Foundation for 2023. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
RESCUE – no report
FIRE- Joe Jans reported the Fire Department will be doing a Fire Drill at South Grove Square with the residents on Monday, July 17th, 2023, at 6:00 pm. Jans also reported that they did finally receive the parts for the old fire truck, and it should be up and going for the parade.
Jans asked about possibly removing the wall in the rescue bay to allow more space for the trailer and side-by-side, as to get the trailer out you must move everything else out of the bay and then pull that out. Where if they remove to one interior wall then they could just hook up to the trailer from the north (alley) side of the building. Council asked Jans to investigate it further and get a quote or 2 on what it would cost, then come back to the workshop or meeting.
SHERIFF- 42 calls for June.
CLERK- Kalkbrenner asked the council to attend the Heartland Summer conference in Madison, SD on Tuesday, July 18th, 2023. Mayor McCoy made a motion to send Kalkbrenner and Ramthun to the Heartland Energy Summer Conference on July 18th, 2023, paying only mileage. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner asked the council about attending the MCFOA Region 3 Meeting and Training on Tuesday, July 25th2023 for $15. Kalkbrenner expressed that this training would be very beneficial to the council as well as city employees. Council Member Sordahl made a motion to send any board members and office personnel that wanted to attend the MCFOA Region 3 Meeting and training. Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner asked the council to go to the 2023 Clerks Academy on September 7th and 8th in St. Paul, MN. Kalkbrenner expressed that the council had not allowed her to go to the 2022 Clerk Academy and this is the only way to work toward my Clerk Certificates. It is a 3+ year program and is necessary for moving forward with learning her position to the fullest. The council decided to table until the next workshop to discuss further since Kalkbrenner was placed on probation and her training privileges were revoked.
PUBLIC WORKS- Roering asked the council to go to the 2023 MRWA Expo in Waconia, MN on August 31st, 2023. Cost of $150 for MRWA Members. Mayor McCoy made a motion to send Roering to the 2023 MRWA Expo in Waconia on August 31st, 2023, and cover training and mileage costs. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
MCCOY- McCoy had no report.
EVENSON- Evenson asked about updates on the pickleball court, which is still being worked through. Evenson asked if the interview questions could be discussed at the next workshop and if each member could come up with five questions that they would like to see asked of an applicant. Evenson asked if there was an annual inspection for the playground and other city property equipment. Kalkbrenner stated that she had put one together a few months back and the council approved it for the playground.
Evenson brought up to the council that “property inspection” should be added to Resolution 2023-01. This would be a person or persons in charge of going around the town for ordinance violations and not putting all the pressure on Baily. Sordahl asked for it to be put on the record that the city needs to “cut back” on the ordinance letters until we can come up with a better, more accurate procedure.
LOKKEN- Lokken approved the minutes and wanted on record that the minutes sounded like she misappropriated funds and that was not the intention and makes her look bad. Lokken stated that the Personnel Committee needs to set up a meeting. And will get together and possibly try to do the employee reviews after the August workshop.
SORDAHL- Sordahl asked Roering to look into and order the speed signs for town. Sordahl brought up the idea of having a Fall Clean-up day. Council will discuss this at the next workshop.
ADJOURNMENT – Mayor McCoy made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 pm. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Special Council Meeting June 12th, 2023 @ 6:00 pm
MEMBERS PRESENT – McCoy, Evenson, Lokken (late), and Sordahl
Mayor McCoy called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.
The council was presented with another application for the council vacancy. Council conducted an interview with Robin Puckett. Once the interview was completed, the council asked the candidates to leave the room for them to vote.
Council Member Lokken declined to vote, and a written vote was taken. Clerk Kalkbrenner gathered the written votes and tallied them:
Laurie – 1
Robin - 1
Neither one – 1
Kalkbrenner expressed that the Mayor can break the tie. Mayor McCoy asked the council what they would like to do. Council Member Sordahl made a motion to keep the vacancy open for a 3rd month. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor. Mayor McCoy stated that he would have a decision for the next meeting.
Kalkbrenner called the candidates back into the meeting and the council expressed that they were going to keep the vacancy open one more month with no explanation as to why.
Council Member Evenson made a motion to adjourn at 6:19 pm. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Baily Kalkbrenner
Grove City Regular Council Meeting June 12th, 2023 @ 6:30 pm
MEMBERS PRESENT – McCoy, Evenson, Lokken, and Sordahl ABSENT – None
Mayor McCoy called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm.
CONSENT TO AGENDA- Council Member Evenson made a motion to accept consent to the agenda. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Eli Vasquez – Eli presented to the council that he will be opening a Mexican Restaurant in the Wood N Boar building. Eli discussed that the name of the restaurant will be Agave Cantina, he will be serving traditional Mexican food along with smoked chicken and steak. This will allow everyone to find something on the menu. Eli presented that he plans to be open 6 days a week for sure and possibly every seven from 11 am to 10 pm.
Sheila – Street Project Timeline- Sheila presented the approximate timeline for Joe Riley Construction to come in and do the street work.
Basketball Court – Assessments- Kalkbrenner discussed with the council an offer to subtract the realtor’s cost of $1,500 from the initial $5,000 in assessments bringing the cost down to $3,500 and then 201 Building Supply agreed to pay half of the assessments, paying $1,750 and the city pays the other half. Kalkbrenner also expressed in a phone conversation with Earl Rich the Realtor, that he would like some compensation, if the city is willing. Council Member Evenson made a motion to split both the assessments and the realtor cost in half. Paying the assessments of $1,750 and the realtor of $750. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Cares lease – Mayor McCoy made a motion to accept the CAREs Lease with the changes from the CARE’s Attorney. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. The council discussed the repayment of legal fees since the CAREs program did not agree with the original lease presented and chose to create their own contract, forcing the city to have it reviewed by the City Attorney. Clerk Kalkbrenner expressed that the billing from the City Attorney is a couple of months behind so there are still some invoices that had not come in yet. The council decided to table the attorney fees until all invoices have come in and the city can look at them all together. The council discussed back pay for the months of rent lost since the original contract was presented, Council Member Lokken made a motion to charge $25 per month going back to April 2022, for a total of $200.00 in back pay. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Pond Haying- Council Member Lokken made a motion to grant Tom Forsyth the pond haying with a signed 1-year contract. Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with members McCoy, Lokken, and Sordahl voting in favor. Council Member Evenson opposed.
Mosquito Spraying – Council Member Lokken made a motion to have Clarke spray the streets and alleys for 9 weeks up to $4600. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Fee Schedule – Revised – Clerk Kalkbrenner presented the revised Fee schedule to the council with the change of the utility deposit and the addition of a golf cart permit, catering license, and three-phase (no demand). Council Member Lokken made a motion to accept the changes to the Fee Schedule. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Speed Signs- The council discussed some possibilities for speed signs on County Road 25 North of town and County Road 11 South of town for vehicles coming into City Limits. Council Member Sordahl made a motion to spend up to $5000 per sign for up to two signs for County Road 25 North and County Road 11 South. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Time Clock- Council Member Evenson stated that after talking with Roering he feels that the council needs to give trust to the employees to ensure that they are filling out their timecards correctly. The council decided to table this for 3 months.
Community Sign – Kalkbrenner presented the information from the prior year when we were looking at a community sign. Kalkbrenner also presented an updated price list. Council Member Lokken made a motion to spend up to $40,000 on a digital community sign. Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. Motion failed with no majority vote. Council Members Sordahl and Evenson opposed, Mayor McCoy and Council Member Lokken for it. The council decided to table for another month.
Golf Cart Stickers – Kalkbrenner expressed that in conversation with the deputy and other personnel a Sticker for Golf Cart permits would be most beneficial and easier to see who has a permit and not for Deputy Swisher. Mayor McCoy made a motion to purchase golf cart stickers through Ramsey Printing. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Rental Rehabilitation Program Deferred Loan Repayment Agreement – Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve the Rental Rehabilitation Program Deferred Loan Repayment Agreement. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-01 – Revised – Council Member Sordahl made a motion to accept the revised Resolution 2023-01 with the new appointments to committees. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-19: Recognizing National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. – Council Member Lokken made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-19: Recognizing National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-20: Council Member Evenson made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-20. Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-21: Grant Navigation Support – Council Member Sordahl made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-21: Grant Navigation Support. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-22: Adoption of Basic Code of Ordinances – Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve Resolution 2023-22: Adoption of Basic Code of Ordinances. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
South Grove Apartment- Council Member Evenson made a motion to use Floor to Ceiling for the carpet and linoleum replacement and for Luis to do the painting for up to $1700, for the apartment and the community center behind the bingo board. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Letter to Carlson Meats- Mayor McCoy made a motion to accept the letter written for Carlson Meats. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Heartland Security – Security System- Kalkbrenner presented a plan to upgrade the security system that the city already has, to accommodate the new internet. Council member Sordahl made a motion to install the new equipment for a cost of up to $245 and an additional $10 per month for the service. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Windmill Days- Mayor McCoy made a motion to donate $2500 to Windmill Days Committee for the city celebration. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner asked the council if they are going to be involved in the city parade this year. McCoy stated he will be in the parade and Sordahl should be around and able to be around, Lokken will be available on Sunday.
The council tabled approving dirt for the mud volleyball court until they got a quote in. Roering will work with Litzau Construction to get a bid.
Rescue- Chief Thomas came to the council with an update that they are still looking for a truck and debating about the style.
Fire- Chief Jans set up a fire drill for South Grove Square for Monday, July 17th, 2023, at 6:30 pm.
Sheriff-Deputy Swisher expressed to Kalkbrenner that the rescue email was wrong on the website. Swisher reported there were 33 calls. Swisher gave a report on the speed trap that was set to see the speed of traffic coming into town headed East. Lokken asked Swisher if motorized scooters were allowed on city streets. Swisher expressed that anything under 50cc can be driven without a permit.
Clerk- Kalkbrenner asked the council if they would be willing to have Aimee Gourlay and/or the City Attorney come in and discuss some rules and regulations with Open Meeting Law and other roles and responsibilities for the council and committees. Kalkbrenner reminded the council of all the training on LMC for the council and city staff.
Kalkbrenner explained to the council that McCoy and herself had met with Stephanie Johnson from Meeker County Emergency Management and went over some of the changes that need to happen to the Grove City Emergency Management Plan. Kalkbrenner expressed that Stephanie stated that there is some great online training for emergency management personnel, and since my involvement in the plan is so substantial that it would be highly recommended that I do the training. Kalkbrenner asked the council if she could attend the training. The council stated that it could be discussed further at a workshop but as of now, they would have to table the training.
Kalkbrenner brought up that there were quite a lot of scratches on the South Grove Gym floor from a group that had rented the Gym. Kalkbrenner asked if the council wanted to assess it more and charge the group any more for fixing as the scratches will have to be filled. The council stated that is what the deposit was for, and asked Roering to talk with Tom from the school about how to best fix it.
Kalkbrenner asked the council if she could purchase a sign for above the drop box as Chris and herself had discussed that there were becoming more and more payments dropped in other locations in town than at City Hall. Mayor McCoy made a motion to allow Kalkbrenner to order a sign above the drop box. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner asked the council how they would like to proceed with a property in town that the office does not have a forwarding address. Kalkbrenner expressed that Ransom has spoken with the county as well and no one seems to have contact information for next of kin on the property. Kalkbrenner asked if the city is to bill the last contract for record and then just assess taxes when bills are not being paid. The council stated that is the process for just following that until a next of kin is presented.
Public Works- Roering asked the council about getting a couple of A/C units for South Grove. Council Member Evenson made a motion to buy 2 extra A/C units for South Grove for up to $750 per unit. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Roering presented that Vibrant Broadband is interested in using some of the city poles to put overhead fiber in. Roering explained that Vibrant currently is paying $8.16 per pole to Paynesville for the use of their poles. Kalkbrenner expressed that the city does have a franchise agreement with Mediacom and that she can work with the attorney to draft a franchise agreement for Vibrant Broadband as well. Roering stated that there are 17 poles and felt that $10 per pole per year would be a good proposal. Mayor McCoy made a motion to have the lawyer write a franchise agreement written for $10 per pole per year. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Roering did talk with Joe Riley Construction about doing Starktown Road and mixing the Millings with Class 5 gravel to better support the road and not wash away. Roering stated that Joe Riley would be coming with empty trucks and that they could bring some class 5 for them.
Evenson- no report.
McCoy- Mayor McCoy brought to Roering’s attention about dandelions that more spraying should be done throughout the town. Also, North of Axel Ave, the council would like Roering to mow the ditch. Roering expressed that it is very steep, McCoy stated yes but that they would still like to see it mowed and sprayed.
McCoy would also like to see that the trimming around the gardens is better and that the piles of grass get cleaned up faster. Roering did state that he will investigate all of this and that his focus has been doing locates for Vibrant Broadband.
McCoy stated that the railroad will be replacing one of the rails Wednesday or Thursday this upcoming week and would like to see the parking spots blocked off for that to be done so the railroad does not need to worry about hitting vehicles or anything.
Lokken- Council Member Lokken expressed how she was to get a quote for flowers to be hung on the light poles. Lokken stated that when she was at Martins Greenhouse that she had gone ahead and purchased four baskets since she did not use the $100 allotment for the Community Center flowers. Kalkbrenner did express that in the future when money is designated to a specific location if all the money is not used that does not mean it can just be used elsewhere. Kalkbrenner expressed that it could be misperceived by the community if a council member just purchases something and asks for payment that hasn’t been authorized by the council. The council asked Roering if he had investigated pricing on a watering system. Roering expressed that he had not had time to investigate it as he was gone for a funeral. Council Member Lokken expressed to the council that she will be gone from June 23rd through July 4th, 2023.
Lokken was asked to remind the council that the South Grove building cannot be sold with a federal grant in process.
Lokken was asked by the CAREs board about getting a picnic table for up at South Grove at the South end of the building for their adult exercise area. The council expressed that if the city had an extra for Jack to put it up there. Lokken also asked for the CAREs program to have a set of adult swings put up by the playground at South Grove.
Council Member Sordahl made a motion for the city to donate $200 toward flowers each spring for the city. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Sordahl- Council Member Sordahl asked Roering to get prices for speed signs.
ADJOURNMENT- Council Member Evenson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Baily Kalkbrenner
Grove City Regular Council Meeting May 8th, 2023 @ 6:30 pm
MEMBERS PRESENT – McCoy, Evenson, Lokken, and Sordahl ABSENT – None
Mayor McCoy called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
CONSENT TO AGENDA- Kalkbrenner added April 20th, 2023, Special Meeting minutes and April 20th, 2023, Special Closed Meeting (taken by Lokken) minutes to the Consent to Agenda, as well letter M. under New Business for Resolution 2023-18: Designating Polling Place. Council Member Evenson made a motion to approve the consent to the agenda adding in the minutes from Special Meeting on April 20th, 2023, and letter M to New Business. Not adding Special Closed Minutes due to corrections needing to be made to meet statute requirements. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Chris Daniels-MN Beer Company- Chris and Roxanne came to the council to discuss the possibility of putting a pedestrian sign or a crosswalk in. As well as moving the speed limit sign that is near their business out past County Road 4 as vehicles leaving town tend to speed up well before they get out of town and with MN Beer Company opening soon, they want to try and prevent any accidents. Roxanne expressed that she had written a letter to the senator, and asked if there were some additional people to contact that she could reach out to, to try and get something done. Mayor McCoy stated that he would get Roxanne the number for the person that he reaches out to at the state.
Vibrant Broadband- A discussion to split the city for a few permits was had. Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve a single permit for Vibrant Broadband to come in and install fiber throughout the city. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
South Grove Flowers – Ardy Johnson – Council Member Lokken made a motion to spend up to $100 for flowers up at South Grove Square, paid to Ardy Johnson. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Community Center Flowers – Gabra Lokken- Council Member Evenson made a motion to spend up to $100 for flowers at the Community Center, paid to Gabra Lokken. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor McCoy and Council Members Evenson and Sordahl voting in favor. Council Member Lokken abstained.
GIS Mapping- Council Member Sordahl made a motion to spend up to $20,000 to have Bolten & Menk come in and GIS Map the city as soon as possible. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council Members Evenson, Sordahl, and Lokken voting in favor. Mayor McCoy opposed the motion.
Resolution 2023-17: Accept the Meeker County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan – Mayor McCoy made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-17: Accepting the Meeker County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-14: Designating Sale of Property – Council Member Evenson made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-14: Designating Sale of Property to 201 Building Supply. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Time Clock – Discussion was had about different options and that trust in the employees needed to be considered. Mayor McCoy made a motion to table until the next meeting. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Golf Cart Permit- Mayor McCoy made a motion to charge $10 for the Golf Cart Permits starting immediately. And requested that a notice be sent out in next month’s billing. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
General Waiver of Liability- Kalkbrenner presented a General Waiver of Liability for the City. Council Member Sordahl made a motion to approve the General Waiver of Liability. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
LMC 2023 Ordinance Book- Kalkbrenner requested to purchase of new general Ordinance books for Deputy Clerk Ransom and herself as the books that the City Office currently uses are outdated. McCoy asked Kalkbrenner what the big differences are. Kalkbrenner expressed that without going page by page, she would not know off hand, and reminded the council this is just the overall ordinances, not the local ordinances. The local ordinances will not change unless the council chooses to change them. Council Member Lokken made a motion to purchase new ordinance books for the City Office. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
LMC Duluth Conference (Jason and Michael) – Mayor McCoy and Council Member Sordahl requested their wives and themselves to go to the LMC Conference in Duluth this upcoming June 21st through 23rd, 2023. Council Member Evenson made a motion to pay for Council Member Michael Sordahl to attend the LMC Conference in June. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor McCoy and Council Members Evenson and Lokken voting in favor. Council Member Sordahl abstained.
Council Member Evenson made a motion to pay for Mayor Jason McCoy to attend the LMC Conference in June. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council Members Evenson, Lokken, and Sordahl voting in favor. Mayor McCoy abstained.
Public Comment Sign-up Sheet – Kalkbrenner presented a public comment sign-up sheet for moving forward with people wanting to be on the agenda or wanting to speak during the public comment section of the meeting. This will give the council more information to be better prepared for the people coming in as well, it will give the City Office more information for a quicker and more accurate follow-up. Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve the Public Comment Sign-up Sheet. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Employee Warning Write-Up Form- Council Member Lokken presented a Warning Write-Up form to Clerk Kalkbrenner. Kalkbrenner modified the form to fit the City of Grove City and gave it to the council. Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve the Grove City Employee Warning Write-Up Form. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Rescue- no report was given.
Fire-Clerk Kalkbrenner stated that Chief Jans had called her and given her an update to share with the council. Jans expressed that they did a controlled burn, and everything went well. Also, six new sets of turn-out gear had been ordered. And Jans applied for a DNR Grant.
Mayor McCoy did bring up as well that Joe, Josh, Shannon, Baily, Sam, and himself will be meeting with Stephanie Johnson to go over the Emergency Management Plan and update it. Kalkbrenner expressed she was still waiting to hear from Stephanie about a date and time.
Sheriff- 29 records reported.
Clerk- Clerk Kalkbrenner gave a list of city-owned properties to the council among other information for the council to put in their records.
Kalkbrenner gave an update to the council about the South Grove Project.
Kalkbrenner asked the council on behalf of Deputy Clerk Ransom about increasing deposit rates for New Businesses coming to town. Most businesses have higher utility costs than residential accounts. Kalkbrenner expressed that Ransom has had times when businesses leave and have unpaid utilities and the standard $150 does not cover. The council decided to talk about it at the next workshop.
Kalkbrenner asked for clarification on training. If she was able to still go to the prior approved IIMC Conference. As she had documents that said 6 months of no training, no further approved training for the next year, and no training until the end of the year. So, the clarification as Kalkbrenner was to go to training in May that was priorly approved. The council discussed that there will be no further training. Evenson expressed that the prior discussion was that the council wanted Kalkbrenner to remain in the office to learn more in the office, and proceeded to state that Kalkbrenner, in the last ten minutes said, “That is Chris’ job”. Kalkbrenner stated that utility questions are part of Chris’ job description. Evenson stated “Then you shouldn’t have said you know everything there is to know about the office.” Kalkbrenner stated that her job description should be changed if the council expects her to know how to do all utility billing. So, in December training can resume training. Kalkbrenner asked for it to be on record that she was asking the council to attend a PERA training on May 18th, 2023, as it is a very beneficial training to understand the changes and operations of PERA. It was a couple-hour course at most. Council Member Lokken asked if there was a way Kalkbrenner could have PERA come to do on-site training with her as TRA does for the school. Kalkbrenner asked if it is not an option for PERA to come out then what option does she have? Mayor McCoy stated that the council decided that there is no further training. Evenson asked for clarification from the past months’ training. Sordahl stated that he was feeling uncomfortable since questions were getting into personal situations again. Evenson asked about his questions, McCoy said he would like the answer, and Lokken stated that Kalkbrenner brought it up in her report so it can be discussed.
Kalkbrenner also asked for an update on where policy writing was at. When Aimee with the League was out the council discussed that they each would participate in updating policies and so far, nothing had been brought forward. Lokken asked what policies, and Kalkbrenner stated all policies. As Chis and Kalkbrenner were still having many issues in the office. Lokken explained that once school is out, she will start on personnel policies. Evenson stated he would look into specific policies for the property on Lindstrom.
Public Works- Roering asked the council if Jack and himself could go to the MMUA Safety Training on June 27th, 2023, at the Eagles in Litchfield from 1-4 pm. It is $200 per person. Council Member Evenson made a motion to send Jack and Shannon to the MMUA training on June 27th. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. motion carried with all members voting in favor.
McCoy- Mayor McCoy talked with Earl Rich about selling the old football field lots. Rich said he will come to talk to Kalkbrenner about what wordage needs to be on the listing. Evenson presented a list of values from years ago for the properties as they are divided.
McCoy talked to the trailer court owners after he drove through on his golf cart and felt scared.
McCoy brought up mosquito spraying for the city, he was going to get a bid for the next workshop. Kalkbrenner stated that Pest Pro is spraying the park for Windmill days and the bathrooms.
McCoy asked Roering to start getting alley holes filled in and grated.
McCoy expressed that he had a conversation with Linda Mickelson about the CAREs Lease and that it should be signed at the end of the month.
Evenson- Council Member Evenson gave an update on Starktown Road. Roering stated that if we have the ability to have the company coming in to do the road could help lay the millings and pack it while they are in town.
Lokken- Council Lokken asked if the city could purchase a laptop for the council to check out to help write some policies or other documents, as she does not like using the IPAD. Council Member Sordahl made a motion to purchase a laptop and Microsoft Office for up to $500. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Lokken stated that she would be purchasing flowers this Wednesday. Lokken also was confronted about having flowers hanging from the city poles. Roering expressed his concern with the extra time and maintaining the baskets. Roering as well stated that he would have to do some looking into brackets and what the State Hwy Department restrictions there are.
Lokken asked if Kalkbrenner would be able to ride around with Roering each week to write ordinance letters.
Lokken explained that McCoy would be taking over as the City Liaison for the CAREs Board.
Lokken asked about looking into 3, 5, and 10-year plans.
Lastly, Lokken asked about water that builds up off HWY 4 and backs into her brother’s house as well as other properties.
Sordahl – Council Member Sordahl asked about what is left to get the speed signs approved and up. Council will come back to the workshop with more information. Roering will call Tom at MNDot and see where we can get bids.
ADJOURNMENT- Council Member Lokken made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Council Meeting April 10th, 2023 @ 6:30 pm
MEMBERS PRESENT – Evenson, McCoy, Lokken, and Sordahl ABSENT – None
Acting Mayor McCoy called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
AGENDA- Acting Mayor McCoy requested that Old Business Letter A. be moved to the Visitor Recognition and Public Comment section. And striking letter H. under New Business until the May meeting. Council Member Sordahl made a motion to approve consent to agenda pending corrections. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Street Bid Approval: Bolten & Menk – Sheila- City Engineer Sheila presented the four bids that the city received to the council with all the breakdowns and specs from each bidder. A low bid came in with Joe Riley Construction at $316,136.50. Council Member Evenson made a motion to award Joe Riley Construction the Street Project. Acting Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Emily VanDuinen- Emily came to the council to ask about possibly using the South Grove Gym for the Homeschool Coop. on Wednesdays from 9-12. Emily expressed that as of currently they have seven families involved in the Homeschool Coop. Interim Mayor did inquire if Homeschool Coop held a non-profit status and if not if they were looking to obtain one. McCoy also stated to Emily that a discussion was had at an earlier EDA meeting that the EDA may have some funding to assist in the rental costs.
May Maurer Rogers – Adult Softball practice- May had emailed Clerk Kalkbrenner asking if the council would consider waiving part of the fee for the rental of South Grove Gym. Acting Mayor McCoy mentioned that May should go to the Grove City EDA and ask for their assistance in covering the rental fee.
Linda Nelson (8:07 pm)- Linda came to the council asking if they would be interested in her doing some cleaning for the city again. A discussion was had that the clerk’s office will be in contact with Linda if something opens.
Pond Haying- Council Member Sordahl made a motion to advertise letters of interest for pond haying. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with Acting Mayor McCoy and Council Members Sordahl and Lokken voting in favor. Council Member Evenson opposed.
Broadband- Council Member Lokken made a motion to table broadband decisions until further discussion and more options are explored. Acting Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Community Center Roof- Council Member Evenson made a motion to approve for All Elements to fix the Community Center Roof as they are going to be in town for South Grove Square roof repair already. Acting Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
LTP Well Quote- Council Member Evenson made a motion to approve the pulling of the Well and having it inspected for $2,030. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Chair Donation- Clerk Kalkbrenner stated that there was a resident’s daughter that had come into the office and asked if they could donate a chair to the South Grove guest room. Kalkbrenner presented the council with a picture of the chair and information relating to it. Acting Mayor McCoy made a motion to accept the chair donation for the South Grove guest room. Council member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
A+ Insurance: Pond Insurance – Acting Mayor McCoy made a motion to not purchase additional coverage for the wastewater ponds. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-11: Accepting Resignation and Declaring a Vacancy – Mayor – Council Member Sordahl made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-11: Accepting Resignation and Declaring a Vacancy – Mayor, striking the third “Whereas” paragraph, stating that interviews will be held, and an appointment would be made at the next council meeting. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Appointment- Council Member Sordahl made a motion to appoint Jason McCoy as the Interim Mayor for the remainder of the term. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council Members Evenson, Lokken, and Sordahl voting in favor. McCoy accepted.
Oath of Office- Kalkbrenner swore in Jason McCoy as the Interim Mayor for the remainder of the 2023-2024 term.
Resolution 2023-16: Accepting Resignation and Declaring a Vacancy – Council - Council Member Lokken made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-11: Accepting Resignation and Declaring a Vacancy – Council. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council Members Evenson, Lokken, and Sordahl voting in favor. Interim Mayor McCoy abstained.
Resolution 2023-12: Savings and Checking Access- Council Member Lokken made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-12: Savings and Checking Access adding Sheldon Evenson to the account and removing David Martin. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-13: Naming Windmill Days Volunteers as City Volunteers – Interim Mayor McCoy made a motion to approve Resolution 2023-13: Naming Windmill Days Volunteers as City Volunteers. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-15 Designating Mayor Pro Tem- Interim Mayor McCoy made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-15: Designating Sheldon Evenson as Mayor Pro Tem. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor McCoy and Council Members Lokken and Sordahl voting in favor. Council Member Evenson abstained.
Fire- Chief Jans informed the council that they have a scheduled burn at the end of April.
Jans stated the Turn-Out Gear Quote came back much higher than expected. Jans proposed that the city would purchase three sets now and three sets next year. Jans said that the gear is out about eight months from the date of order. Council Member Evenson made a motion to purchase all six sets right away. Interim Mayor McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Jans stated that if he could get a list of the number of people in each apartment and how many apartments, the Fire Department is looking to organize a Fire Drill up at South Grove on the first Monday of May.
Rescue- Chief Thomas asked the council about a Lucas bracket that he had sent over to the clerk’s office. The council expressed that if the Rescue Department was going to request an expensive item that the Rescue Department should come and explain the need to the council. Evenson stated that he had spoken with others about the bracket and that it was not a necessity for the money, Rescue could come up with some straps to hold the Lucas machine in place in the truck.
Thomas stated that he was continuing to look for Rescue rigs and will report back when he finds one.
Sheriff – There were 33 calls reported.
Clerk- Clerk Kalkbrenner asked the council about getting a folding machine for Deputy Clerk Ransom spends a great deal of time folding materials to be sent out in the mail. Interim Mayor McCoy made a motion to purchase a folding machine for the office. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Evenson- Council Member Evenson informed the council that he will be meeting with Elton Gravel to evaluate Starktown Road.
McCoy- Interim Mayor McCoy informed the council that he was going to look into costs for bug spraying the city this year since it may be a wet year from all the snow.
McCoy presented purchasing a time clock for city employees to clock in and out. In discussion, it was decided to get quotes before making a motion to purchase one. Sordahl was delegated to get quotes and bring them back to the council.
Lokken- Council Member Lokken asked to be involved with any of the Homeschool discussions moving forward.
Lokken suggested Kalkbrenner look into a program called Otter to assist in writing minutes.
Lokken asked if the Council Vacancy seat could be added to the website and the Grove City Lions sign. Kalkbrenner stated she would get it on the website. McCoy stated he would talk to Gordy with the Lions to put it on their sign.
Lokken asked the council about a flower allowance again for the City Hall planters. Interim Mayor McCoy made a motion to spend up to $100 toward flowers for City Hall planters. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Sordahl- Council Member Sordahl asked the council if they could consider electronic speed signs again for HWY 12 and County Road 25. Sordahl stated that it had been talked about before and feels it should be addressed again and come up with a plan moving forward.
Adjournment- Council Member Evenson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Regular Council Meeting March 13th, 2023 @ 6:30 pm
MEMBERS PRESENT – Martin, Evenson, McCoy, Lokken, and Sordahl ABSENT – None
Mayor Martin called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Martin wanted to recognize Gerald Rueckert who was a long-time mayor, business owner, and resident of Grove City who recently passed away, and thank the service that he did for the city.
AGENDA- Council Member Evenson pointed out a correction for the January minutes to change “Council Member Martin to Mayor Martin” and said we shouldn’t approve inaccurate minutes. Council Member Lokken presented minutes from the past clerk and other towns as an example showing no discussion only motions and that Lokken felt if we went back to this structure, it would help better structure the meeting minutes. Mayor Martin made a comment about liking the way the minutes were written. Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve Consent to Agenda with the changes to the January minutes. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor Martin and Council Members Evenson, Sordahl, and McCoy voting in favor. Council Member Lokken opposed.
SHEILA – BOLTON MENK – Sheila came to the council to ask if they wanted to open bids back up for the street project. Council Member Evenson made a motion to rebid the street project. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Bid opening is set for April 6th at 10 am.
SUSAN BARKER- Susan came to the council to ask about the possibility of adding a dog park to town. Council asked Roering to get quotes on 50’x150’ of fencing for the next meeting.
SUMMER REC SURVEY RESULTS – Kalkbrenner presented that there were 7 surveys returned for summer rec. With the number of surveys that were received, there were about 16 kids interested so far. Kalkbrenner explained that most will more than likely turn the survey in with their bills on the 15th. Council Member Lokken made a motion to move ahead with offering Summer Rec for Grove City. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
FARM RENTAL AGREEMENTS – Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve the Farm Rental Agreement for Paul Martin at a cost of $200 per acre. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council Members Evenson, Sordahl, McCoy, and Lokken voting in favor. Mayor Martin abstained. Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve the Farm Rental Agreement for Matt Weseman at a cost of $240 per acre. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
STARK TOWN ROAD- Council Member Evenson brought concern from a resident on Starktown Road. Council discussed some possibilities to try and help with the washout and get a better foundation. Tabled for further discussion.
LMC Liability Coverage Waiver- Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the LMC Liability Coverage Waiver. Council Member Sordahl seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
MN Beer Company Liquor License – Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve the MN Beer Company Liquor License. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Community Center Roof – Kalkbrenner explained to the council that the week prior there had been a couple of leaks in the Community Center Roof and that she had called West Central Roofing to come to take a look and fixed the leak. When West Central Roofing informed Kalkbrenner that there were numerous cracks in the roof they fixed what they could and sent a quote for a full replacement. Roering stated that All Season Roofing was going to be in town tomorrow for South Grove roof and Roering asked All Season Roofing to take a look and get an estimate as well. Kalkbrenner expressed that she did talk with the city’s insurance agent to do a claim from the 2022 May hailstorm.
STREET SWEEPING CONTRACT- Council Member Evenson made a motion to approve the Street Sweeping Contract for 2023 and option #2. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
RUGS FOR GYM- Council Member McCoy made a motion to purchase a 6x8 Waterhog rug for the doors between the hallway and the gym. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
SPRING CLEAN-UP- Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve having Grove City Clean-up days on April 22nd, and flyers to be mailed out with the next utility billing. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
RESCUE- Council discussed that the Lucas bracket that the Rescue department was requesting was not needed at this time and that they would table it until Rescue can come and present it to the council.
SHERIFF- 30 reports for the month of February.
CLERK- Kalkbrenner asked the council to change the April workshop from Wednesday, April 5th to Thursday, April 6th at 10 am. Council discussed that April’s workshop can change and then return workshops to Wednesday before the council meeting at 10 am.
Kalkbrenner was asked to bring up the possibility of the Post Office having a contract with the city for snow removal. Mayor Martin stated that maybe the Post Office could help the city with getting mail up to South Grove and we could remove the snow.
Kalkbrenner presented the council with a letter of support from South West Initiative Foundation asking for the city’s support of $100. Council Member McCoy made a motion to donate $100 to the South West Initiative Foundation. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
PUBLIC WORKS- The streets commission would like to get together with Shannon to discuss the plowing procedures in May sometime. Mayor Martin asked Roering what time he normally starts. Roering expressed that he tries to be in around 4 am. He has come in earlier but there are still some cars parked on HWY 12. Roering said he tries to watch the storm and gets to Grove City about the time the storm is done.
MARTIN- Mayor Martin reported to the council that there was a good EDA Meeting with the South Grove tenants to go over the process of the repairs to the building.
Martin expressed that a fire drill has not been had for quite some time with the tenants of South Grove and that the South Grove Committee should work to set up a fire drill with the fire department.
EVENSON- Council Member Evenson brought up that the city really needs to look at the maintenance and street budget and see what the city could put into the funds each year. Mayor Martin asked Kalkbrenner about how much was in the 4M Fund. Kalkbrenner expressed she would look and get back to the council.
MCCOY- Council Member McCoy asked if a building checklist could be put together for the building commission to go over each year with Public Works.
LOKKEN- Council Member Lokken asked about the website and who is back up if Kalkbrenner is not able to update the site. Kalkbrenner expressed that so far no one else has been trained on it but Chris does have access to it.
Lokken asked if Grove City has a reimbursement form. Kalkbrenner expressed that the city has a reimbursement form. Lokken asked for a copy at the next workshop for the council.
Lokken expressed that she was not able to attend the upcoming CARE meeting on Monday, March 27th, 2023 at 5 pm
SORDAHL- Council Member Sordahl asked if there was a list of all city properties. Kalkbrenner expressed she will get him a start-up council packet.
ADJOURNMENT- Council Member McCoy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Baily Kalkbrenner
Grove City Regular Council Meeting February 13th, 2023 @ 6:30 pm
MEMBERS PRESENT – Martin, Evenson, and McCoy ABSENT – Lokken
Council Member Lokken was called so she could participate in the discussion but abstained from voting.
Mayor Martin called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
CONSENT TO AGENDA- Kalkbrenner asked the council to strike minutes from the January meeting. Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve consent to the agenda, along with moving New Business item E to staff report Fire. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Custom Marble- Mayor Martin made a motion to remove the lines for three of the parking spaces on the east side of Custom Marble to allow access to their lot and shop. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
After a discussion with Custom Marble about parking, Mayor Martin made a motion for the city to purchase two “NO Parking Between Signs” signs to put at the entrance to Custom Marble’s driveway. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Shannon Eckhoff- Gambling Permit – Brenda Grates came to the council on behalf of the Church of St. Philip to present a Lawful gambling permit to be able to provide pull tabs and electronic pull tabs to the Wood-N-Boar. Council Member Evenson approved the Gambling Permit for the Church of St. Philips and Wood-N-Boar. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Gwen Cram- Cram came and gave an update on Beyond the Yellow Ribbon. Cram stated that the next meeting will be on March 29th, 2023. And Beyond the Yellow Ribbon is looking to have an Art in the Park event at some point when the weather gets nicer.
Summer Rec Survey / Andrew Hallin- Andrew presented a rough draft of some activities and how each will work per age group. Andrew worked with Kalkbrenner to put together a Summer Rec Survey for the upcoming summer. Mayor Martin made a motion to allocate $2,500 to the summer rec program if the city moves forward. Regardless if the city moves forward or not the city agrees to pay Andrew $300 for the time and resources that he has contributed. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all member voting in favor.
Council Member McCoy made a motion to spend up to $500 on new balls and equipment for summer rec and the south grove gym. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Rescue- No Report
Fire- Council asked Chief Jans if he had devised a 5-year plan for fire to present to the townships at the meeting. Jans stated that everything has always been the same as they need to update the truck, turnout gear, SCBAs, radios, etc.
MN Fire Department Grant- Mayor Martin moved to strike this item from the agenda as the Fire Department already utilized this grant and received a new dryer for their gear.
Sheriff- 44 calls reported.
Clerk- Kalkbrenner presented the contract for the Minn-E-Rods for the upcoming Windmill Days. Kalkbrenner asked if the city would pay the deposit to hold the date for now with the understanding that a location of where the pulls will be held is still up for discussion. Council Member Evenson made a motion to pay the $100 deposit for Minn-E-Rods for 2023 Windmill Days. Mayor Martin seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner asked the council about some training dates. Mayor Martin made a motion to send Kalkbrenner to the MCFOA conference on March 21st- 24th, covering class, room, and mileage. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor. Mayor Martin made a motion to send Kalkbrenner to the Loss Control and Prevention workshop on April 5th covering class and mileage. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor. Kalkbrenner also asked the council about attending the IIMC conference, which is held in different states throughout the nation, and the 2023 IIMC conference will be held in Minneapolis this year. Mayor Martin made a motion to send Kalkbrenner to the IIMC conference on May 13th-17th. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner asked the council about replacing the laptop for Public Works and the surface for meter reading could use replacing. Council Member McCoy made a motion to spend up to $750 on purchasing a new Surface 10 Pro. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Public Works- Roering brought a couple of quotes on replacing the gym lights up at South Grove. Roering stated there are 36 lights to swap over to LED and that some of the leftover funds from the project or a partial grant from Heartland could help offset some of the cost. Council Member Evenson made a motion to go with Ryan Buer Electric for $9,565 to do the work of replacing all 36 lights with LED lights in the Gym. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Roering expressed to the council that the pump for the lift station was inspected and pulled to fix, but after further investigation, it would be more cost-effective to just replace it all together. Roering expressed that there is a $1,800 difference between replacing a used one with a 1-year warranty or a new one with a 5-year warranty. Kalkbrenner expressed that from the mediation we did receive money for the lift station separate from the street project and that there is still money left from the $6,500 total given. Council did express that they would like Roering to investigate extending the warranty. Mayor Martin made a motion to spend $11,900 with a 5-year warranty, to get the lift station up and running. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Roering expressed that well 1 at the water tower is slowing down and wondering if he should get a price. To get it fixed or if the council wanted to let it just quit working and seal it up. Council asked that he get some pricing.
Roering asked the council to send him to a water school in St. Cloud for $275 plus hotel and mileage. Mayor Martin made a motion to send Roering to a water school in St. Cloud on March 7th-9th, 2023 to keep up with his hours. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Evenson- Evenson made a comment asking if the council should be voting on any papers/ forms that have corrections that need to be made.
McCoy- McCoy asked about who is on the Windmill Days committee. Kalkbrenner expressed that she was unsure of who will be on the committee at this time. There were a few people that stepped down. After the committee meets hopefully in the next month Kalkbrenner will have a better idea of how many people are needed for the committee and if we need to find more. McCoy would like to help with the advertisement and sales.
Lokken- Lokken expressed that she felt that the clerk should download the program Grammarly.
Lokken verified that the city will not be allowing chicken.
Lokken was a liaison for the CARE board and gave an update on how Meeker in Motion was impressed by the tour they were given.
Fee Schedule- Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve the fee schedule by raising Election Judge pay from $12 per hour to $14 per hour. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-1 – Mayor Martin expressed that there was a discussion at the prior workshop about committees. Martin asked Council Member Evenson if he still wanted to be on the Personnel Committee. Evenson declined. Martin also asked Evenson if he was willing to take the Acting Mayor position due to his sonority. Evenson declined the Acting Mayor position as well. Mayor Martin made a motion to approve Resolution 2023-1 with the following adjustments: Personnel Committee – Jason and Gabra, Streets Committee – Sheldon and David, Acting Mayor – Jason, Buildings Commission- Sheldon and David. With a stipulation that every 2 years the committees be changed to allow different members to experience other committees. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Old Basketball Court- A discussion was had at the workshop about possibly going with a realtor to sell the old basketball court. Doing so it would cover the city’s bases by having it advertised publicly and following the ordinances and a realtor would do the work instead of the office. Council discussed finding a realtor to sell the lot, fencing, and all that is with the lot. McCoy agreed to work on finding a realtor.
CARE Lease- Kalkbrenner presented changes suggested by a League of MN Cities attorney and changes suggested by or City Attorney as well. Kalkbrenner also expressed that after the request from Mayor Martin, Kalkbrenner also spoke with Jeff at A+ Insurance about how much liability coverage for the rental area should be. Jeff was going to be working with his underwriter and get back to Kalkbrenner. Kalkbrenner expressed that as soon as she gets a copy with the revisions back from the City Attorney, she will send it out to the council for them to review. At the upcoming CAREs Board meeting on February 27th,2023, Lokken as the city liaison could present it. Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve the lease with the recommended changes by the League of MN Cities and the City Attorney and asked Kalkbrenner to get the corrections made and send out a revised copy for review when returned. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Aimee Gourlay- Kalkbrenner expressed that in talking with Aimee that she wanted re-confirmation that it was still ok with the council to come out and do training with the council. Lokken expressed that maybe we should do this training after we have a new council member on board. Council Member McCoy made a motion to allow Aimee Gourlay with the League of MN Cities to come in and have a workshop sometime in April with the council and city employees, about roles and responsibilities among other things. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Mike Halterman Letter of Resignation- Mayor Martin made a motion with much reluctance to accept Mike Halterman’s letter of resignation and thank him for his time and dedication to serving on the city council. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor Martin and Council Member McCoy voting in favor and Council Member Evenson voting opposed.
Resolution 2023-9: Declaration of Vacancy – Council Member Evenson made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-9: Declaration of Vacancy. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Boyscout Gambling License- Jeff Doty with the ACGC Boyscout Troop 221 came to the meeting to request that the Boyscouts can apply with the help of the Grove City Lions to get a gambling license for a Bingo Fundraiser in March. Mayor Martin made a motion to approve the Gambling license for Boyscouts. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor. Jeff also asked the council if they would waive the $100 City Gambling Fee as this is a fundraiser event. Council Member Evenson made a motion to waive the $100 gambling fee for the 2023 year for the Boyscouts. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
ADJOURNMENT- Council Member Evenson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Regular Council Meeting January 11th, 2023 @ 6:30 pm
MEMBERS PRESENT – Martin, Halterman, Evenson, McCoy, and Lokken ABSENT – None
Council Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm on Monday, January 11th, 2023.
AGENDA- Council Member Lokken asked to move New Business item M to Old Business C. Council Member Evenson made a motion to not approve the December minutes. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor. Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept Claims and Payroll for December. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
NEW OFFICERS- Clerk Kalkbrenner swore in New Mayor David Martin, Council Member Lokken, and Council Member Halterman, for the 2023-2025 term.
Andrew Hallin-Andrew asked the council about utilizing the South Grove Gym to do an open gym on Mondays from 10 am to 2 pm. Council Member Lokken made a motion to allow Andrew to use the South Grove gym Mondays from 10-2, pending a background check. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner also brought up that when Andrew was in talking with her about if he would possibly be interested in doing summer rec for the city. Andrew expressed after meeting with Kalkbrenner that it would be something he could be interested in and asked the council what the next steps would be. Council asked that Andrew put together a program of activities and expectations and present it at the next meeting.
Jess Hopp- Jess and Brian Hopp came to the council to inquire about snow removal of Hwy 12. Jess expressed how she understood that we got more snow than anyone expected and that a few weeks prior snow had started melting and then the street and sidewalks were not being cleaned up as efficiently as they could be as an ice ridge gets left behind, which can raise safety hazards. Jess expressed that Brian was confronted by the Sheriff when he tried to help plow the street as well. McCoy clarified that the question was to just see that snow be moved quicker in front of businesses. It was stated that Brian is willing to help, and the council stated that he can help if he is willing, but it is too dangerous to do it at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Mayor Martin read a story about the incident that he had witnessed and described that a snowstorm during the day is handled differently than a snowstorm during the night. Martin expressed that he understands and wants everyone to keep an open mind and work together.
Matt Dahl- Mayor Martin went on record thanking Matt for purchasing the Midwest Metals building so it stayed occupied and not an empty building. Matt (Oakridge Construction) presented a building permit to the council for adding apartments in the original office space of the Midwest Metal building. Kalkbrenner asked the council if they felt that a variance is needed. Kalkbrenner expressed that per ordinance she was not able to find where a variance would be needed. Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve the building permit, contingent on county approval of plans. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Rescue- Chief Thomas reported that there were 6 calls for the past month and a total of approximately 87 for the 2022 year for rescue. Thomas stated that elections were held, and all officers stayed the same.
Fire- Council reminded fire that the doors to the Fire Hall need to be closed.
Sheriff- Deputy Swisher read the sheriff’s report of 32 calls for the month. Swisher went through the ordinance procedure for him and what he can and cannot enforce. Swisher expressed that ordinance violations such as garbage or junk in yards he is not able to enforce until it has gone thru the abatement process. Martin asked if he could enforce snow ordinances. Swisher stated that yes, he can enforce snow ordinances, but as a reminder if he does for one he does for all. Martin did bring up towing cars, Martin went on record stating the city will not have cars towed at this time due to snow, but tickets may be issued. Swisher stated that towing would be up to the city to contract with a towing company if we wanted cars towed.
Clerk- Kalkbrenner presented information on the Meeker County EDA meeting. Kalkbrenner explained to the council that the monies given in Lieu of Insurance have always been subject to PERA being taken out. Kalkbrenner expressed that her recent findings were that the “In Lieu of” and a few other circumstances are exempt from PERA. Kalkbrenner wanted it on record that as of the beginning of 2023, she would make these corrections and do a report on the past three years per PERAs request.
Kalkbrenner expressed about Aimee Gourlay coming in again from the League of MN Cities. Kalkbrenner gave a brief update on where things were at with that. Mayor Martin had received a phone call from Aimee and wanted some further information. Kalkbrenner will bring this up at the next meeting for council discussions.
Public Works- Roering gave an update that the work on Asta had been completed and the sewer had been videoed again and a copy was given to the clerk’s office.
Roering stated he was asked by Jason Johnson of the City of Atwater to bring the tractor over and help blow some big piles of snow that were potentially causing visibility issues. Council discussed that after Grove City snow is moved, they were fine with Grove City helping the City of Atwater.
Halterman- Halterman rescinded his reading of Oath of Office to re-read his with Council Member instead of Mayor.
McCoy- Council Member McCoy gave an update that he is still working on the basketball court and getting bid to fix what is there and/or remove it. McCoy stated that a new pickleball court 30’x60’ could run up to $23,850 plus dirt work approximately $25,000.
McCoy asked if there was a way to get the snow off the roof of the fire hall as it was falling between the buildings and causing drifts to overhang onto the sidewalk. McCoy stated that he did not want to see all the snow melt between the buildings and get water in the basement of his business.
Lokken- Council Member Lokken had brought up to the council about citizens coming to the council when they cannot pay their bills. Kalkbrenner expressed that this was just changed in the last year per council approval and that residents would have to now come before the council and express concerns. Lokken also stated about better resources for residents on applying for assistance. Kalkbrenner also stated that Ransom is required to follow a great deal of steps and informing the residents of their options for help is one of the biggest things she advocates for. Kalkbrenner expressed as well that changing the policy has helped get residents to pay a little more on time.
Lokken is talking with the CARE Program about the use of the Oak room which may be a privacy rope. Theater type could be purchased and run from the Oak Room door and across the hallway with a sign stating, “Residents only”. Lokken stated she would get a quote for ropes for the next meeting.
Care Lease- Linda Mickelson with the CARE Board along with other board members was present. McCoy mentioned that he revised the contract the city wrote to include the use of the Oak Room if a resident of South Grove is always present. Council had received a copy of the lease at the end of the last meeting from Halterman. Halterman expressed that the CARE board had donated thousands of dollars and that the CARE Program is an essential part of what the South Grove residents live for. Kalkbrenner expressed that she had sent it to the League of MN Cities Attorney to look at the lease. Kalkbrenner presented the recommendations to the council. Kalkbrenner stated that she did not send it to the city attorney and that the league’s attorney services are free since the council told Kalkbrenner that she was not to talk to the city attorney without prior approval. Linda stated that the lease from the city was not a suitable lease, therefore their attorney wrote up a different lease agreement. Linda went over some of the times and information in the lease. McCoy voiced how he was not in agreement with using the lease that was written by the tenants of the building instead of the one provided by the city. Lokken expressed that she did not agree with some of the wording on the lease provided by the CARE Program.
Council Member Halterman made a motion to charge the CARE Program $25 rent per month. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. In further discussion, McCoy stated how Halterman needed to rescind the motion as it is a conflict for him to vote with his wife on the board and that Lokken should also refrain from voting as she is on the CARE Board as the city liason. Halterman rescinded his motion. Mayor Martin made a motion to charge the CARE program $25 rent per month for their space at South Grove Square. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carries with Martin and Evenson voting in favor. Council Member McCoy opposed. Council Members Halterman and Lokken abstained.
Mayor Martin made a motion to work off the CARE Programs lease that they drafted and have the city attorney make his recommendations and the League of MN Cities attorney recommendations and present it back at the next council meeting. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner asked for a motion to be able to send the lease to the city attorney as the council had expressed to Kalkbrenner that she was not to speak to our attorney without prior council approval. Mayor Martin made a motion to send the CARE Program lease to the city attorney. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
CARES Gambling Fee- Andrea Dallmann came to the council to ask about getting the $100 Gambling permit fee reimbursed as they did not understand why they had to pay it. Andrea expressed how it was not needed since they were only having one raffle. Kalkbrenner explained that she had a meeting with Andrea, Jesse, and herself before the permit was approved explaining why the additional forms were needed. Council Member McCoy made a motion to refund the $100 with the reminder that the fee will apply if they need a city gambling permit again. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
South Grove Mail Delivery- Council discussed that for now, we will leave the process of delivering mail at South Grove as it has been until further discussion is had.
Resolution 2023-1: Annual Appointments and Meeting Dates- Council Member Halterman asked for changes to be made. The discussion was had, and it was decided to table Resolution 2023-1: Annual Appointments and Meeting Dates for the upcoming workshop to discuss committees further.
Resolution 2023-2: Access to City Checking and Saving- Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-2: Access to City Checking and Saving, adding David Martin as a signer on the accounts. Mayor Martin seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-3: Mayor Pro Tem- Council Member Lokken made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-3: Mayor Pro Tem. Appointing Michael Halterman as the Mayor Pro Tem. Council Member Martin seconded the motion. The motion carried with mayor Martin and council members Evenson, McCoy, and Lokken voting in favor. Council Member Halterman abstained.
Resolution 2023-4: Designating Official Newspaper- Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-4: Designating Hutchinson Leader as the Official Newspaper. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-5: Designating Official Insurance Agent- Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-5, designating A+ Insurance as the City’s official insurance agent. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-6: Pre-Authorized Payments- Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-6 allowing Kalkbrenner to make pre-authorized payments as necessary. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-7: Designating Official Depositors- Mayor Martin made a motion to accept Resolution 2023-7 Designating Grove Bank as the City’s Official Depositor. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2023-8: Designating Building Inspection Program- Council Member Halterman made a to accept Resolution 2023-8, designating Brian Fehrenbach as the City’s Official Building Inspector. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Fee Schedule- Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the fee schedule as written with the exemption of Election Judge pay. Council asked Kalkbrenner to research other cities to see what they are paying for the next meeting. Mayor Martin seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Rental Deposits- Mayor Martin made a motion to return the deposit for Rosie Dilley less $36 for the two hours of cleaning it took the city’s cleaning personnel and the salt use after she had rented South Grove gym and rooms. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Cybersecurity Assessments – Heartland- Kalkbrenner presented a proposal from Heartland Energy for Cybersecurity for the electric data that the city receives from Heartland for no cost to the city. Council Member Lokken made a motion to join Heartland Energy’s Cybersecurity Assessment. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Certificate of County Board Classification of Forfeited Lands- Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve the Certificate of County Board Classifications of Forfeited Lands. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
South Grove AEDs and Training- Lokken stated, as the liaison for the city on the CARE Board, that the CARE Board was wondering if the city is keeping track of when the AEDs expire and keeping on top of them. Also, the city could set up training for the CARE Board on how to operate the AEDs. McCoy asked if this was training for rescue to know how to use it. Lokken stated no it was for the CARES Board, so they know how to properly use them. Kalkbrenner expressed that the city is not responsible for training organizations of residents on how to use the city equipment.
Grove Bank ACH Agreement- Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the Grove Bank ACH Agreement allowing the bank to charge the city a fee for all ACH payments made. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Workshop to come before the next upcoming meeting.
ADJOURNMENT- Council Member McCoy made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:42 pm. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Baily Kalkbrenner
City Clerk-Treasurer
Regular Council Meeting December 13th, 2022 @ 6:30pm
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT – Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken ABSENT - None
AGENDA- Council Member Evenson made a motion to accept Consent to Agenda. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Tania Drange- Tania came to the council to present her sewer kept backing up into her basement. After having it inspected by her plumber, it was determined that the line from the clean out to the street did not have the proper decline to the connection to the city sewer main. Roering also had Jason Johnson from Atwater used his camera to verify the problem and it was determined that when the sewer was connected from Reiner’s that it was not done correctly. Council Member McCoy made a motion to get a bid and complete the work from where Reiner’s connected to the street. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Apartment Check List- South Grove Committee found a checklist online to follow for the procedure of moving in or out of the city owned apartments (South Grove Square). Kalkbrenner expressed that some of the information on the list is not relevant to the apartments but that it could be revised. Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve the checklist with corrections. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Load Management Survey- Kalkbrenner presented the results of the survey and that they were less than pleased at the number of surveys returned. Also, Ransom and Kalkbrenner are still working to figure out how to get better data on the whole system.
Welcome to Meeker County Guide Project- Lokken presented that she had been approached about being a part of the Welcome to Meeker County Guide Board. Lokken agreed to be on the board and gave some information to the council about how it works and that we could link the city website to it as well.
Resolution 2022-11- Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept Resolution 2022-11 to Adopt the 2023 Fund Operating Budget. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2022-12- Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to accept Resolution 2022-12; Declaring the Land as a Surplus and Authorizing its Sale. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2022-13- Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to accept Resolution 2022-13 to Approve the 2023 Levy. Raising the levy 1.5% ($221,697) for 2023. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Library Phone- Kalkbrenner expressed that she had set up for Arvig to come in and install new phones and internet for the City Office. With that, Kalkbrenner stated that the city pays for the library’s phone as of now and is wondering if we could switch the library from Century Link to Arvig as well. Kalkbrenner told the council she had already spoken with Beth Cronk, the head librarian and ok’d the switch with her. Kalkbrenner expressed that it could save the city quite a bit as we are paying on average $110 per month just for the library. Council Member McCoy made a motion to switch the phone service for the library from Century Link to Arvig. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Law Enforcement Contract – the Law Enforcement Contract was presented to the council. Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve the Law Enforcement Contract. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Training Repayment Agreements- the council had asked Kalkbrenner to put together agreements for a repayment agreement for training that licenses would be obtained for. Kalkbrenner put together a training repayment agreement for Fire, Rescue and Utility Maintenance. Evenson stated that per the League of Minnesota Cities that the city could not require employees to pay back training costs. These agreements were not approved and were discussed that the City of Grove City will not have a training repayment agreement.
D.A.R.E- Kalkbrenner presented a donation letter from the D.A.R.E program. Council Member McCoy made a motion to donate $250 toward the D.A.R.E program. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
RESCUE- Chief Thomas came to the council to ask about raises for fire and rescue as well as the training officers and secretaries. Kalkbrenner looked back at prior minutes, and it was discussed to increase but a motion was never made. The council had stated to bring it up at the next Township meeting. Kalkbrenner had presented numerous times that a raise was brought up, but no motion was made. Kalkbrenner also stated that raises like that normally happen for the following year. Council. Member Evenson made a motion to increase the pay for Fire and Rescue from $14 to $15 and back dating to March 1st, 2022, along with increasing the Training Officers and Secretaries salary by $100 per year. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
FIRE- Interim Mayor Halterman asked fire and rescue if they have any Buddy Bears. Halterman had seen that Abate was donating Buddy Bears to be distributed by fire and rescue personnel after an accident of many sorts to children. Chief Jans and Chief Thomas both agreed it would be a good thing to have and that they had a few from before. Jans stated they would take ten if Abate wanted to donate them.
Chief Jans asked the council for approval to purchase three new sets of gear for fire. They have hired new volunteers and unfortunately do not have proper gear for them. Jans expressed that some of the members that have been there for some time would be receiving the new gear and their gear would be handed down to the new members. Council Member McCoy made a motion to purchase three sets of fire gear for $3000 per set. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Chief Jans asked for the blessing of the council to purchase a Side-by-Side to aid the fire department to and that the Fire and Relief Association would pay for it as they have been banking a good amount of money from donations and such. This machine and trailer would cost about $18,000 and be purchased from Mies Outland. Jans asked for the blessing of the council. McCoy stated that this would be going under the City’s insurance as well. It would be stored behind the grass rig in the Fire Station. The council gave their blessing.
SHERIFF- Sheriff’s report showed 41 calls for the month.
CLERK- Kalkbrenner asked the council to take two vacation days the 29th and 30th of December. Kalkbrenner stated that the biggest conflict would be paychecks for the end of the month, and she asked if she could do checks on the 28th before year end. Council agreed that it would be fine to take the time and do checks on the 28th.
PUBLIC WORKS- Roering brought up to the council that the lift station pump needs some work due to water getting into some of the oil. Given the backups that the city had last spring he wanted to have it looked over and updated. Council Member McCoy made a motion to have Quality Flow come in and inspect and fix the lift station pump for $4,225. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
HALTERMAN- Interim Mayor Halterman asked Kalkbrenner what the process was for renting the city building spaces. (Gym/Rooms or Community Center). Kalkbrenner expressed that upon reserving, the rental agreement must be filled out to save the date as well as the rent for the space be paid, with the deposit being paid at the time of pickup of the keys. Halterman stated that he had a rental agreement in front of him that stated that the deposit is due at the time of reservation and the rental fee is due at time of key pick up. Kalkbrenner expressed that it had been changed over the summer since we found out that a deposit check was only good for 6 months. The office does not cash the deposit checks and so instead had switched it around. Kalkbrenner expressed that she thought she had gotten the agreement changed and that she will look at it again and be sure it is worded correctly.
EVENSON- Council Member Evenson asked about the Ordinance violation letters and about how the process works and what consequences are to be had, as there has been no consequences. Lokken stated that the ordinances do state the deputy is to enforce any citations necessary. Kalkbrenner expressed that in talking with the deputy that it is at his discretion to who and when he wants to give a citation and Lokken stated the deputy wants to be sure the city sends a letter first. Kalkbrenner agreed.
Evenson asked again about the basketball court and if any movement has been made as Travis is wondering where we are at with it. McCoy stated that he hadn’t gotten any bids back for the courts but that he would have some by the end of the following month.
Evenson asked about the process of when the minutes are done and how they are advertised. Kalkbrenner expressed that once the minutes are approved, she prints 5 copies for city hall and puts them on the website. Kalkbrenner stated she used to put 150 copies out. The cost of paper and ink has increased substantially. Council discussed that from now on minutes would be put at City Hall and South Grove.
MCCOY- Council Member McCoy asked about reports for the township. Kalkbrenner stated that a township meeting will happen before March.
McCoy stated that the Lions Club had put lights down at Windmill Park and that they had 38 cars the first day and 52 cars the second day. Halterman asked about in the future of maybe lighting up the windmill.
LOKKEN- Lokken had purchased the decoration for the front of the City Hall. Lokken suggested that next year the city purchase the wreaths directly from the Lions Club, and the planters from the dance team.
Lokken had stated that Halterman had asked for her to join the CARE board and represent the city. Lokken stated that the CARE board meetings are the 4th Monday of the month.
Lokken stated that she was asked about if it is possible for some kids to play broom ball on Grove Lake. Kalkbrenner and other council members stated no it was to much of a liability for the city to have any involvement.
Lokken brought up that she suggested to the CARE board about getting a rope, to rope off the tenant side with a sign of the South Grove to direct traffic into the Oak Room.
Lokken brought forth to the council about laying hens in town. With the cost of eggs going up, if there is a possibility for residents to have laying hens to cut down the cost. The council discussed that a survey could be done if Lokken wanted to put one together. Kalkbrenner stated that it is a large process to change the ordinances.
ADJOURN- Council Member Evenson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
MEMBERS PRESENT- Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken ABSENT – None
AGENDA- Council Member Evenson made a motion to approve Consent to Agenda. Kalkbrenner asked to add under new business, Abstract of Votes Cast as the results had been sent to the City Office earlier that day. Council Member Evenson amended his motion to include the Abstract of Votes Cast. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Janell Martinson - Janell with the Cokato Fire and Relief Association came to the council to ask to approve the Cokato Fire department to take over the Gambling License for Honky’s. Council asked if Cokato was going to donate the 10% for the city, donate to the school’s booster club, as well as additional funds for playground equipment and etc., as the city has been doing now with the current gambling license holder. Council decided to table this until they have more time to research.
Roxanne Landers & Dave – Dave and his partner is looking to sell two of their lots to MN Beer Company. Dave came to the council to ask the council if there was a possibility to abandon the remainder of the alley that goes into the lots that they are looking to sell. Roxanne expressed the intentions of the lots are to create a parking lot behind her business, she asked the city if she needed to have an easement with the city for utilities. Council expressed that at this time there is no need to abandon the alley or a reason for the easement as there are no utilities that will be on the parking lot.
September 12th, 2022 – Council Member Evenson made a motion to approve the September 12th, 2022, minutes. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Debit Card - Kristie from Grove Bank came to the council to discuss the option of a debit card for the city. Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve getting a debit card for Baily to use on behalf of the city with a $500 daily limit. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with Interim Mayor Halterman, Council Members McCoy and Lokken voting in favor. Council Member Evenson opposed.
Open Position – Jack Ramthun – Interim Mayor Halterman discussed that the personnel committee has conducted two interviews with Jack. Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to hire Jack at $21.00 per hour with benefits to start right away and 6 months to obtain a Class B license and a 6-month probation period with a review at that point. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2022-9 Accepting Donation – Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept Resolution 2022-9. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2022-10: Certify Past Due Bills – Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to approve Resolution 2022-10. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Cleaning at South Grove and New Apartment- Council Member McCoy brought to the council’s attention some cleaning issues that occurred at South Grove Square and in apartment 215. McCoy took some pictures of the areas that were not cleaned well and spotty paint areas in apartment 215. Council asked if there was a check list for when an apartment is vacated. Kalkbrenner stated that she was not aware of one. The South Grove committee agreed to create a checklist and present it at the next meeting.
Abstract of Votes Cast – Interim Mayor Halterman read thru the Elections results. Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to accept the Abstract of Votes Cast. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Fire- Chief Jans presented to the council that the four Metered Gas Detectors they had ordered came in and they have been a great asset to the Fire Department. Joe also expressed that he hired 2 new firefighters after the background checks came back clean. Jans also expressed he received an application for another member that is currently on the Atwater Fire Department. Jans expressed that he would need a different radio to do both departments. Kalkbrenner expressed that the applicant should stop in and fill out a background check and that she would get it sent.
Rescue – Chief Thomas brought to the council about purchasing a new defibrillator for the rescue squad. Thomas stated that a new defibrillator would cost about $1,800. Council Member Evenson made a motion to purchase a new defibrillator up to $1,800. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Thomas also asked the council about possibly purchasing new radios for rescue. Thomas expressed that radios are running about $3,500 per radio.
Sheriff- Steve with the Sheriff’s office came and gave the Sheriff’s report of 41 calls.
Clerk- Kalkbrenner was asked from a resident at South Grove for additional keys for their apartment. All additional keys would be signed for by tenant and key holder. Council decided that since the contract comes with 2 keys they did not feel that additional keys should be given out.
Kalkbrenner asked the council to change the regular meeting date. Kalkbrenner expressed that on December 12th, 2022, the Truth and Taxation Special Council Meeting would still have to take place at 6pm. Council decided to change the regular Monday, December 12th, 2022 meeting to Tuesday, December 13th, 2022 at 6:30pm With the EDA Meeting starting at 6:00pm.
Public Works- Shannon asked the council to attend Heartland’s winter conference. Council Member McCoy made a motion to send Shannon to Heartlands winter conference, paying mileage and food. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Shannon also asked the council if he could purchase a draw down gauge. Shannon currently is using a rope and this tool would be more efficient than what he is using now. Council Member McCoy made a motion to purchase a new draw down gauge. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Halterman- Wondering about a starting date for Jack. Shannon stated that Monday, November 21st would work fine. Halterman was going to reach out and see what worked for Jack.
McCoy – McCoy asked if there is the ability to put a slab on grade fourplex. In discussion Lokken expressed it would have to be in the correct zoning. Kalkbrenner also expressed that all plans would have to go thru the council to decide. Kalkbrenner stated a developer would have to follow the ordinances and local zoning regulations.
Lokken – Lokken asked the council how they liked the new paint in the Community Center. Lokken was going to take pictures and promote the use of the freshly new paint.
Lokken asked the council for $100 for spruce pots and wreaths for the entry way to the City Office building. Council Member McCoy made a motion to spend $100 on decorations for the City Office. Interim Mayor Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
ADJOURNMENT – Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to adjourn. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Baily Kalkbrenner
City Clerk - Treasurer
Regular Council Meeting October 10th, 2022 @ 6:30pm
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT – Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken ABSENT - None
AGENDA – Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve Consent to Agenda except for the September 12th, 2022, council minutes. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
EDA President Halterman opened the Public Hearing at 6:34pm, Shannon Sweeny presented to the EDA that the purpose of the hearing is to receive public comment on the Housing Finance Program and the proposal of issue of $600,000 in housing revenue bonds with a general obligation pledge, to the city for repayment. Shannon showed the council that the revenue for the apartments coming in is enough to cover the bond payment. Shannon stated that this is a preliminary agreement of issuance of bonds. Shannon also explained how we will come back in a few weeks for a final decision. The proposed bond is over a 20-year period at a proposed 4% interest rate.
Lisa Graphenteen presented to the EDA the remaining bids for South Grove project for the doors and flooring. Vice President McCoy made a motion to accept the alternate bid from Nation Wide to replace the doors. President Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all EDA Members voting in favor.
Vice President McCoy made a motion to accept Floor to Ceilings bid for the flooring. Kalkbrenner seconded the motion. Motion carried with all EDA members voting in favor.
Vice President McCoy made a motion to accept adding 5-year warranty to the roof bid. Sheldon seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
EDA President Halterman closed the hearing at 6:43pm.
Interim Mayor Halterman opened the Public Hearing @ 6:45pm for approving the housing finance program and the issuance and sale by the economic development authority of the City of Grove of its housing development revenue bonds, series 2022 in the amount not to exceed $600,000 backed by the full faith and credit of the City of Grove City, Minnesota. Shannon Sweeny presented to the council the same information as the EDA and presented the EDA’s recommendation to the council.
Interim Mayor Halterman closed the hearing at 6:46pm.
Interim Mayor Halterman opened the Public Hearing @ 6:46pm for the Small Cities Development Grant. This hearing is required per state guidelines to have two hearings. The first was held earlier for public comment and this one served as the second needed. Lisa informed the council that there are still some owner-occupied rehab openings left if anyone wanted to apply for the Deed Grant. Lisa filled the council in on that there are still some multi-family vacancies also open and that if anyone would like to still apply, they are more than welcome to. Lisa gave a recap again on how the program works and how the repayment of the program to the city works if a participant chooses to not fulfill the term of their agreement. Lisa would like to see a waiting list for anyone interested in any of the funds that have not been allocated.
Interim Mayor Halterman closed the hearing at 6:57pm.
West Central Sanitation – Jeff with West Central Sanitation came to present a delinquency list to the council and ask the council to be able to assess the delinquencies to their property taxes. Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the assessed delinquency list. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Lynette Holmquist- Lynette came to the council on behalf of the Danielson Hustlers 4-H Club. Requesting the use of the Community Center on the second Sunday of the month at 2:30 or 4:30pm. Kalkbrenner expressed that she had spoke with Lynette and filled here in that Boyscouts also meet some Sundays and that we would have to work together as well as if there was an opportunity for the city to rent the room out for a profit, that would take precedence over 4-H as a non-profit. Lynette agreed and understood. Council Member McCoy made a motion to allow Danielson Hustler’s 4-H to use the Community Center the second Sunday of the month with communication thru the city office. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Shannon Sweeney – Council Member Jason made a motion to accept the resolution approving the housing finance program and the issuance and sale by the economic development authority of the City of Grove City of its housing development revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $600,000 backed by the full faith and credit of the City of Grove City. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
EDA Vice president McCoy made a motion to accept the resolution approving the housing finance program and giving preliminary approval to the issuance of housing development revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $600,000 backed by the full faith and credit of the City of Grove City, Minnesota. Kalkbrenner seconded the motion. Motion carried with all EDA Members voting in favor.
Shannon Sweeny asked to set up a meeting toward the end of month to pass the final resolutions for bonding, to lock in interest rates. Council and EDA settled on October 26th,2022 at 10:00am.
Council Member Evenson brought up South Grove Square, and the security of the building again, Evenson expressed that the city should have no say in who the is let into the secure building to use the Oak room for parties and such. Kalkbrenner asked for clarification from Evenson if he was referring to the tenants or the Historical Society or Cares. Evenson stated that he was referring to the tenants not the Cares program. Kalkbrenner stated that the tenants are allowed to host whatever they would like up and that they can treat the Oak Room like their own dinning room and invite whomever they wish. But as for the Cares, Historical society, the city or any other organization that they are not allowed to use the Oak Room for public use as it is part of the secured building. That is what the gym and rooms are there for, and that again at no point should any doors be left propped open. Kalkbrenner was trying to express that there is a difference between tenants’ side of agreement and what it includes. Evenson stated that Cares has been using the Oak room for the last 20 years, Lacey Clark did voice that “no they have not been using it” when she was clerk the Cares could use the Gym, Bluebird and Cardinal Room. As the kitchen and the Oak room were set for the tenants no one else. A recommendation was made to create a waiver to waive the cities liability and allow (invite) the Cares program. There were a few questions brought forth about the keypad and codes been handed out. Halterman stated that this has been going on for close to six months and we need to get somewhere. Halterman recognized Lacey about what the rental price was that for the Cares program again. Lacey expressed that it was not enough to cover the costs and not and that their fee has dropped twice with the previous council. Lacey also asked if another not for profit business came to town would they get the same benefits and perks that the Cares program does. Halterman expressed that the Cares program does a lot for the community and Lacey didn’t disagree with that and that there is a lot of other Non for profits that do great things as well. Council decided to schedule a workshop to discuss further about the South Grove and how to best move forward after the October 26th meeting coming up.
Evenson brought up about the Township meeting minutes. That they needed to be approved still. Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to accept the September 13th, 2022, Township Minutes. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Evenson asked about the Cares lease agreement and asked when we last heard anything. Kalkbrenner expressed that she reached out the week prior to the city attorney and that he had not heard anything back from their attorney. At that point Evenson stated that a while back Kalkbrenner stated that if someone said that they were going to get legal council against the city that the city automatically had to contact their attorney. Kalkbrenner verified that was what she had understood at training and what she had been taught in her position. At that time Evenson and Halterman stated that at no point should Kalkbrenner be in contact with the city attorney without prior council and mayor approval. Kalkbrenner asked that every time that I need to contact our attorney, I need council approval? Evenson stated “Yes”.
Evenson asked about the drop box that was brought up for the back of the council decided to just hold off on adding a drop box at this time.
Arvig pricing - Kalkbrenner presented the council with a quote from Arvig to switch over to fiber internet. Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to switch from CenturyLink to Arvig for internet and phone. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion.
Kalkbrenner asked the council on behalf of Tim with Meeker in Motion for the use of the Community Center on December 14th, 2022, and for the rental fee to be waived. Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to approve the use of the Community Center for December 14th, 2022 and waive the rental fee. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Liquor Licenses – Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to approve the “On Sale” Liquor License for Honky’s. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to approve the “Off Sale” Liquor License for RMR. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve the “On Sale” Liquor License for T&S Restaurants. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Council Member Evenson made a motion to approve the “Special Sunday” Liquor License for Honky’s. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Signing Bonus Grant- Kalkbrenner presented a Sign on Bonus Agreement from Heartland. This sign on bonus is for a new hire for the electrical side of the city. Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to accept the Sign on Bonus Agreement from heartland.
DEED Conflict of Interest and Attorney Opinion Letter- Lisa Graphenteen presented how the conflict-of-interest process works with the grant process. An opinion letter was received back from the city’s attorney an presented to the council. Lisa explained that this information is up to the state to decide and that they council just needs to recognize that Baily applied for the program and has not decision-making abilities or other conflicts with the program. The council acknowledged the conflict and the opinion letter.
FIRE- Fire Chief Jans asked the council to hire two new members pending background checks.
RESCUE- Chief Thomas told the council that they performed a few interviews they had one that they decided to not go with as the candidate was not a well fit, they felt. The second one rescue would like to come back to in a few months and see how things are going and reach out. They do have one that applied for fire as well that they would like to hire on as rescue.
CLERK- Kalkbrenner asked the council if they are looking for her to resign? As the council has been coming down hard on her in the few months.
Kalkbrenner asked if she can start sending the bulk of the packet via email. McCoy and Lokken stated that their packets could be sent email. Halterman and Evenson stated that they would still like a good potion of it via paper but some of the reports could be emailed. Kalkbrenner expressed that this could help cut down on a little expense over the year and utilize the iPad given to the council members.
Kalkbrenner asked the council what expectations they have for her. Kalkbrenner expressed that over the last four months she never knows what will happen next with personal attacks or put downs. Evenson stated that he expects that I do my job and get my work done and prioritize. Halterman stated that he just wants everyone to get along and work together. McCoy stated that a lot of tension has been had in the council and that there are some things that don’t get done when asked of. Lokken recommended that Kalkbrenner take a time management course. The council recommended that a time management planner to do an hour-by-hour schedule would maybe be more beneficial. Kalkbrenner thanked the council for the feedback.
PUBLIC WORKS- Roering brought up the storm drains and how most of the people he asked to bid did not want to do bid it out.
Roering asked the council to purchase two Fridge/Freezer from Halvorson’s for $700.00 for the apartments at South Grove. As there are some up at that are original from 1997. Council Member McCoy made a motion to purchase two fridge/freezers from Halvorson’s. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
HALTERMAN- Halterman mentioned he was approached by Carter Nelson about putting storage units on his Lindstrom property. It was discussed that he had called the office and asked as well and that he had already been told that storage units can not be put in a residential area.
EVENSON- Evenson brought up the September meeting minutes and an explanation of why they did not get approved and why they needed to be amended.
MCCOY- McCoy asked about ordinance letters, Kalkbrenner explained that with everything else that is asked of her position that ordinance letters do fall down further on the priority list. It was discussed that the Ordinance committee can step in and help do some of the drive around, research and letter writing.
LOKKEN- Lokken asked about the community center and if it would be getting painted before Thanksgiving. Kalkbrenner stated yes, she believed so. And that she was willing to help with ordinances.
ADJOURNMENT – Council Member McCoy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Baily Kalkbrenner
City Clerk - Treasurer
Grove City Regular Council Meeting September 12th, 2022 @ 6:30pm
MEMBERS PRESENT – Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken ABSENT – None
AGENDA- Council Member Evenson made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Sheila- Bolten & Menk – Sheila presented that the numbers for the street repair project came in much higher than expected. Sheila expressed that getting materials has been difficult. Sheila suggested that Shannon get bids separately for the catch basins, and we re-bid the project in the spring. Council Member Evenson asked if it was better to do a little mill and overlay or if it would be better to sealcoat the majority of town. Sheila expressed that seal coating the majority of town would be the best for right now. Shannon asked about getting catch basins done yet this year or when the council would like them to be done without the streets being done at the same time. Council expressed that if we can get material that we should do it as soon as possible.
Lisa Graphenteen- DSI- Lisa presented to the council the bid numbers that came in for the South Grove Square Project. Lisa expressed how she had met and presented these numbers to the EDA Board already and came with recommendations from the EDA Board as far as what type of bonding they are willing to try for and how much bonding is needed. Lisa stated that she spoke with Shannon Sweeny with the Cities bond council to get the process started and just needed the final go ahead from the council.
Lisa presented that the EDA has recommended to accept all low bids and a G.O. Bond for $600,000 for the entire South Grove Project. Lisa expressed how the numbers came in extremely well for the project. There is also a timeline to set for public hearings. Council Member McCoy made a motion to proceed with a G.O. Bond. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Council Member Evenson made a motion to advertise for the public hearings on the timeline presented. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
ACGC Boyscout Troop 221- Newly resigned Scout Master Chad Petersen came to the council to request for Troop 221 to hold their monthly meetings the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 7pm at the Community Center in Grove City mainly thru the winter months, with the occasional use of South Grove Gym. Council Member Evenson made a motion to allow ACGC Boyscout Troop 221 to use the Grove City Community Center and South Grove Gym at 7pm on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Allen Knutson- Mr. Knutson presented to the council about some concerns he had about South Grove numbers list being updated and programmed into the intercom system. Shannon expressed that he knew he had a couple of numbers to program in still and had not gotten to them yet. Kalkbrenner said she would get the list updated this week. Knutson was also concerned about the west door into the Oak Room. The council expressed that there is quite a bit of discussion that needs to be had still on the best ideas for the door to make it accessible the best way.
Performance Reviews- Personnel committee presented recommendations for increases for city staff. These increases were to try and get caught up with the times and help to be more comparable to other city wages of similar positions.
Shannon making $30.85 per hour to give him an increase of $2.15 bringing him up to $33 per hour. Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to accept the recommendation. Shannon had expressed that he has picked up four licenses for the city and all the liability for public works. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Javier making $12 per hour with a recommendation of an increase of $3 per hour, bringing him up to $15 per hour. The personnel committee expressed the asset that Javier is to Shannon and the Public Works department. Also, that Javier was just offered a position in Litchfield and chose to turn it down and that they felt that they needed to give him a raise, better than what the offer was from Litchfield. Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the $3 raise for Javier bringing him up to $15 per hour. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Chris making $17.25 per hour with a recommendation of an increase of $2 per hour, bringing her up to $19.25 per hour. Also, recommended increasing her compensation pay from $300 per month up to $450 per month, and giving 8 hours paid holiday vs. the 4 hours she has been receiving over the past 6 years. Chris has been a huge asset to Grove City and excels greatly at her job. Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the recommendations from the personnel committee for Chris as stated. To increase to $19.25 per hour, $450 compensation pay and 8 hours holiday pay. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Baily making $19.25 per hour with a recommendation of an increase of $1 per hour, bringing her up to $20.25 per hour. Halterman expressed that Kalkbrenner hadn’t been here as long and that her time will come for a bigger increase. Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to increase Baily’s wage to $20.25. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Further discussion was asked, and the motion fell thru. After more discussion about Baily had done a lot of training to try and get caught up to the expectation of the council to know more of her job in a year and a half. The personnel committee stated that these are recommendations that they have. Interim Mayor made a motion to give Baily a $2 raise from $19.25 to $21.25 with all raises taking effect October 1st, 2022. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kitchen Remodel – Kalkbrenner received a bid from Project One and the bid came back way out of budget. The council decided to table it.
Historical Society Lease Agreement- Interim Mayor Halterman presented that he and Council Member Evenson had spoken with the president of the Historical Society, Gordon Czycalla, about a draft of a lease agreement that was drawn up years prior, and simply modified with current names and dates. Halterman expressed that thru their discussion, Gordon had agreed to what was on the lease and that since the lease had expired in December of 2021 he would agree to this shortened lease. Kalkbrenner inquired if this would now include the base rates as it reads on the lease and Halterman stated “no”, the rate will stay the same as it was before. Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to accept the lease as it is and move forward with the Historical Society. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Meeker County Housing Study- Council Member McCoy made a motion to join the Meeker County Housing study and cover the cost up to $800 for the participation in the study. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all member voting in favor.
David Euerle – 2021 Audit – David came to the council and presented the 2021 Financial Audit report. General fund has a good cash balance which has been increasing, which is good. Water Fund is covering its expenses and looks good. Sewer fund looks like it is losing money, but it is doing well given the project that the City did, and that they ended up with two debt service payments in 2021. Electric fund is looking good and is generating cash and the EDA is covering its debt payments and not having to borrow from any other funds. Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the 2021 Financial Audit report. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Goldie Smith – Smith came to the council to ask if a payment drop box could be added to the back side of the City Hall, as parking and traffic gets so crazy sometimes on HWY 12.
MMUA Service Proposal – MMUA Service proposal for training was up for renewal. Public Works Supervisor Roering asked the council to move up to Tier II with MMUA for safety trainings, which would include MMUA training officer being on site once a month vs. once every other month. Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to move from Tier I to Tier II on the MMUA Service Proposal. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Energy Assistance Program - Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to accept the 2022 Energy Assistance Program. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Water Assistance Program – Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the 2022 Water Assistance Program. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
2023 Budget – Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to accept the 2023 Budget. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Truth and Taxation Hearing - Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept December 12th, 2022, at 6:00 pm. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
2023 Proposed Tax Levy – Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to set the 2023 Proposed Tax Levy at a 5% increase. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Load Management Survey – Kalkbrenner presented the Load Management Survey that the council had discussed previously to be distributed to the residents of Grove City. This will give the City a better understanding if residents would be interested in helping the City keep electrical cost lower and managing our load.
Austin’s Letter of Resignation – Austin Hiepler submitted his letter of resignation. Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to accept the Austin’s Letter of Resignation. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with members Halterman, Evenson and McCoy voting in favor. Council Member Lokken voting opposed.
Advertise for Open Position- Job posting for the Public Works Maintenance position was presented to the council. Council discussed many platforms to advertise the job posting. McCoy discussed again that there should be a training repayment schedule as we have had numerous employees that have come to the City, got trained and then left. Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to post the open job listing on all the platforms that Shannon and Baily see fit, after corrections are made. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Sheriff- There was 42 calls for August.
Clerk- Kalkbrenner presented to the council a Snow Loading Agreement from MN DOT to be able to bill the State for hauling and disposal of snow. Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the Snow Loading Agreement. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner stated that she learned that all committee members are open to “Open Meeting Law” that committee meetings must be posted, and minutes must be taken. So, this means a three-day posting with an agenda. Council asked Kalkbrenner to send out meeting reminders whenever there is a meeting, or workshop.
Kalkbrenner gave an update from the Clerks Academy training she attended. Kalkbrenner asked the Council about having a workshop on policies and procedures, and some other key information she found helpful and vital to Grove City Council Members. Kalkbrenner asked the Council to set up for the Research and Collaboration Services Departments to come in for a work session or two. This is to help explain what the roles as a mayor, council, city staff, etc. Should be and to communicate better. Council Member McCoy made a motion for Kalkbrenner to bring in any persons for training and to go over policies, procedures, and communication as she sees fit. Further discussion from Halterman and Evenson of frustration on trying to update policies that are outdated. Halterman was concerned that if policies were going to change that there would not be persons interested in running for council. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner also asked the council to set a deadline for the agenda. Kalkbrenner expressed that it is a huge struggle to try and get research done and information to the Council when she has changes to the agenda at 4pm the day of the Council meeting. The complaints of not complete Council packets is due to this as well. Kalkbrenner suggested a deadline of the Wednesday before the Council meeting, giving a couple days to be sure that all the information is gathered correctly for the Council packets and not trying to scramble more and more. Council Member McCoy made a motion to set an agenda deadline for the Wednesday before the Council meeting at 3:00pm. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Council requested a reminder of agenda deadlines a day or two before as well.
Kalkbrenner brought up that staff reports must be done by any of the staff that cannot be at the meeting. There have been many questions for fire, rescue, etc. and this would help answer some of the questions for the office staff. Council Member Evenson stated that Kalkbrenner needed to just tell the staff that they need to have their reports to her by 3pm on Wednesday before the council meeting per the council’s request.
Public Works – Roering brought up the furnace unit at the Oak room at South Grove. Council discussed that we had to wait until the October meeting to decide on who will win the bid.
Roering stated that the water tower had been washed, there are some rust spots starting to show through and that it will need to be painted at some point. It would be good to start a 5-year plan.
Roering brought up to the council about meter rates that are out of town. Those meters cost more to maintain than meters in town. Roering also finds that the base rate for three phase meters cost three times to run and that those base rates should maybe be increased as well.
Roering brought up that there is a City street that is not in City limits that he maintains and is not sure why he maintains it. He grates and plows the road. Council discussed that from now on Roering should stop plowing and grating it.
Evenson - Council Member Evenson asked Kalkbrenner why she had been bringing her puppy with her to work. Kalkbrenner expressed that she brings her puppy on occasion. Roering stated how he brings his puppy with every day as well into the shop and facilities. Halterman voiced how you see more and more places dog friendly and Lokken checked ordinances. Kalkbrenner stated there was nothing against the ordinance and that she will be getting her puppy certified as a service dog as well. McCoy stated how he didn’t feel that it was appropriate as there might be people allergic to dogs. Kalkbrenner expressed how she is in the locked office behind plexiglass and that no one has access to the dog unless she is taken out to go to the bathroom. Evenson expressed how it was not a good use of Kalkbrenner’s time to have to watch a dog and take it out throughout the day. Kalkbrenner expressed that she is mandated her breaks and that is the time that she uses to take the dog out. Kalkbrenner also ask if Roering needed to leave his home as well as he also is in City owned buildings. There were no comments about Roering not being able to bring his dog. Lokken found in the ordinances that the ordinance states that dogs are only prohibited in public areas if it is posted on the outside of the building.
McCoy - McCoy was wondering about the CARES Lease and the progress on that. Kalkbrenner stated that the lawyer had no news when she last spoke with him.
McCoy brought up to Roering that the call button up at South Grove needed to be looked at as well as updating the phone list.
McCoy asked about electrical in the park for an update. Wire is plumbed in and waiting for Travis to come and do his work.
McCoy asked if all council members could get access to Member Learn thru LMC.
Lokken- Lokken asked about the possibility of a Fall Cleanup Day to help the community clean up their yards. This could be helpful to those who have received ordinance violation letters.
Lokken asked the council their thoughts on new paint for the Community Center. Sticking with a more neutral color is what she suggests in order to be a more attractive rental venue. Lokken asked for clarification again that it was alright that she work with office staff to figure out the colors and purchase the paint.
ADJOURNMENT - Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Baily Kalkbrenner
City Clerk - Treasurer
Grove City Regular Council Meeting August 8th, 2022 @ 6:30pm
MEMBERS PRESENT – Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken ABSENT - None
AGENDA: Council Member Evenson made a motion to accept the agenda as written. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Scott Swanson- Scott applied for two variances. One variance for changing the setbacks for a placement of the garage that they are moving in from Otting Movers. Council Member McCoy made a motion to waive the setbacks on the side and rear setbacks. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. The second variance is to allow the temporary ramp that was built in 2021 and to be removed or replaced with a permanent ramp by June of 2022 to stay longer and be allowed to stay 2.5 feet on city right-of-way. Council Member Evenson made a motion to extend the variance for 1 year and allow the ramp to be on city right-of-way of 2.5 feet. With the stipulation that during winter months the city will not be liable or responsible for any snow that may be pushed up on the ramp or any damages that could occur from plowing the streets with heavy snow. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Mike and Bambi Whitcomb – Came to ask why a fence was being put up on the property next to him. Interim Mayor Halterman stated that being it is a commercial lot it was a stipulation put with the commercialization of the lot back in 2021 to hide the commercial equipment that they have. Mike voiced their concerns about the fence that is being put so close to their house. Clerk Kalkbrenner did express that back in 2021 letters we sent informing home/ business owners of 350 feet around the property of what was going on and that if there were any concerns to come to the upcoming meeting at that time. Kalkbrenner also stated that it is up to the property owner on if they choose to place the fence on the property line or come in off the line some, not the cities. Mike asked if there was anyone that could come and just look and see what he was talking about and reconsider. The council stated that the Ordinance committee could get together and come out and look at the situation.
Brent and Monica Whitcomb – Monica had come to the meeting and told the council that they have started on their fence and will be continuing it.
Deed Update- Bid packets came, and the Bids were open and will be open until September 1st, 2022. Kalkbrenner had expressed that once the bids come in and are opened the Grove City EDA needs to get together and then it will come to the regular council meeting. Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to advertise the bids in the newspaper. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Bids on painting the Community Center- Kalkbrenner expressed she only had one painter contacted her to rebid the project as they needed some adjusting. Council Member Lokken made a motion to accept Henry Ramirez bid on painting the Community Center, with the city purchasing for the paint, tape, and plastic. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Tennis Courts- Council Member Lokken has been approached by members of the community, about the tennis courts and if the city could fix them up and make them better. Council Member McCoy stated when he looked into it with the Lions Club it was going to cost close to $25,000 to put either concrete or asphalt down as a base. As the council discussed they decided to table this for now as we will get the streets taken care of and see what we can do. Possibly selling the tennis court lot would be better and move the courts somewhere else in the city.
Josh Thomas- Filling of Pool - Council approached Rescue Chief Thomas about him filling his pool with the fire hydrant next to his house. Josh had stated that he filled his pool with the tanker of the fire department. Council Member Evenson stated that he has a reliable source. Josh stated again he used the tanker not the hydrant. Josh stated that there is so many misunderstandings on all of this. Council asked that we try and better post about pools. Council Member McCoy made a motion to bill Josh for 7,500 gallons worth of water. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Bids for the Electric in the Park- Austin presented three bids for the electric work for the park. All three of the bids were with companies the city has used in the past and have all done great work. Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the bid from Travis Electric for $3,225. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Heat Share Agreement- Kalkbrenner presented the Heat Share Agreement to the council this is the same as last year. Stating that the city will inform residents by mail and advertise on our website. Interim Mayor Made a motion to approve the Heat Share Agreement. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Township Meeting- Council Decided on September 13th, 2022, at 7pm for the annual township meeting.
Date for Performance Reviews- Kalkbrenner brought up that it was decided to do annual performance reviews in August each year. Personnel committee made the decision to conduct the reviews August 16th, 2022, starting at 10am.
Spraying- Kalkbrenner presented two bids for spraying Windmill Park for Windmill days. Council Member Lokken made a motion to accept the bid from Pest Pro II up to $450.00 to spray Windmill Park. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with Interim Mayor Halterman, Council Members McCoy and Lokken voting in favor. Council Member Evenson opposed.
Rescue- Recue Chief Thomas brought up to the council that there have been lots of complaints for the up coming Windmill Days. Thomas stated how they do not like that everything is in front of the Fire Hall and that they must pull their trucks in and out each day and night. Also, that there has been some bad communication with the Windmill Days Committee. With everything being set this year already the council asked if Chief Thomas could help present these ideas for Windmill Days 2023.
Chief Thomas brought to the council about possibly purchasing some handheld radios for fire and rescue.
Clerk- Kalkbrenner gave a few updates that the windows for the City Office Building, Library and the Community Center will be replaced this week. Kalkbrenner did give an update on the website that it has been up and running and looking great and she is working out some kinks and adding as we need to the site. Kalkbrenner showed the council a playground grant application and some of what it entails for the council to look over. The parks committee decided that they can get together and discuss more about the parks.
Kalkbrenner had presented a donation letter from the D.A.R.E program. Council Member McCoy made a motion to donate $250 to the D.A.R.E. program. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner did give an update on the Trailer Court. She has tried reaching out to the owners’ multiple times, with no response. Kalkbrenner spoke with the legal council about what we need to do again to proceed forward more.
Kalkbrenner asked the council to send Shannon to the Annual Operator Expo on September 1st. Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to send Shannon to the Annual Operators Expo for $150. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Public Works – Hiepler brought to the attention of council that he had been approached by some of the South Grove Residents that there are some bushes that need some attention or be removed completely. Council discussed to table the landscaping around South Grove until after the DEED Project is done and then we can reevaluate it.
Hiepler presented that we had some volunteers come out and rake the grass and alfalfa out of the rocks around the ponds. With that Public Works also tried mowing down some of the piles and some had gotten down in the alfalfa that gets hayed. Public Works did as the fellow that is responsible for haying the ponds to dispose of the excess as it was from him that the grass and alfalfa got in the rock to begin with. Hiepler expressed that the renter did take care of the 6-8 piles by burning them, which in return burnt the alfalfa that was still growing there and now left patches in the alfalfa.
Hiepler brought to the council that he was approached by Gordy that he has a lot of run off and water that runs down to his shop the city could put a catch basin or mitigate erosion control. Hiepler did ask Gordy if he was willing to cost share with the city? Gordy did say he was ok with that. Hiepler was asking the council if they could just get some quotes and present them.
Hiepler brought up that yet again there has been more damage to our playground system in Windmill Park. Hiepler was wondering about if the city should invest in a surveillance system. Council Member Evenson stated that the Parks Committee will further investigate this matter.
Halterman – Halterman brought to the council about looking into Radar signs 24x12. Halterman was going to talk with MN Dot about what options we would all need and what regulations the city would have. Halterman also would like to investigate solar powered signs as well. Council Member Lokken also brought up about residents that have asked about crosswalk lights and signs as well to look into.
Lokken- Lokken brought up about the suckers on the bottom of boulevard trees be trimmed and watched a little more regularly and maintained.
Lokken asked about more neighborhood watch signs for over on Lindstrom Ave and around the area.
Lokken asked the council if they could consider having a cost rate for the Community Center or South Grove Rooms for a “Meeting Rate” vs a full day rate. Tabled for now and will discuss later at a workshop.
McCoy- McCoy brought to the council about cleaning up the sign on the bathrooms to be a little more clear. As well, putting a campground sign to HWY 12 to better direct people to the campground.
ADJOURNMENT - Council Member McCoy made a motion to adjourn. Interim Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Regular Council Meeting July 11th, 2022 @ 6:30pm
MEMBERS PRESENT – Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken ABSENT - None
AGENDA: Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the agenda as written. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Bolten & Menk – Sheila: Sheila came with an update that all items that were agreed upon in the mediation were completed by Reiner’s and they have been paid. Sheila asked the council to be able to advertise with Hutchinson Leader for opening bids for the mill and overlay of the streets. Bids have to be open for a minimum of 3 weeks. A special council meeting of August 10th at 10:00 am will be held for the bid reading at the Community Center, with a completion date at the end of September 2022. Council Member Evenson made a motion to advertise open bids for the City of Grove City Mill and Overlay project. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Aaron VanDuinen- Aaron came to the council to explain a program called Our Community Listens (OCL). This is a program to better help people to listen and communicate with other people in the community and just life. This program has 24 spots and Aaron will invite individuals he feels would be a great fit for the program. This would be a great beginning to show that the city could come together and take a step forward to work more as a community.
Gwen Cram- Gwen presented to the council a bid from Ranulfo Moreno for the sidewalk in front of her house. It has been a problem of building up ice on the sidewalk at the bottom of her step and she would like to fix her step and her part of sidewalk. Council Member McCoy made a motion to allow Ranulfo Moreno to fix the city right-of-way part of the sidewalk. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Gwen also brought to the council that the City of Grove City is a “Beyond the Yellow Ribbon City”, a program that helps veterans and active members families with all sorts of things that they would need help with. Gwen was requesting that someone from the council would take over on the board for Beyond the Yellow Ribbon for her as it would be a huge benefit in the community to have some one on the board.
Joe Chupp- Building Permit- Clerk Kalkbrenner presented a building permit for Joe Chupp to add on to his existing shop at 305 Pacific Ave. Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve the building permit for Joe Chupp to add on to his existing building. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Rick Rossow- Rick came to the council to continue with plans he set forth in July of 2021 to move in a house to 608 Marshall Ave. Rick is better in a place to now move forward with this project and presented the plan of action again. Council Member Evenson made a motion to allow Rick Rossow to move forward with his building permit following the same guidelines put forth by Kevin Piepenberg in 2021, and to have no more than a 1-year completion date on the project. Council member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
DEED Update- Clerk Kalkbrenner presented to the council that she reached out to Dan Popowski and asked for an update. Kalkbrenner did not have much to update other than hopefully by the end of the week we would know more as Dan had not got back to her before the meeting.
City Website – Final approval and launch- Kalkbrenner presented the demo of the new website to the council and stated that it was ready to launch if the council approved. Kalkbrenner did state that there would be kinks to iron out once the website got live but that it would be much easier to do now. Council Member McCoy made a motion to launch the preliminary city website. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Kalkbrenner asked that a motion be made to shut down the old website and transfer the domain as well. Council member McCoy made a motion to shut down the old website and transfer the domain to the new website. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Bids on painting Community Center-Clerk Kalkbrenner presented two bids to the council for painting the Community Center. One from A&F Painting and one from Henry Ramirez. Council discussed that the quotes needed some better explanation and more of a breakdown and decided to table making any decisions on the quotes at this time.
Ranulfo Moreno Shed- Council Member Evenson brought forward that he had been approached by Mr. Moreno and that his shed that the council had approved earlier in the summer that he now would no longer be able to put it up this season. Evenson informed the council that he spoke with Clerk Kalkbrenner about refunding the permit fee. Kalkbrenner said that is not how the process works as the city must pay the county as well on those permits, but we could possibly waive the fee later, or start the date later. Council Member Evenson made a motion to hold the date on Ranulfo’s permit to start when he is ready to start his shed. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Oak Room Door- Council Member Evenson brought up to the council about using the west door on the Oak Room for the main entrance to allow the CARES program to still be able to do Friendship Club and other activities. Kalkbrenner expressed that communication still need to be had with the city office on when the Oak room is being occupied. Council Member Evenson made a motion to allow the CARES program to use the west door of the Oak room Not the North Secure Doors. With the stipulation of the double doors between the resident side and Oak room stay shut, with a sign stating that no one is to go past besides residents. Also, shave down the curb on the west side of South Grove sidewalk to make more handicap accessible. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council Members Evenson, McCoy and Lokken voting in favor. Interim Mayor Halterman abstained.
CARES Program – Senior Exercise Equipment – Andrea presented to the council that the CARES program received a grant from Mid Minnesota Development Commission. Andrea would like to run a 5 foot by 107-foot sidewalk on the south side of existing playground at South Grove Square. A survey of the property line would have to be done to find the exact property lines to be sure where the sidewalk could be placed. The CARES office will be responsible for the cost of the surveyor. Council discussed more about possibly moving the equipment to the south end of South Grove Square by where the existing gazebo is now as there is more room there and would cut down on less kids playing on the equipment and more privacy for the adult exercise equipment. Council Member Evenson made a motion to approve the purchase of adult exercise equipment. The location of where it will be place will have to come back to the council before being installed for final decision. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2022-7: Declaring Vacancy - Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept Resolution 2022-7. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2022-8: Annual Appointments for 2022 – Council Member Lokken made a motion to accept Resolution 2022-8 with adding council member Halterman to the utilities Commission, Council Member Lokken on the Parks and Recreation, Council Member McCoy on the Ordinance Commission, and Council Member Lokken on the South Grove Committee. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2022-9: Access Checking and Saving – Interim Mayor Halterman made a motion to accept Resolution 2022-9 with adding Council Member Lokken to the Checking and Saving accounts temporarily until a new Mayor is elected. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2022-10: Appointing City Council Member – Council Member Lokken made a motion to accept Resolution 2022-10 appointing Council Member Halterman as the new Interim Mayor for the rest of the 2022 term of Mayor. When the position would be filled by regular election. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with Interim Mayor Halterman and Council members Evenson and Lokken voting in favor. Council Member McCoy voting opposed.
Rescue: Chief Thomas asked about monies that were donated to the Rescue department. Clerk Kalkbrenner reassured him that all the money is in the fund set up with the city to be used.
Fire: Chief Jans reported that the tanker truck got fixed. Jans reported they have a good turnout at the thrashing show in Forest City. They sold 500 hamburgers and 200 hotdogs.
Sheriff- Deputy Swisher presented that it was a busy month with 61 calls. Swisher also reported that National Night Out was coming up on August 2nd, 2022, from 5-7pm down at Windmill Park.
Deputy Swisher brought up that he advises that the doors and locks on the park bathrooms be evaluated and possibly replaced.
Clerk- Clerk Kalkbrenner asked the council for permission to pursue grants for broadband for the city office as well as the city. Council Member McCoy made a motion to allow Kalkbrenner to apply for grants for broadband. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner asked the council to attend 2022 Clerks Academy in St. Paul, Mn 9/8/22-9/9/22. Council Member Lokken made a motion to send Kalkbrenner to Clerks Academy in September covering hotel, mileage and per diem. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner informed the council that the Historical Society turned in an invoice for the HVAC system that was installed by Chappell Central. The invoice was to be paid by the city and Kalkbrenner expressed to the president of the Historical Society many times that the invoice needed to be paid by the city for insurance purposes. When the invoice was dropped off at the city, the president of the Historical Society informed Deputy Clerk Ransom that the invoice has already been paid. Kalkbrenner reached out and inquired to how come an invoice that was billed to the city got paid not by the city when it was told numerous times that the city needed to pay it for insurance purposes. The president stated that they did not need city permission to spend money. Kalkbrenner expressed that the city would of invoiced the Historical Society and he should have paid the city for the HVAC system, which was also presented prior to the installation.
Kalkbrenner informed the council that the library had Arvig install Fiber for the library. Kalkbrenner asked the council if she could see if we can get the city office hooked up to fiber up as well. Kalkbrenner will investigate programs.
Public Works- Public Works Supervisor Roering brought to the council that after the sewer back up problem we had this spring he wanted to perform a Smoke test to see if we can try and take a preventative measure on some of these issues. Council Member McCoy made a motion to allow Roering to perform the smoke test with Rural Water for $50 per block throughout town in August. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Roering asked the council to be able to purchase an extra A/C unit for South Grove to have on hand as if one goes out then we have on instead of having to order one and wait so long to get one in. Council Member Evenson made a motion to purchase an A/C unit from Halvorson’s in Spicer for South Grove for up to $750. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Roering presented three quotes on cleaning the water tower, from KLM, TMI and SUEZ. Council Member Evenson made a motion to accept the KLM quote for $8,500 to wash and inspect the water tower. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Roering brought a quote from Buer Electric for two pedestal sets for the campground for electric. This is to bring power to the old horseshoe pits. Roering stated that to have the wire bored in will cost $1,000.
Roering brought forth that Rescue Chief Thomas had filled his pool and his water usage never changed. Roering was asking where the water came from as his pool is at least 10,000 gallons. Council Member Evenson stated that it was brought up in earlier meetings again this year that the fire truck nor any equipment is to be used to fill pools. Kalkbrenner expressed that Fire Chief Jans did call and ask again about filling pools, and she stated that there is NO FILLING of pools.
Halterman- Interim Mayor Halterman brought forth about having a camp host and give a possible break on staying the season. Council tabled until further investigation has been made.
Evenson- Council Member Evenson asked about adding an infant swing to the playground at Windmill Park. Kalkbrenner will investigate pricing and see what we can come up with for swings. Council Member Evenson made a motion to install one to two infant swings at Windmill Park. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
McCoy- Council Member McCoy brought up to the council about spraying for mosquitoes. Council asked that quotes were gathered for the next council meeting for spraying the whole town weekly or just spraying the town.
Lokken- Council Member Lokken asked the council asked if we had more Neighborhood Watch signs on to put up on Lindstrom Ave.
ADJOURNMENT- Council Member McCoy made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Regular Council Meeting June 13th, 2022 @ 6:30pm
MEMBERS PRESENT – Hudec, Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken ABSENT - None
AGENDA- Council Member Evenson asked Clerk Kalkbrenner the reasoning for the May minutes being missing for approval for June. Kalkbrenner expressed due to the unforeseen circumstance of a family matter she had not had them finished in time for the Council to approve them. Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the agenda. Council member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Leighton Johnson- Mr. Johnson came to the council to ask about purchasing the two lots of land just west of his property. Johnson had offered to pay up to $100 per lot. After further discussion the council had decided to sell the two lots to Mr. Johnson for $100 per lot. Kalkbrenner will work to draft a bill of sale needed. Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the offer of $100 per lot. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Area Care LAH Program Lease Agreement- Revisions presented to the council and copy to the legal council sent as well per requested by Cares program. Mayor Hudec made a motion to appoint Council Member McCoy as a representative for the council in regards to meeting with Kalkbrenner and the lawyer to discuss lease agreement changes. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor Hudec and Council Members Halterman, Evenson and Lokken voting in favor. Council Member McCoy abstained.
Carlson Meat Shop- Joel Inselmann came and applied for an Emergency Conditional Use Permit to discuss the cooler compressors he put in prior to receiving approval. They were installed due to an emergency of the old ones going out over a hot holiday weekend. Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the Conditional Use Permit for the cooler compressors. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Spraying for Mosquitoes- Council discussed that Grove City used to spray in the city and partnered with Atwater. Further discussion needs to be had; council tabled this until further information is able to be obtained.
Campground- Clerk Kalkbrenner presented a Campground Site Rental Agreement. Mayor Hudec made a motion to add Reservation to the title and correct the grammatical errors and approve the Agreement. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2022-6: Mayor Hudec made a motion to accept Resolution 2022-6. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Fire: Chief Jans gave a report of one that the trucks had some injectors go bad and they got fixed. The extrication gear has been ordered and should be arriving soon. Mayor Hudec stated that a representative from fire and rescue be present again at each council meeting as it is required by the city. Clerk Kalkbrenner informed the council that she applied for a grant for new safety equipment for the Fire Department thru Center Point Energy. Kalkbrenner stated that $2,300 was awarded to the City of Grove City for the Grove City Fire Department.
Sheriff: Sheriff Swisher presented 47 calls. A speed trap was a conducted and in a four-hour span there was 16 vehicles stopped.
Clerk: Clerk Kalkbrenner asked on behalf of the library about the Bison Program and presenter coming on June 16th. Christine had spoke with Rosie with the Cares program using the Oak Room and got confirmation thru the Cares program that the use of the Oak Room would be fine. The City office was not aware of any of this and spoke again with the Cares program about that they are not able to allow people to use the Oak room and that they need to be directing them to the City Office. Kalkbrenner asked the council if the library was still able to use the Oak room or if it would be better suited to move the activities down to the Community Center. Council requested that it be moved to the Community Center.
Kalkbrenner informed the council that David Olson will be taking his shed down in July 2022 and will be putting up a garage in the fall.
Clerk Kalkbrenner asked on behalf of the Windmill Days committee if the city was willing to donate to Windmill Days for 2022. Mayor Hudec made a motion to donate $2500 to Windmill Days Committee. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor Hudec and Council Members Halterman, Evenson and Lokken voting in favor. Council Member McCoy opposed.
Kalkbrenner presented to the council about an emergency purchase of a refrigerator for an apartment in South Grove. Kalkbrenner explained that a refrigerator went out on a Friday before the weekend for one of the tenants in South Grove. Shannon called Halvorson’s in Spicer and they had one on hand and were able to deliver it right away. Mayor Hudec made a motion to approve the purchase of the refrigerator for the apartment in South Grove. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner informed the council that Ranulfo Moreno was putting a hold on building his shed and that he just wanted to keep the good line of communication open with the council.
Public Works: Hiepler informed the council that the South Grove Gym will be closed for 2 weeks while the floor gets resurfaced. June 1st thru the 16th.
Hiepler informed the council that there was yet again vandalism at the Windmill Park in the 1st shelter.
Hiepler presented a quote from Hawkins to the council for Filter Cleaning for a total of $2,562.48 plus shipping. Council Member McCoy made a motion to spend $2,562.48 plus shipping from Hawkins. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Mayor Hudec: Mayor Hudec presented his letter of resignation. Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept Mayor Hudec’s letter of resignation affective June 28th, 2022. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council Members Halterman, Evenson and McCoy voting in favor. Council Member Lokken opposed. Mayor Hudec abstained.
Evenson: Council Member Evenson asked about an update on the DEED Grant. Kalkbrenner had reached out again to all the contacts that she had with DSI that the council would like an update.
McCoy: Council Member McCoy informed the council that he talked with the railroad about getting the tracks sprayed for weeds and that they should be done before Windmill Days.
McCoy also called the State HWY Department as well and asked about looking at the corner of HWY 4 North and 12 and take some of the trees out and clean the corner up for safety reasons. McCoy also asked that they also get the ditches cleaned up.
McCoy brought up about adding more campsites at the campground. Mayor Hudec mentioned that the city is only licensed for so many sites, so we will have to investigate how many we can have before needing to add another bathroom.
Lokken: Council Member Lokken stated that she would be available to ride around with the City Maintenance personnel to get a list of properties that need ordinance letters sent to.
Lokken asked the council about having someone come in and paint the Community Center. The council discussed having a two-toned theme to freshen up the room. Council decided to get some bids for painting the Community Center.
ADJOURNMENT – Council Member Halterman made a motion to adjourn. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Regular Council Meeting May 9th, 2022 @ 6:30pm
MEMBERS PRESENT – Hudec, Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken ABSENT - None
AGENDA: Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the agenda as written. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Allen Knudsen- Mr. Knudsen came to the council to voice his concerns about CAREs Program Lease and their involvement with the CARES Program. The council reassured Mr. Knudsen that the City is working with the CARES Program to get the issues up at South Grove Square resolved. Kalkbrenner reassured Knudsen as well the Oak Room is for the Tenants use only not to be open to the public.
Mr. Knudsen also brought up the monies donated by the EDC. Mayor Hudec and Clerk Kalkbrenner explained that all the money has been divided and is set in the appropriate funds.
Mr. Knudsen gave an update on the new washers and dryers; they are working great. As well, to thank the cleaning and maintenance staff.
Marcia Brown- Community Garden- Marcia came to the council to inform them about the community garden that they are starting to help build our community and teach people that would like to know more about gardening. As of May they have eleven volunteers and two gardens, one with vines and one with stable crops. Brown also ask if the city is willing to help cover any costs. Mayor Hudec made a motion for the City to cover the cost of water for the 2022 season. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Corrina – Goals Nutrition- Corrina came to the council to see if she could bring her business in to the Community Center a couple days a week from 6:30am-11:30am. Goals Nutrition is covered by Minnesota Department of Ag. Council Member McCoy made a motion to allow Goals Nutrition use the Community Center for $60 per day for a six-month trial period. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Matt Dahl- Council Member Halterman brought to the council about Matt possibly putting living quarters in part of the Midwest Metal building that Matt bought to help get another employee to be around instead of driving so far. The council discussed getting further information.
Ranulfo Moreno- Shed Variance- Moreno came to the council to ask for a variance to put up a shed on his commercial property. Council Member Evenson made a motion to allow Moreno to put up a shed in his commercial lot with a 1 year completion date. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Plots for New Development- Mayor Hudec and Clerk Kalkbrenner looked over the map that was sent in and discussed that the alley should extend out and that one of the town homes needs to be shifted to allow the alley to extend in to the area as well.
Zoning Update – The zoning committee got together to discuss the current Grove City Zoning map. The committee brought some changes forth to the council. Mayor Hudec made a motion to accept the changes presented. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor Hudec, Council Members, Halterman, Evenson and Lokken voted in favor. Council Member McCoy opposed.
South Grove Rent- Kalkbrenner brought forward that there was a 5-year plan to raise rent $20 per year for 5 years. That plan expired in 2021. Kalkbrenner asked the council if rent should be raised again or if it should stay the same. Council Member Halterman made a motion to keep South Grove Residents rent the same for a years’ time and after a year they will reevaluate the rent. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Clerk- Clerk Kalkbrenner presented an update on how Grove City Clean Up days went. Residents brought nearly 100 appliances, 13 tires and we filled a 30 yard dumpster with trash and a 50 yard dumpster with couches, chairs, mattress and other like furniture. Kalkbrenner expressed that the city did not make money on this but also did not lose money. It was a great resource for the community and the feed back from the community was so strong that they also would like to have it once if not even twice a year. The council discussed that moving forward that the third Saturday of April is the best day to have it. Kalkbrenner also gave the update on having someone doing a small fundraiser the same day that would be something to continue to consider as well. Boyscouts had a great turnout. The other thing that was mentioned was that maybe we can get some volunteers to help assist some residents that might have some furniture or big items that they need help with.
Kalkbrenner asked the council about removing some of the trees by the garden plots, have them spade out and relocated to the old football field or other places in town. Council Member Halterman made a motion to spade trees worth keeping and remove trees not work keeping. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner asked the council to attend the LMC Conference in Duluth, June 22rd – 24th, 2022. Council Member Halterman made a motion to send Kalkbrenner to the LMC Conference plus hotel, mileage and per diem. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner presented information from Omi-Pro. This is the load management system that the city uses and we have been struggling to get support or training to better understand how it is benefiting the city. The council wants to see Jim with Omi-Pro to come in and explain and demonstrate with the council and city staff.
Public Works – Heipler presented to the council that Mediacom would like to be the sole provider for internet to South Grove. The council discussed that it is up the tenants on what provider they would like to use.
Heipler asked on behalf of Ardy Johnson about donation for flowers for South Grove. Council Member Halterman made a motion to donate $100 on flowers for South Grove. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Hiepler presented a quote of $1,600 to resurface the South Grove gym floor after there was a renter in there that had made some big gouges into the floor. Mayor Hudec made a motion to spend up to $1,600 on getting the South Grove Gym floor resurfaced. The city partners with the school to have the school apply the coating to the floor. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor Hudec, Council Members Halterman, Evenson and Lokken in favor. Council Member McCoy opposed.
Halterman – Halterman brought up that Reiner’s put out multiple cones while they did work and with out them having the proper reflective tape or up to proper safety codes. Hiepler also added that the city borrowed eight regulation cones and all must be replaced or Reiner’s will be charged.
Lokken- Council Member Lokken was wondering if the city had lots for sale. Council discussed the possibly putting a for sale sign on the empty lot. Kalkbrenner was going to look into the regulations the city would need to follow.
ADJOURNMENT - Council Member McCoy made a motion to adjourn. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Regular Council Meeting April 11th, 2022 @ 6:30pm
MEMERS PRESENT – Hudec, Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken ABSENT - None
AGENDA: Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the agenda as written. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Michael Sordahl- Sordahl came to the council to ask if he could not be charged for the base rate at his new property he purchased (old bus garage) at 318 North Ave W. The water had been shut off since 2015 per previous owner, and he is still being charged the base rate each month. Clerk Kalkbrenner expressed per ordinance if a property went without water usage for over 1 year, the water can be shut off and the owner does not need to keep being billed. The council discussed with Sordahl that if he wanted the water turned back on that he will have to pay the reconnection fee at that time. Sordahl was fine with that. Council Member Evenson made a motion to discontinue billing for water and sewer to 318 North Ave. with the understanding that when he wants to turn the water back on Sordahl is responsible for all costs and reconnection fees at that time. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Infrastructure Update- Sheila presented the council with a map of the town and streets that will be redone per mediated agreement back in December. Sheila updated the council with the estimate of cost for the mill and overlay repairs, seal coating, as well as a leveling layer to level out some of the bird baths. The council asked about Lindstrom Ave and if there would be any work at this time. Sheila commented that she would look again at it but that if she remembered correctly that Lindstrom needs more than just a seal coat, or a mill and overlay done. Council Member Halterman had concerns about 1st street and the beginning part of Sunrise Lane as they both could use seal coating as well. Sheila stated that she can add those blocks to the seal coating plan. Mayor Hudec made a motion to move forward with the seal coating and mill and overlay and add 1st street and the rest of Sunrise Lane. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Area Care LAH Program Lease Agreement: Clerk Kalkbrenner presented the lease agreement that was tabled at the March meeting. Kalkbrenner expressed to the council that Deputy Clerk Ransom had found some information stating that CARES previously paid $150 per month for rent and that it was reduced to $25 per month. Mayor Hudec commented that a cost analysis was done between himself and Kalkbrenner to come up with an estimate of the costs used each month. Hudec stated that $150 was what they came up with and recommended that the city split the cost and the CARES program would have to pay $75 per month. Council discussed more about the importance of the program and want to see it stay around. The cost of the utilities and the maintenance of the building needs to be taken into consideration as well. Kalkbrenner expressed the timeline of some of the past rents. In 2010 the rent was $150 per month and was reduced to $25 per month. Then, in 2019 the council waived the rental fee due to Covid as a donation to the CARES program. Kalkbrenner expressed that the utilities billed for the non-residential areas in the South Grove building can get up over $2000 for the month, and the CARES program utilizes a great deal of the space and accrues a good portion of that usage. Kalkbrenner also brought forth that the use of any areas on the residential side of the building, it is a huge breach of security for the residents that rent from the city.
Council Member McCoy made a motion to set rent for the CARES program for $250 per month for a 1-year lease. Motion stalled with no second. Council Member Lokken made a motion to set rent at $200 per month for 1-year lease. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor Hudec, Council Members Halterman, Lokken and McCoy voting in favor and Council Member Evenson opposed.
Resolution 2022-2: Accepting Donations: Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept
Resolution 2022-2 Accepting Donations of $5000 to the Grove City Fire Department for new equipment from Union Grove Township. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Summer Rec Registration: Sam Anderson turned in a signed agreement to the City Office prior to the meeting, along with the registration to be handed out to the community and schools. Kalkbrenner brought forth that the sign-up registration offered only one option. The council discussed that the summer rec program needed to have more options than just one. More options will hopefully attract more people/parents to want to sign their children up. A minimum sign up should also be required.
Broadband to Grove City: Mayor Hudec gave an update that Broadband is in a build out phase. Hudec discussed that he spoke with Dean Urdahl at the Mayor Chili cook out that there should be more funds available coming up.
Windmill Days: Lacey Clark with the Windmill Days committee asked the council to change Windmill days from June to August 19th, 20th and 21st, 2022. The council discussed if there would be any other fairs or city celebrations going on at that time. Clark noted that Jess from Honkey’s is one of the largest contributors to Windmill Days and with graduations and all other things going on the 1st weekend in June, it does not work the best for her and potentially she could have to step away from supporting so much. Council Member Evenson made a motion to move Windmill Days from the 1st weekend in June to the 3rd weekend in August, to start with August 19th, 20th and 21st, 2022. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2022-3: Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept Resolution 2022-3: Appointing primary and general election judges for 2022 election. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor Hudec, Council Members Halterman, Lokken and Evenson voting in favor and Council Member McCoy opposed.
Resolution 2022-4 Naming Windmill Days Volunteers: Windmill Days changed from June to Aug. Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept Resolution 2022-4 Naming Windmill Days Volunteers as Official City Volunteers pending the date change from June to August. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor Hudec, Council Members Halterman, Lokken and Evenson voting in favor and Council Member McCoy opposed.
Resolution 2022-5 Charitable Gambling License: Council Member Evenson made a motion to accept
Resolution 2022-5 Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor Hudec, Council Members Halterman, Lokken and Evenson voting in favor and Council Member McCoy opposed.
Resolution Authorizing Membership in the 4M Fund: Mayor Hudec made a motion to accept Resolution Authorizing Membership in the 4M Fund. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
EDA Board Member- Michael Sordahl: Mayor Hudec brought to the council that the EDA Board would like recommend Michael Sordahl to be on the Grove City EDA Board. Mayor Hudec made a motion to appoint Michael Sordahl to the Grove City EDA Board. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Right of Way Permit for CenterPoint Energy: CenterPoint Energy is abandoning some old gas lines on and adding in new gas lines along North Ave third street and some alleys on the north side of town.
Gambling Permit for the CARES Program: Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the Gambling Permit for the CARES Program. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Gambling Permit for the Lions Club: Mayor Hudec made a motion to accept the Gambling Permit for the Lions Club. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
ACGC Falcons - Trap Shooting Program: Council Member Halterman stated he was approached by Mike Buer with a letter asking if the city would consider donating to the ACGC Falcons – Trap Shooting. Council Member Evenson made the comment that they work hard to maintain the Grove City shooting range that benefits the city as well. Council Member Halterman made a motion to donate $500 to the ACGC Falcons Trap Shooting Program. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Washer and Dryer for South Grove: Mayor Hudec made a motion to raise the coin rate to $1 from $.75. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Sheriff: There were 39 calls for the month of March.
Clerk: Clerk Kalkbrenner informed the council that
the company the city uses for credit card charges, is raising their fee from 2.65% up to 2.95%.
Kalkbrenner expressed that the letter she sent to Ron Mortenson for a donation from the Legion Gambling society was denied as they found that the request for paper towel dispensers were a maintenance cost not one benefiting young children or the elderly community.
Kalkbrenner asked the council to allow Century Link to come in and give a new bid for faster internet.
Kalkbrenner asked the council for approval to apply for 3 grants, Kubota Hometown grant, CenterPoint Safety grant, and Gametime grant for playground equipment. Mayor Hudec made a motion to accept Kalkbrenner to write small grants for the city. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner brought up to the council that Deputy Clerk Ransom asked if the city could resume a past motion made pertaining to Cold Weather Rule. Cold Weather Rule ends April 30th. Ransom is looking for direction again on how to handle past due accounts as it continues to be a problem. Kalkbrenner read minutes from May 13th, 2019, stating “any customer wanting a payment plan for the spring/summer months, they will need to attend a council meeting and get approval from the council.” Mayor Hudec made a motion to resume the previous motion in 2019 and going forward all payment arrangement requests must come before the council before the late payment occurs. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Public Works: Public Work Supervisor Roering presented the council with a quote from Hatch for a new Portable Multi-Meter tool for a cost of $3,757, which is less than the quote as the city did not need some of the items on the quote. Mayor Hudec made a motion to spend up to $3,757 on a new multi-Meter tool. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Roering brought to the council that he talked with Tom at the school about resurfacing the gym floor in June. Roering stated all the city will be responsible for is the chemical and supplies. Mayor Hudec made a motion to resurface the gym floor. Motion stalled out.
Roering asked the council to have Chapman Metering come in and test all the three phase meters and do a burn test. Roering expressed that it has been over 5 years since a burn test has been performed. There is 18 meters and a cost of no more than $3,000. Mayor Hudec made a motion to allow Chapman Metering to come in and test all the three phase meters. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Roering brought quotes to the council for the replacement of the windows in City Hall, Library, and the Community Center. Mayor Hudec made a motion to accept the quote from 201 Building Supply for the replacement of the windows for City Hall, Library, and the Community Center. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Mayor Hudec: Mayor Hudec presented the council with a wage study that he performed on Deputy Clerk Ransom’s position. Using some recourses from the League of MN Cities he found that she has been doing an exemplary job and feels that her wage is not appropriate for the work she performs. An additional pay increase would be more than adequate to show the appreciation for all the extra work Ransom has put in above and beyond. The council decided to refer this matter to the personnel committee for further exploration.
Mayor Hudec presented the council with a quote for a TV, mount, cables, and cover for the community center, to be able to do presentations and trainings. Council Member McCoy made a motion to spend up to $889 on a new TV, mount, cables, and cover. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Adjournment: Council Member Halterman made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Regular Council Meeting March 14th, 2022 @ 6:30 pm
MEMBERS PRESENT – Hudec, Halterman, Evenson, McCoy, and Lokken ABSENT - None
AGENDA: Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the agenda as written. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Chris Daniels – MN Beer Company – Chis Daniels and Roxanne Landers came in to update the council on MN Beer Company. No More Commercial Kitchen. Roxanne explained the retaining wall that will be putting in behind the building and moving the shipping container to use it as a fence and storage. Looking to add a few Brandon Cedar trees and a black chain link fence. Chris and Roxanne are looking to bring wine from other vendors to serve along with their beer. Looking to have 15 taps, with some non-alcoholic beverages as well. Roxanne expressed they would like to utilize some of the bars and their food sources to extend their seating. The tentative opening date is sometime in September. They have more research to do on the solar energy side that they would like to install.
Terri Drange- Swede Grove Township- Terri presented to the council that the Swede Grove Township would possibly like to donate a large capacity washer and dryer to South Grove Square for the residents. Terri expressed that a platform being added under them would also be beneficial. Terri stated Swede Grove would like to donate up to $5000.00 to replace the washer and dryers up at South Grove. Public Works Supervisor had been approached earlier in the week about getting an estimate. Roering stated that his rough quotes were between $3,000 and $4,000 dollars. Council Member Evenson made a motion to accept a donation from Swede Grove Township of up to $5000.00 toward a large capacity washer and dryer and a pair of standard washers and dryers. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Spring Clean Up- Mayor Hudec presented that per discussion in the workshop earlier in the day, to have the primary date for Grove City Clean Up Day be held April 23rd, 2022, with a secondary day of April 30th, 2022, pending clarification from the electronic/scrapper person that Council Member Evenson has lined up. Discussion of having West Central drop two roll-off dumpsters for the day and looking into Mayor Hudec made a motion to have April 23rd be the primary date with April 30th be the secondary date. With up to $600 allowance for two roll-offs to West Central Sanitation. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Pet Ordinance – Council Member Lokken will put together an additional newsletter about ordinances as well as what to do if attacked or threatened by a pet in town.
FR Clothing- Council Member Halterman made a motion to spend up to $3000 on FR Clothing for the Utility Maintenance Department. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Boot Allowance- Mayor Hudec made a motion to spend up to $200 every 2 years on safety toe boots for the Utility Maintenance Department. Along with purchasing 2 pairs of Kevlar boots to stay at the city unless Shannon or Austin would want to purchase them if the leave their position from the city. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
EDA Board Members- Mayor Hudec made a motion to appoint Bill Houselog to the Grove City EDA Board. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Lakes Area Tech- Kody Aasen presented to the council a new website to the council. Kody presented that the main features that he puts into websites are security, fast websites, desktop, and mobile-friendly websites. He works closely with Amazon and Google for security along with offering a very user-friendly website. Council Member McCoy made a motion to spend $3,500 for the setup and construction of a new website for the city with a yearly cost of $600 per year starting in 2023. Launching the new website in June 2022. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
City of Grove City Independent Contractor Agreement (Summer Rec)- Clerk Kalkbrenner presented to the council the Independent Contractor Agreement for the Summer Rec program. Kalkbrenner explained that this will be the city paying the contractor, and any helpers that the contractor needs to help will be required to fill out the Grove City Volunteer Waiver agreement. The city will pay $1,000 toward Summer Rec along with the $1,000 donations from ACGC school with a max of $2,000 to be paid toward the summer Rec program.
Mayor Hudec made a motion to accept the City of Grove City Independent Contractor Agreement, pending review from the city's lawyer. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor Hudec, Council Members Halterman, Evenson, and Lokken voting in favor and Council Member McCoy opposed.
Grove City Area CARE LAH Program Lease Agreement- Clerk Kalkbrenner presented a contract to the council for the Cares program. Council decided to table until the April meeting.
USA Northland Directory- Clerk Kalkbrenner presented that in the past we paid $220 to have the phone number for South Grove Square in the USA Northland Directory. Kalkbrenner expressed that there was not much of a need for it as there is not a phone at South Grove for someone to answer. Mayor Hudec made a motion to discontinue advertising the phone number in USA Northland Directory. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
DEED Grant- Offer of Financing- Kalkbrenner presented that the city received their Offer of Financing from DSI for $187,500. Mayor Hudec made a motion to accept the Offer of Financing. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Minn-E-Rods- Clerk Kalkbrenner presented a contract to the council from Minn-E-Rods. Kalkbrenner stated she was presenting it as there had not been a Windmill Days committee meeting yet and wanted to be sure we could get the agreed date if the committee chose to have them come in again for entertainment this year. Kalkbrenner expressed she would bring it to the committee with their blessing and the committee can make the final decision as to if they are going to include Minn-E-Rods again in 2022 and pay the corresponding fees. Council Member Evenson made a motion to allow Minn-E-Rods to be part of Windmill Days if the windmill committee chooses to have Minn-E-Rods again in 2022. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Vibrant Broadband- Mayor Hudec stated that Vibrant had contacted him and asked if the city would be interested in contributing to bringing fiber into the city. The council said that having Vibrant come into the city would be good but that the city would not pay to bring it in at this time, as Vibrant will benefit from the services connected. Council Member Halterman made a motion to allow Hudec to talk with Vibrant to come into the city, but no monies will be exchanged for them to come into the city. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Work Force Housing Development Grant- Mayor Hudec gave an update on the originally proposed building. Currently, Work Force Housing is not looking at putting up a 12-unit apartment currently as it is not as cost-effective. They are now leaning toward townhome styles verse the large apartment complex. With this change, the recommendation is to move the property location from the South end of town to the old football field.
RESCUE: Rescue Chief Josh asked about adding Jason Berg and Nick Sandry. Council Member McCoy made a motion to allow Nick Sandry to join Rescue pending a background check. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Josh stated that the lights in the Rescue rig are dimming again and so he took it to Atwater Ford to be fixed again.
Josh asked about a pay increase for the fire and rescue’s hourly rate. Mayor Hudec made a motion to raise the current pay from $14 to $15 starting April 1st, 2022. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Josh presented as well that the Secretary and training officer also get a pay increase. Council asked for more information on the officer positions for the next meeting for further discussion.
Fire: Council Member McCoy asked Fire and Rescue Chiefs where they are at on combining the two departments. Joe and Josh stated they have not got further on it and needed some assistance in getting started with the process. McCoy stated that Clerk Kalkbrenner could get the information together and let them know. Kalkbrenner reached out and stated that the best option would be to sit down with Joe, Josh, and the League to see what information we will all need moving forward.
Jans asked permission to hire 2 new employees Justin Berns, and Nick Sundry pending background checks, and Emily Hanson join Fire from Rescue. Council Member Halterman made a motion to hire Emily, Justin, and Nick pending background checks. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Jans also brought up that there are 5 pairs of boots that are shot and should be replaced for safety purposes. Council Member Halterman made a motion to spend up to $2,000 for 5 new sets of boots for the fire department.
Jans brought to the council a Multi-Gas Meter for the fire department. The cost for the meter, charging dock, and calibration is $3,100. Public Works also voiced that it is a meter that they would utilize as well and that the cost could be split between ½ fire and ½ electric department. Council Member McCoy made a motion to purchase Ventis MX4 Monitor from Municipal Emergency Services. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
CLERK: Clerk Kalkbrenner presented that she received the background check back for Ellen and that there were some questions and after reviewing with the personnel committee have chosen that it is not the best fit. Kalkbrenner did do a background check on the 2nd candidate Betty Lither as well waiting for that to come back. Council Member Halterman made a motion to hire Betty Lither pending a clean background check. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Kalkbrenner asked the council if Betty needed to come to a meeting to accept the position. The council stated that since it is part-time, she didn’t need to. Kalkbrenner stated that she believed that all city positions needed to be accepted.
Kalkbrenner informed the council of her training the next week, as well as the Auditors, are coming at the end of the month.
Kalkbrenner gave an update on how the new computers have been working. Internet is still slow and Kalkbrenner is reaching out to Century Link to get a new modem and get the phones working better. And that she got the office cleaned up from all tripping hazards and unneeded cords.
PUBLIC WORKS: Halterman asked that public works try and move some of the standing water on the roads. Hiepler stated he had done some and it has been a little hard on the city equipment.
Kalkbrenner gave an update as well that the Well has been sealed and capped by Gordy's drive-thru elevator. Halterman asked why the city did it since it was out of city limits. Hiepler stated it was in the city's dewisma and that it needed to be capped. This Well was covered with a grant that Roering had applied for to help Gordy with the cost as well. Kalkbrenner expressed that it is costing the city only $75.
Mayor Hudec: Mayor Hudec had some informational material for Meeker County Housing.
Halterman: No report
Evenson: Council Member Evenson requested that “No Parking” signs be installed in front of the fire hall, Hog N Road, and Roger’s Liquor. McCoy stated that while we are doing that handicap signs should be posted at the bank and on third street. Council had a lot of discussion about it. McCoy did not feel that posts and signs should be placed in from of his building.
McCoy: Council Member McCoy brought more information about the Lions Club doing Christmas light displays down at Windmill Park. McCoy asked if Kalkbrenner could email him each morning or the day before every meeting we have. Halterman asked if he had a calendar. Kalkbrenner expressed that they were set by the council to be the Wednesday before the regular meeting and the regular meeting has always been the second Monday of the month.
McCoy stated that he will be going in for heart surgery on the 29th and may not be available for the next meeting.
Lokken: Lokken read the verbiage for a flyer for Grove City Clean-up Day. Halterman stated that the appliance drop-off is only for city residents.
Lokken asked if we can get trees going and planted at the Torgerson properties (old football field), she spoke with her nephew that we could get them for $ 0.26 each.
Lokken recently got certified as a food protection manager and will be serving soup suppers on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm at 1st Baptist Church. Lokken suggested that it would be a great thing for families like Baily as a single mother. It is called “Soully Soup”.
Adjournment: Council Member Halterman made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Regular Council Meeting February 14th 2022 @ 6:30pm
MEMERS PRESENT – Hudec, Halterman, Evenson and Lokken ABSENT – McCoy
AGENDA: Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the Consent to Agenda. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion passed with all members voting in favor.
Atwater Cub Scouts Pack 221 – Cub Scouts Oliver Kalkbrenner, Carson Doty and Luke Lawrenson came to ask the council some questions about the council and their positions. Kalkbrenner asked “What is the purpose of the city council?” Council answered together as a ruling body for the town, oversee the finances for utilities, and try and prevent bigger issues from arising. Kalkbrenner also asked Mayor Hudec what his role as mayor is? Mayor Hudec responded that there are many roles for a mayor such as calling meetings, signing checks, answering questions, as well as being the main public face of the council. Carson asked, “How long have each of you been part of the city council?” Mayor Hudec responded that he’s been on for 3 years, Council Member Halterman responded with just over 7 years, Council member Evenson responded with 5 years and Council member Lokken expressed she is the newest member with just under a year.
Alex Maurer – Alex joined a Non-Profit Semi Pro Football team and requested use of the South Grove Gym for practices during inclement weather. Alex proposed Fridays and Saturdays for a few hours and potentially a day during the week, possibly between 6:30pm – 8:30pm. The council asked Alex to get some more information together for Clerk Kalkbrenner. Kalkbrennerasked if this was a plan going forward for each winter. Alex expressed it could be an ongoing venture if it works out. The council expressed to Alex that if the city has the opportunity torent the gym for a full day and make the full revenue that their organization would need to be flexible to change their days of practice. Alex did not see a problem with this.
Bill Houselog – Bill asked about the issue of garbage and recycling cans being left out on Maple Lane all week long. Houselog expressed that the receptacles and refuse blowing onto the street and neighboring yards has been a big nuisance. Clerk Kalkbrenner expressed that she had sent out letters to residents explaining the ordinances.
Township Meeting – Clerk Kalkbrenner expressed that a letter was sent for the March 2nd Annual Township Meeting. Kalkbrenner explained that moving forward, the Annual Township Meeting will be held in August each year to discuss wants and needs for the following year. This allows for ample time and planning for all involved. Kalkbrenner informed the council that the contracts with the Townships were also up for renewal. Kalkbrenner explained that all Townships were billed for the entire 2021 year. Due to the change in staffing, billing will resume back to twice a year moving forward.
Liquor License for Wood N Boar – Trevor and Shannon Eckhoff introduced themselves to the council and presented their plans for Wood N Boar to open tentatively in April 2022. Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the Grove City Liquor License for Wood N Boar. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
2022 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Calendar – Clerk Kalkbrenner presented the council with a calendar of the upcoming dates for 2022.
Street Sweeping Contract – Clerk Kalkbrenner presented the council with a contract from Minnesota Department of Transportation in regards to Street Sweeping on Truck Highways within Municipalities. After further discussion it was decided that more information needed to be gathered. Mayor Hudec stated he would dig in to this a little more and report back with more information.
Review Interviews for Cleaning Positions – Clerk Kalkbrennerpresented that Public Works Supervisor Roering and herself conducted interviews and a walk thru of the Community Center and South Grove with two applicants. Clerk Kalkbrennermentioned that both applicants are looking for the same rate of pay and are equally qualified. Kalkbrenner recused herself from any opinion on the decision for either applicant. Council Member Evenson made a motion to hire Ellen Skindelienpending a clean background check at $18 per hour. Council member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
SHERIFF – Clerk Kalkbrenner informed the council that she talked with Josh at the management company Vansbanburgen. Kalkbrenner expressed they are working constantly to get the calls resolved and should have a better update after March.
CLERK – Clerk Kalkbrenner asked the council to attend the Safety and Loss Control Workshop April 19th in St. Cloud. Cost is $20 plus mileage. Council Member Halterman made a motion to send Kalkbrenner to Safety and Loss Control Workshop. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Clerk Kalkbrenner asked the council to get access to the Clerks Foundational Program (Member Learn). Council Member Halterman made a motion to allow Kalkbrenner to purchase Clerks Foundational Program for $55. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Clerk Kalkbrenner asked the council to attend the MCFOA conference March 22-25th 2022. Cost is $375 plus hotel and mileage. Mayor Hudec made a motion to send Kalkbrenner to MCFOA Conference, covering cost, mileage, and hotel. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Clerk Kalkbrenner brought forth to the council that currently she purchases three different types of paper towels for the city facilities. Kalkbrenner suggested the purchase of six new automatic paper towel dispensers ($83.96 each) to make all the paper towels compatible with one type of paper towel instead of three. Mayor Hudec made a motion to purchase new paper towel dispensers up to $505.00 for the city facilities. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Halterman also mentioned sending a letter to our Gambling coordinator Ronald Mortenson to ask if they would be willing to donate as well. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner brought forth reserving campground spots at the campground. The council discussed adding that a deposit be required and a two-week minimum for a refund.
Kalkbrenner brought to the council that the public works department met with Paul with Safety and they discussed that we do not have appropriate FR clothing for Austin and Shannon. Mayor Hudec expressed that they could have 3 sets and keep 2 at the shop and 1 at home for emergency calls. Council Member Halterman asked Austin to put a cost together and come back to the next meeting for further discussion.
Kalkbrenner expressed that the utility department should also have steel toe boots and asked to add a boot allowance for the utility department. Council asked about Kevlar boots, chaps, face shields and other safety gear for running chainsaws. Council tabled for now and asked for more information.
PUBLIC WORKS – Hiepler asked the council to send Public Works Supervisor Roering to Water School Workshop to count toward his 1000 hours of training for his Water License. It is March 1st-3rd for $250. Council Member Halterman made a motion to send to Roering to Water School. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Mayor Hudec – Mayor Hudec brought forth that he was approached by Andrea Dallmann about being paid for some of the grant writing that she had been doing. As stated in the previous meeting, it was discussed that the city was not going to be hiring a grant writer. Council Member Halterman stated that if Andrea finds grants that would be good for the city, she could bring them to the city and give us some information on them before submitting. Kalkbrenner expressed that there needs to be proper procedures followed for any grants. The council agreed that all grants need to be approved by the council before applying for them so everyone can be kept informed. Kalkbrenner expressed concern about the city’s Tax ID #s being put on applications that are not communicated with the city and herself in case problems arise that would land on her.
Halterman – Council Member Halterman asked if there was an update from the trailer court yet. Kalkbrenner expressed that she talked with one of the owners, expressing that the council would really appreciate an update on what is happening.
Evenson – Council Member Evenson inquired about the Grove City Clean Up Day that was brought up in the fall. He requested we get that on the March agenda to finalize some things moving forward.
McCoy – Kalkbrenner spoke on behalf of Council Member McCoy regarding items that McCoy had brought to her earlier. Kalkbrenner stated that McCoy would like to set up a workshop to discuss some of the issues that we have tabled. A workshop was set up for March 14th, 2022, at 3pm.
Lokken – Council Member Lokken asked to have the meeting agenda to her by the Thursday prior to the meeting for posting on the city website. She would like to post the meeting minutes a week after they are approved by the council.
Council Member Lokken also brought forward the question of parking on yards during the winter. Council discussed that the same ordinances that apply in the rest of the year also apply in the winter. No parking on yards, only on a paved driveway, or pad.
ADJOURNMENT: Council Member Halterman made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Regular Council Meeting January 10th 2022 @ 7:00pm
MEMERS PRESENT – Hudec, Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken ABSENT – None
AGENDA: Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the agenda as written. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Bill Houselog was in to discuss the website. If we could update with the current minutes and the West Central Sanitation recycling schedule as well. Houselog also inquired about the Reinert settlement and what was decided on that. Mayor Hudec explained that we reached a settlement in early December that was discussed at the December meeting and that the scope of work will be performed in the summer of 2022. Also, not everything that needed fixing was agreed to be fixed with the settlement, but the most pressing issues have been addressed and will be taken care of accordingly.
Doug Thornquist presented to the council the concerns he has with the beer trucks that are unloading at the liquor store. The trucks are parking and blocking the view for all vehicles to see if any oncoming traffic as well as they are blocking the road. Not utilizing the shoulder as intended as well. Council discussed as the delivery trucks should be using the alley way for deliveries. Or if they would like to use the sidewalk then they need to utilize it properly and not where it is designated no parking. Council asked Clerk Kalkbrenner to draft a letter to Roger’s Liquor Store informing them to let their vendors know of the change.
RENTAL AGREEMENT CHANGES: Clerk Kalkbrenner presented a few changes to the council on the Rental Agreement Contract from July 2021. Kalkbrenner explained that as the contract needed to have a couple minor adjustments for administrative purposes. Kalkbrenner presented to the council on adding that at the time of reservation the of any of the Rental locations that the Rental Fee be paid and the Rental Agreement be filled out and signed. This will allow the reservation to be held and if the party renting the facility cancels outside of the cancelation policy, then the city will still be covered for that date. All monies will be refunded if parties cancel within the cancellation policy guidelines. Security deposit will then be due at the time of receiving the keys for the rental location the week of the reservation. Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the changes on the Rental Agreement Contract. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
RESOLUTION 2021-13: Clerk Kalkbrenner presented to the council the final total amount from Allen Knutson with Economic Development Corporation of $65,560.39. Allen had wanted to wait until after the 1st of the year to get the interest for the year. Resolution changed on item #4 from $30,250.00 to $30,310.39. Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the changes to Resolution 2021-13. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
EMPLOYEE EVALUATIONS: Personnel committee got together and did evaluations on Shannon, Austin, Chris, and Javier. Council Member Halterman presented that Shannon, Austin and Chris will get a $ .25 increases per hour. Halterman also stated that at Baily’s one year mark she will also get that $ .25 per hour increase. Javier has been doing an outstanding job and will be moving from $10.20 to $12 per hour.
Council Member Halterman made a motion to change the current wages to the increased presented by the personnelcommittee. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Council Member Halterman also stated that the Personnel committee will be more punctual about getting employee evaluations done in a timelier manner. After discussion it was decided that employee evaluations will be done within the first week of October each year to have them ready for presentation at the October meeting.
JAVIER RAMIREZ POSITION: Clerk Kalkbrenner brought to the council about having Javier work up to 1500 hours thru out the year with the possibility of the City having to pay PERA for Javier. Allowing Javier to work a few more hours would allow for him to come in thru the winter and help with some seasonal work as needed if he so chose to cut down on some of the time that Shannon and Austin would have to drive as far as Javier is closer to town then they are. Mayor Hudec made a motion to extend Javier’s seasonal hours from 1000 up to 1500 not to exceed the 1500 hours. And the City to contribute to PERA for Javier as needed per PERA guidelines. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
RESOLUTION 2022-01: Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept Resolution 2022-01. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
COUNCIL MEMBER SCHEDULE: Council discussed to change the time from 7:00pm to 6:30pm. Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the Council Member schedule with the change to 6:30pm. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
FEE SCHEDULE: Mayor Hudec presented to the council that for a $100 raise for all Council Members per year. Council discussed that they were not comfortable giving themselves a raise, it was also proposed that the raise would take in affect for the next term. Mayor Hudec made a motion to give the Mayor and Council Members a $100 raise as of the 2023 Term. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion did not pass with many members objecting and deciding further discussion should be had.
Clerk Kalkbrenner presented the council with a proposal to increase the Electric base charge rate. As stated in minutes from December 19th, 2016, when the last rate increase occurred. It was also decided then that the increase should be revisited in 6 months and reassessed. This did not happen, and no rate increase has happened since. Kalkbrenner presented information that Chris had put together for surrounding areas and the base rates that they charge as well and our comparison. Raising the base rate will help to cover some of the costs as meters go out and need replacement as well.
Mayor Hudec made a motion to accept the fee schedule as it sits. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
LINDA NELSON: Linda turned in her letter of resignation. Linda’s last day will be done cleaning for the city January 31st2022. Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept Linda’s letter of resignation. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
CLEANING POSITION WAGE: Council discussed that there should be a wage increase for the open cleaning position. Council member McCoy made a motion to allow the open Cleaning Job posting include a rate of pay between $15-$18. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
ICE RINK ON GROVE LAKE: Mayor Hudec was approached by Aaron with First Baptist Church regarding the setup of an ice rink on Grove Lake. Clerk Kalkbrenner did reach out to the City Attorney prior to the meeting regarding the liability involved with ice rinks. It is not recommended by the City Attorney to have the ice rink on the lake, it would be better to make a rink in the park or a different piece of city property. Council decided that there would not be any involvement at this time from the city.
SERVICE INVOICES: Clerk Kalkbrenner brought to the council that there were quite a few invoices that came in late in year or the last week of the year from some of the Service providers the city uses. With that they date the service was preformed seemed to be dates that were much earlier in the year. Some as early as February 2021. Kalkbrenner proposed that the city send out a letter to all Service Providers that they use stating that all invoices must be submitted within 45 days of date service was performed or a 5% late fee would be deducted from the invoice to help with this problem. This also will allow the City’s budget to stay up to date a little better and not seem so skewed from month to month. Council member McCoy made a motion to send letters to all our service providers. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
RESCUE: Josh brought to the council that the Rescue door lock was still freezing up. Public works supervisor Roering stated that he called Torkelson’s Lock again to come and look at it again. Council discussed about seeing what other options there might be for that door.
Josh asked the council to consider combining Fire and Rescue again. They are having more problems trying to qualify for grants as the call volume has been so low. Council discussed that they should try and get some more information and bring it back to the council at a later date.
Josh also brought to the council that the SCBAs that were purchased, they did find that two of them were not working as expected. Josh and Joe will evaluate the ones that are not working and determine if it is something that they should get fixed or what they should do with them.
Josh asked if the wages for Officers as well as their hourly wage for Fire and Rescue could be evaluated. Josh suggested a possibility of a $1.00 raise per hour for calls and training.Training Officer and Secretaries do an extraordinary amount of work for Fire and Rescue.
SHERIFF: Deputy Swisher presented 34 calls. Council asked Deputy Swisher if there is anything the city could do regarding constant calls to some of the same neighborhoods month after month. Deputy Swisher did state there could be a possibility to bill for some of the calls, although he would need to check with his boss just to be sure what some of the stipulations would be.
CLERK: Clerk Kalkbrenner presented a quote from Kody Aasen with Lakes Area Tech for new computer towers and monitors for the clerk’s office. Kalkbrenner expressed that Chris and herself spend multiple hours a week trying to get the computers that are currently set up in the City Office to communicate with each other so that the efficiency of the city office could be better, and less time wasted on restarting and reprograming old equipment. Council Member McCoy made a motion to spend up to $3500 on new computers, monitors, and office equipment needed to make the office more efficient. Along with the set-up fees from Lakes Area Tech.
PUBLIC WORKS: Public Work Supervisor Roering asked the council about sending Austin to Metering School on February 23rd-25th. Council Member Halterman made a motion to send Austin to Metering school. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Roering asked the council to renew the Missouri River Contractfor $2500, which the City has been part of for quite some time. Council Member Halterman made a motion to renew the Missouri River Contract for $2500. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Roering inquired about window estimates for the Community Center and the City Office to see about getting the big windows replaced sooner than later. Council decided Roering can go ahead and get some estimates and then they will assess them from there.
Mayor Hudec: Mayor Hudec presented to the council about Meeker Housing (David Tisk) about that he would be interested in possibly building a complex on the south parcel that the City owns.
Mayor Hudec brought to the council that the Elected Leaders Institute is offering an Advanced Program and a Foundational Program February 4th-5th at a cost of $275 per person for the class and $112 for the hotel per person. Hudec would like to attend the Advanced Program and Council Member McCoy would like to attend the Foundational Program. Council Member Halterman made a motion to send Hudec and McCoy to training on February 4th–5th. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council Members Halterman, Evenson and Lokken voting in favor, and Mayor Hudec and Council Member McCoy abstaining.
Halterman: Council Member Halterman was wanting an update on the trailer park and wondering if they had paid their fine from not completing their signed agreement. Kalkbrenner stated it was assessed to their taxes per prior motion. Halterman stated he would like to see the owners of the trailer park to come to a spring meeting and update the council on what their plan is moving forward to clean the trailer park up.
McCoy: Council Member McCoy brought forth to the council for the Lions Club about possibly using the Campground and park for a light show next year around Christmas time. This would be a fundraiser for Lions and a fun community outing. McCoy was asking for the City to donate the electrical. Council will discuss further as time gets closer and more plans are made.
Lokken: Council Member Lokken presented numerous ideas for the website as she was working to update it with current minutes. Adding a job posting section, rental contract, and other forms that the community could access as needed.
Adjournment: Council Member Halterman made a motion to adjourn. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
City of Grove City Special Council Meeting Agenda Monday December 13th, 2021 6:30pm
1. Beverly Peterson – Fence variance
2. Re-Zoning (Residential to Commercial) – 106 3rd Street N and 108 3rd Street N
3. Brent & Monica Whitcomb – Conditional Use Permit
MEMBERS PRESENT- Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken
Beverly Peterson- Fence variance: Beverly Peterson applied for a fence variance in order to build a four foot high fence in here front yard. Clerk Kalkbrenner presented a letter from a Grove City resident that was mailed in stating to allow Beverly to install her fence. There were no further letters, complaints or documents to be reported. Council Member Evenson made a motion to accept the fence variance for Beverly Peterson. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Re-Zoning (Residential to Commercial) – 106 3rd Street N and 108 3rd Street N: Clerk Kalkbrenner presented the council with Re-Zoning for two properties on 3rd Street North. One for 106 3rd St that as a City we are choosing to re-zone to keep uniform to the block as the neighboring lots are commercial. The second 108 3rd St was requested by Brent and Monica Whitcomb to Re-zone from residential to commercial use for their business. Council Member McCoy made a motion to Re-Zone 106 3rd Street N and 108 3rd Street N from residential to commercial. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Brent and Monica Whitcomb – Conditional Use Permit: Brent and Monica are applying for a Conditional Use Permit to allow them to park trailers and other commercial equipment on their residential property. They must install fence or shrubbery around the commercial lot and follow all city ordinances and keep property neat and orderly. Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the Conditional Use Permit for Brent and Monica Whitcomb. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
ADJOURNMENT: Council Member McCoy made a motion to Adjourn. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
MEMBERS PRESENT- Hudec, Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken ABSENT – None
AGENDA: Council member Halterman made a motion to accept the consent to agenda pending any grammatical corrections.
VISITOR RECOGNITION: Beverly Peterson came to the council to ask about installing a fence in her yard. The council agreed the area that Beverly wanted to install the fence was in her front yard. Therefore, she would need to apply for a variance as well with the building permit. Council and Clerk Kalkbrenner explained to Beverly how the process of the variance will proceed and that a public hearing notice will be published and be held at the December 13th Council meeting.
Resolution 2021-8: Accepting Donations: Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept Resolution 2021-8 to accept the donations from the Cares office for a new stove, fridge and microwave for the kitchen at South Grove. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Resolution to Adopt the MCHMP: Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept Grove City Resolution to Adopt the MCHMP. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Small Cities Grant Contract Agreement: Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the Small Cities Grant Agreement. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
City Wide Clean Up: Council Member Lokken drafted a flyer in regards to a Grove City Clean Up day later to come in the spring.
Liquor Licenses: Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the liquor license for Honkey’s and Roger’s Liquor Store. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2021-11: Designating the Polling Place: Council Member Evenson made a motion to accept Resolution 2021-11 designating the Grove City Community Center as the 2022 Polling location. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2021-12: Certifying Past Due Utility Billing: Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept Resolution 2021-12 to certify all past due utility bills to the property taxes. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2021-13: Accepting Donation: Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept Resolution 2021-13 to accept $65,500 in donations from the Economic Development Cooperation. To be divided between, Grove City Historical Society – $5,000, Fire and Rescue Departments – $15,125, Community Center Kitchen – $15,125, South Grove Carpet and Kitchen floor – $30,250. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Dance Team Rental of South Grove Gym: Mayor Hudec made a motion to waive the $120 rental fee for the ACGC Falcon Dance Team for the 2021 dance season with the stipulation that any chance to rent the gym for revenue to the city would take precedence over their practice. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Interim Loan / USDA Update: Clerk Kalkbrenner brought to the council that she has received the final payoff for the Interim Loan with MN Rural Water. The final payoff as of December 1st did have an additional $220,034.61 that the city would be responsible for in extra interest. Mayor Hudec made a motion to pay off the extra interim loan interest with the General Funds that the city has set aside for this project from assessments.Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Performance Review for Baily: Personnel committee Mike and Sheldon brought forth their findings from the performance review they performed with Baily. Mike presented a $1.50 increase in pay for Baily starting November 24th 2021. Council Member McCoy made a motion to raise Baily’s rate of pay by $1.50. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
FIRE / RESCUE: Fire Chief Jans presented the reason the Fire Department lost the grant they applied for, it was due to low call volume. Jans asked the council if their grant writer could try again for another grant for the fire department. Instead of here normal rate of $1,200 it would only cost $600 since she already has the information and just would need to change a few dates. Council Member Evenson made a motion to allow the Fire Department to use the same grant writer and pay her up to $600 for her services on writing a new grant. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Jans brought to the council about the current air packs and that the Fire Department only has 6 workable ones currently as the rest are bad and need work or not fixable. Jans did say that he found 15 air packs for $4,000 up by Duluth. He asked the council for permission to purchase the air packs. Council Member McCoy made a motion to allow the Fire Department to spend up to $4,000 on air packs. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Jans presented that the Fire department had sent out donation letters asking for donations for equipment and such. Jans presented that they have received about $9,500 back in donations from the letter sent out. They are looking at two main extrication tools for Fire and Rescue. Battery powered jaws of life and a spreader. Together for used ones they will cost approximately $28,000. Jans would like to have a second company come out and go over another brand of these tools as well. Jans stated that the Fire department figured they would have $15,000 to contribute and was asking the city to help cover the rest. Council told Jans to bring this up again at the annual meeting with the townships for further discussion as well.
Bids from Torkelson’s: Council Member McCoy made a motion to have Torkelson’s install two locks up to $250 each. One on the Rescue door and one on the main fire door. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
SHERIFF: Deputy Swisher reported 43 calls.
CLERK: Clerk Kalkbrenner asked the council for permission to attend training in Rockville on November 18th, 2021, for food, liquor and gambling licenses. Council Member Halterman made a motion to send Baily to training and cover the cost of the meal and milage. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
PUBLIC WORKS: Hiepler brought to the council about installing four “No Parking” signs at the cost of $244.35 for four signs and eight posts. Mayor Hudec made a motion to allow public works to purchase No Parking signs at a cost up to $244.35. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Hiepler asked the council for Public Works supervisor Roering and himself to both attend the Heartland Winter Conference on December 18th, 2021. Council member McCoy made a motion to send Roering and Hiepler to the Heartland Winter Conference and pay milage for them. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Hiepler asked the council to allow Public Works supervisor Roering attend MMUA Supervisors training December 7th-9th in St. Cloud. The cost for training is $465 for lodging and meals. Council Member Halterman made a motion to send Roering to MMUA training and spend up to $465 plus milage. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
MAYOR HUDEC: Mayor Hudec brought forth to the council that LMC had a contest going on “Mayor for a Day” and that he had advertised on his Facebook page “Mayor for a Day”, for Grove City. With the idea of having the winner get a goodie bag and a picture with the mayor and be able to assist in a Jr. council if there were enough applicants.
Mayor Hudec made a motion to replace any signs that are noted by the Deputy for replacement. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
MCCOY: Council Member McCoy brought up about a meeting time for South Grove Committee and who is on the Committee. Chuck Carlson, Larry Breen, Jason McCoy and Jesse Hudec.
LOKKEN: Council Member Lokken asked the council if we could get the piano tuned at the Community Center. Council Member Halterman made a motion to get the piano tuned and fixed. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Council Member Lokken also asked about putting some greens in the planters at City Hall. Council Member McCoy made a motion to spend up to $100 on greens and decorations for the planters at City Hall. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
ADJOURNMENT: Council Member Halterman made a motion to adjourn. Major Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all voting in favor.
MEMBERS PRESENT- Hudec, Halterman, Evenson, McCoy, Lokken
CONCENT TO AGENDA: Council Member Halterman made a motion to accept the Consent to Agenda. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Christine Alternhofen- Council Member Halterman made a motion to grant a sewer credit to Christine for the water usage that went in to the dirt floor. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Michael Sordahl- Sordahl came to the council to ask if the City would abandon 80 feet of the street that is up into his driveway. Sordahl would keep an easement with the city to the fire hydrant that is there. Council asked for Michael to leave his information with them to discuss further and do further research at a workshop and get back to him.
City wall at Jesse Hudec – Stricken from the agenda
4 J’s Trailer Park Assessments- Ben nor Josh with 4 J’s Trailer Park were present to go over the agreement set forth previously by the council. The trailer court had until October 31st to be cleaned up or 4 J’s would be fined (as previously agreed upon).
Ranulfo Moreno Permit- Moreno came to the council to explain how come he has not finished his wall on his commercial property that he started. Moreno explained that he had enough block to do one more layer of block. The council reminded Moreno that his permit expires at the beginning of November. The council also discussed with Moreno that he has had multiple years to complete the fence and make it compliant with the City Ordinances. Since the Conditional Use Permit was not followed it is null in void. The council recommended that a new permit will need to be applied for and must be in his wife Martha’s name. The cost of the Permit would be increased to double the normal rate, and if the work could not be completed by November 1st 2021 then Moreno would have until January 1st, 2022 to become compliant with all city ordinances before the city will start issuing Ordinance violations. Moreno
Final Mediation Agreement Reiner vs. Grove City- Mayor Hudec made a motion to accept the Final Mediated Settlement Agreement and Release of Payment contingent on the signature from Reiner Contracting. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Gambling Permit Application for Grove City CARES LAH Program- Council Member Halterman made a motion to approve the Gambling permit. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grant Writing Part-time Position- Mayor Hudec brought to the council some thoughts on having a part-time grant writer for the city. Could be a salary based position, to help a few hours a week or as needed. Council decided further investigation and discussion should be had at a later workshop(s).
Matt Dahl- Approached Council Member Halterman and Mayor Hudec about potentially building a complex on the vacant lots that the city owns for some housing. Dahl was not present at the council meeting to discuss further.
West Central Sanitation- Taylor Williamson with West Central Sanitation came to present to the council a list of past due accounts in preparation for assessing to property taxes. Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the list pending any changes that Chris might have. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Williamson also brought to the council the proposal for the council to consider West Central Sanitation setting up a meeting in the future to go over new rates and options for the City’s contract with West Central.
Fire/Rescue: Rescue Chief Thomas came to the council on the behalf of fire and rescue.
Rescue Rig alternators are starting to go bad on the rescue rig. The lights will go bright and dim. Thomson talked with Atwater Ford about replacing the 2 alternators.
Thomas asked the council if the locks on the Fire Hall could be replaced with key pads instead of having individual keys. The council asked how many doors and if Thomas had any quotes. Council stated that the public works department will talk with Torkelson’s Locksmith and look into different options and see what they can do.
Sheriff: Deputy Swisher presented the monthly sheriff’s report of 57 calls.
Clerk: Kalkbrenner brought fourth that the council emails needed to be updated on the website to the email addresses that were provided with the City ipads.
Public Works: Hiepler brought to the council the pressure tank for the boiler at South Grove needed to be replaced. Shannon had Magnuson Steal come in and give an estimate to replace it. Estimate with labor was $700.00. Council Member McCoy made a motion to have Magnuson Steal to replace the pressure tank at South Grove up to the $700.00. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Hiepler also brought fourth that the Silver Shop truck needs tire. When the truck was in for a tune up at Dave’s Repair, Dave had noticed that the tires were going to be needed replacing sooner than later. Dave gave an estimate including mounting and balancing of four 10 ply tires on the Silver Shop Truck for $900.00. Mayor Hudec made a motion to have Dave’s Repair replace the tires on the Silver Stop Truck for up to $900.00. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Hiepler asked the council to send him to Transformer School December 15th-17th, cost is $465. Council Member Halterman made a motion to send Austin to Transformer School and pay the $465 for the class, plus lodging, mileage and meal. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Hiepler asked the council if they would consider selling the trailer that has been parked behind the City shop for quite some time. Harvey is interested in purchasing it. Council did discuss that they will have to look at it and will have to put it on an open bid for the public.
Hiepler brought to the council’s attention that there was a sink hole that presented on Sunset Ridge. Public works believes that it is an old cistern and they filled it in. Will continue to monitor it and add more fill, if needed.
Hiepler brought to the council’s attention that there was a stray voltage issue out on Hwy 11. Shannon and Austin, along with Mid-Minnesota Electric, went and looked at it. In trying a few different things they also had Star Energy go out and give an estimate and an idea of what they thought the issue might be as well.
Mayor Hudec: Mayor Hudec bought up the alleys throughout town and getting the grated and leveled well before it freezes.
Halterman: Council Member Halterman asked the Council for permission for Honkey’s to borrow a couple tables from City Hall for Oktoberfest.
Evenson: Council Member Evenson brought to the Council that if we are going to be hard on one person for their property for not following ordinances of the city, then it needs to be for everyone in the city. Evenson also brought forth that some of the City Ordinances should be reviewed and revised.
Evenson brought forth a separate meter for metering water usage for watering lawns, washing cars, filling pools, etc. City Clerk Kalkbrenner added the billing aspect of the process and that a better understanding of how everything worked with utility billing and processing should be brought forth to the council before decisions should be made, as there are quite a few steps to go it just having a temporary outside meter for water. The council decided that further discussion needed to be had at a later date.
McCoy: Council member McCoy brought to the council that Aaron with 1st Baptist Church would like to put up a sign similar to the Lions Club sign across from 5th street on Hwy 12. Jason made a motion to allow 1st Baptist Church to put a sign on City property contingent on MNDoT’s approval. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Lokken: Council Member Lokken asked about posting the Multi-Hazard Migration Plan Release on the City website as well as the MN Grove City Citizens Facebook Page. The council agreed that it would be a good place to advertise it.
ADJOURNMENT: Council Member Evenson made a motion to adjourn. Council member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all voting in favor.
GROVE CITY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING September 13thth, 2021 @ 7:00PM
MEMBERS PRESENT- Hudec, Halterman, Evenson, McCoy, Lokken
AGENDA: Council Member Halterman made a motion to approve the consent to agenda and Claims and Payroll. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.Mayor Hudec made a motion to approve the minutes from August 11th, 2021. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Faye Kemp: Faye came to the council to as if Mike and Marie Stegeman would stay in their apartment at South Grove for 3 months while Faye was down south and Mike drove bus for the Local Bus Company. This is a one-time situation as the bus company is so shorthanded and is in desperate need of bus drivers. Mike has agreed to drive bus for 3 months (October- December) or until the bus company finds his replacement, whichever comes first. Council Member Halterman made a motion to allow Mike and Marie Stegeman to stay in the apartment of Faye Kemp at South Grove from October 1st thru December 31st 2021 while Mike drives bus, with the stipulation that Mike and Marie fill out a lease agreement and a liability agreement at the city office. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor Hudec, Council Members Halterman, Evenson and Lokken voting in favor and Council Member McCoy opposed.
Jeff Niendenthal: Jeff came to give an update on the coffee shop, and what the Lions club has decided to continue with to the council. The lions club has decided to still move forward with the plans for the Coffee Shop. Deputy Clerk Ransom had put a call in to confirm some of the information that Jeff had gotten to the City Office on September 13th, 2021, but had not got a call back at the time of the meeting.
Brent & Monica Witcomb–Garza: Monica came to the council to present the plans for their lot at 108 3rd St. N. Monica asked the council for approval for Joel Inselmann to remove the curb allowing access to the property from the street. Council member McCoy made a motion to allow Joel Inselmann to do the knockdown of the curb on 3rd St. N. allowing access to the Witcomb property with the possibility of the drive way taking up 3 parking stalls on the street. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Monica brought forth re-zoning the 108 3rd St. N. from residential to a commercial lot. Their plan is to put gravel down, a fence up and store their equipment to their Tree Service Company.
Anthony Polley– No Show
Amend Resolution 2021-7 – Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the revisions of Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Infrastructure Update – Sheila from Bolten and Menk came to give and update of the Mediation from the August mediation. Mediation came to an agreement pending Councils approval. Council Member Evenson made a motion to accept the proposal from Reiner and Bollig for the Infrastructure project as well as the $6500 for the Lift Station repairs as well. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor
Grove City Voluntary Waiver of Liability Agreement: Council Member Evenson made a motion to accept the Grove City Voluntary Waiver of Liability Agreement. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all Council Members voting in favor.
Oktoberfest: Mayor Hudec presented to the council the date change for Oktoberfest put on by Honkey’s, from the previous date of October 9th to October 23rd. Council Member Halterman made a motion to change that date with keeping the prior stipulations set fourth at the August meeting. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Heat Share Program Agreement: Mayor Hudec made a motion to accept The Heat Share Program Agreement and advertising it by utilizing bill inserts, website and newsletters. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Donations to South Grove from CARES: The CARES program donated a stove, refrigerator and microwave for the South Grove Oak Room kitchen. Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the donated appliances for South Grove for a total of $1377.99. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grant for the Historical Society: Mayor Hudec presented information given from Andrea with the CARES program that the Historical Society was granted a $5000.00 grant to replace some lighting and flooring in the Historical Society Building. Council Member McCoy made a motion to accept the grant presented by the CARES program for the Historical Society to update the lighting, ceiling and flooring up to $5000.00. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
2022 Proposed Tax Levy: Council Member Halterman made a motion to raise the Proposed Tax Levy up to 5%. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Pet Ordinance: There have been many complaints of stray cats running around and dogs running at large. The City Hall is receiving calls frequently. A poll was put together to try and see what the community thoughts for the situation is. The survey is on the Grove City MN Citizens Page on Facebook and paper copies can be found at City Hall. Council Member Lokken had brought forth an idea for any city residence that that have more pets than the City Ordinance allows. She suggested that those residence be grandfathered in to having more pending they provide up to date vaccinations, purchase pet licenses for all, as well as once the pet has passed away that the resident does not replace the pet.
Fire/Rescue: Rescue Chief Thomas came to the council to represent Fire and Rescue. Fire Prevention Week will be October 6th, 2021 from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. The Fire Department will be serving hotdogs and pop.
Sheriff: Deputy Swisher presented the monthly report of 43 calls.
Clerk- City Clerk Kalkbrenner asked the council for permission to attend the Clerks Academy Program in St. Paul October 7-8th, 2021. Kalkbrenner also asks the If the council will cover the $249.00 fee as well as lodging for the training. Council Member Halterman made a motion to send Kalkbrenner to Clerks Academy and cover the cost of the training and lodging. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Public Works: Hiepler presented a couple of quotes for the City shop to be repaired. Council Member Halterman made a motion to go ahead with Young Brother Construction to repair the City Shop up to the $6500.00. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Hiepler presented an Emergency purchase for South Grove, for an A/C unit on a day that was 90 degrees outside. Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve the emergency purchase for an A/C unit for South Grove. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Mayor Hudec: Mayor Hudec brought to the council that further discovery had been made in regards to the fee that was waived for Jason at the August meeting. Mayor Hudec rescinded the motion from the August meeting for waiving the $100 reconnection fee Jason. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor Hudec, Council Members Halterman, Evenson and Lokken voting in favor and Council Member McCoy abstaining.
Mayor Hudec asked the council to sponsor the Mayor Association training in St Cloud. The cost is $99.00 for a one-time fee. Council member McCoy made a motion to pay the LMC MMA fee plus mileage. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council Members Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken voting in favor. Mayor Hudec abstained.
Mayor Hudec asked the council to sponsor the additional $250.00 for Meeker in Motion. Hudec received a Scholarship of $200.00. Council Member Halterman made a motion to sponsor Hudec for Meeker in Motion for $250.00. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council Members Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken voting in favor. Mayor Hudec abstained.
Mayor Hudec updated the council about the city wall on his property. Insurance will not pay for. Hudec presented quotes for $1500-$1800.00 to get it fixed. Council Member Evenson made a motion to pay up to $1800.00 to get the wall fixed. Council member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with Council Members Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken voting in favor. Mayor Hudec abstained.
Halterman: Council Member Halterman brought up Stark Town Road needing a couple loads of gravel as the road had quite a few holes and wash boards. Mike made a motion to add a few loads of Grade 5 gravel from Elton Gravel on to Stark Town Road. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting favor.
Evenson: Council member Evenson brought up to the council about having the Public Works Department re-painted some of street poles being as some have been rusting.
McCoy: Council Member McCoy brought up for the Public Works department to trim up the sucker branches on 2nd street.
Lokken: Lokken brought up that there has been many complaints of vegetable being stolen from the community gardens.
ADJOURNMENT: Council chose to schedule a workshop for October 4th at 2:30pm. Council Member Halterman made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
MEMBERS PRESENT- Hudec, Halterman, Evenson, McCoy, Lokken
AGENDA: Council Member Halterman made a motion to approve the consent to agenda and the minutes from July 12th, 2021 pending a few minor grammatical adjustments. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Council Member McCoy made a motion to approve Final City of Grove City Rental Agreement and Check List Forms after final revisions were made from previous council meeting. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Mayor Hudec made a motion to accept the Summary of LGA Certified for 2022. Council Member Lokken seconded the motion with all members voting in favor.
Rick Rossow– came to the council meeting to discuss his building permit application he had submitted. Rossow wants to move a house on to a wood basement on his vacant lot at 608 Marshal Ave. Rossow expressed that siding will be wood or steel and will be neutral colors. Mayor Hudec made a motion to approve Rick Rossow’s building permit application, with the stipulation that the requirements from the local building inspector, Kevin Piepenburg are met. Council member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Lindel Rohrer– brought to the council’s attention the situation that happened around Windmill days and the unauthorized use of the hydrant and mud volleyball court in Windmill Park. The amount brought to question was determined by taking the average usage of water for the month after removing the two highest days to remove any skewed numbers. Once the average was established it was then subtracted from the usage for that day. Mayor Hudec made a motion to have Mr. Rohrer pay for 31,000 gallons of water used and the $25 base bulk water fee, for a total of $273.00 to be paid to the City of Grove City. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all the members voting in favor.
Ranulfo Moreno– called the City Office earlier that morning and expressed he would not be able to attend the meeting.
Jess Hopp– came to the council to ask permission to host Oktoberfest, October 9th from 1pm to midnight. Hopp would like to close down the alley behind Honkey’s to the front of Carlson’s Meats, possibility extending the closure to the front of the Rescue Squad bay as well. Honkey’s will work in conjunction with Carlson Meats to supply beer and sausages, kraut, etc. Hopp asked to borrow the fence from the City to block off the alley. Hopp proposed to bring in a couple acoustic musicians for entertainment for the night as well. Council member McCoy offered for the use of the alley behind the old Garden of Eating building. Hopp reassured the council that there will not be access to bring drinks in an out of the bar to the alley. Council Member Evenson made a motion to close the alley down on October 9th for the day between Honkey’s and Carlson Meats. Council Member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Mowing of the Wastewater ponds– Peterka’s lease for mowing the Wastewater ponds is up as of October 1st. Council discussed looking into other contractors to hay the wastewater ponds, with the stipulations that whoever will rent it moving forward will have to have proper agreement and paperwork filled out.
Mask Notice at South Grove: Notice was put up at South Grove and discussion was had to continue to follow the current CDC guidelines as far as Covid is concerned.
Meeker in Motion: Lacey Clark had called the City office and asked for the Councils approval to hold the upcoming Meeker in Motion meeting on November 16th at the Grove City Community Center and if the Councilwould waive the $120.00 rental fee. Council Member Halterman made a motion to waive the deposit fee for Meeker in Motion on November 16th. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Voluntary Waiver of Liability: Council brought forward a few grammatical corrections to the waiver to be corrected before approval.
Water Shortage (Drought) – We have been using a great deal more water this year than in the past years.
Energy Assistance – Water– Council Member McCoy made a motion to adopt the New MN Energy Assistance Program. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Re-addressing Parcel – Council Member McCoy made a motion to give parcel 25-0041000 a physical address of 105 3rd St N. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Public Works– Hiepler presented some bids from 201 Building Supply to fix up the City shop. Council requested that we get a few other bids from other contractors.
Hiepler brought to the council that there have been lights in the Fire Hall that have been going out. Cost to fix lights is approximately $690.00. Council Member Halterman made a motion to put LED lights in the Fire Hall and spend up to $690.00. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Halterman– brought to the council’s attention thoughts on some speed/radar signs for highway 12. Council has decided to have further discussion at a later workshop.
McCoy- Garden of Eating Water Meter– Mayor Hudec made a motion to waive the $100 reconnection fee for the water meter for Jason as a new business to the City. Council Member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with Mayor Hudec, Council Members Halterman, Evenson and Lokken voting in favor. Council Member McCoy abstained.
ADJOURNMENT: Council chose to schedule a workshop for September 13th at 9am. Council Member McCoy made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
MEMBERS PRESENT- Hudec, Halterman, Evenson, McCoy and Lokken
AGENDA: Council Member Halterman made a motion to approve the consent to agenda and the minutes from June 14th, 2021 and June 21st, 2021 meetings. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Ellen Skindlien- came to the council meeting to discuss her neighbor to the north of her property, and how his property has two unlicensed trucks, as well as so much junk in the yard and in the trucks that are sitting right next to the property line. Skindlien has been picking up garbage that blows over on her property and does not feel that it is her responsibility to pick up her neighbors trash. Skindlien did express how she has been complaining for over a year and many formal complaints have been submitted, and many letters sent out to the property owner. Skindlien wants any assistance she can get to take care of this nuisance.
Daniel Pehle– came to the council meeting to discuss his water and sewer bill. Pehle expressed how he found a broken pipe under his house in his crawl space. Pehle is asking for a partial sewer credit on the excess water that did not go in to the sewer system. Based on water usage in June 2020 (2,830 gallons) compared to June 2021 (38,830 gallons). Council member McCoy made a motion to give a sewer credit of the difference between 2,830 gallons and 38,830 gallons back to Pehle. Council member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Pool Waiver / Payments – Fire Department- Fire Chief Jans brought in two checks for the 3 pools that Fire Department had already filled for the 2021 season. Council member McCoy made a motion for the Fire Department to stop filling pools. Council member Lokken seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Grove City Rental Agreement and Check List– Council member Halterman made a motion to accept the Grove City Rental Agreement and Check List affective July 13th, 2021 for the rental of all City facilities, pending some grammatical corrections. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Damages to retaining wall by Jesse Hudec property- Hudec discussed that he is doing further investigating with insurance and other information regarding the wall.
Windmill Days– council discussed at morning workshop to expand out to the townships for their involvement, in hopes for more volunteers as well as expanding Windmill Days as a whole.
Resolution 2021-6– Council member Halterman made a motion to accept Resolution 2021-6 to remove Lacey Clark from the bank account and add Baily Kalkbrenner, also to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting (6/14/21). Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Resolution 2021-7- Council member Halterman made a motion to accept Resolution 2021-7. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Sheriff- Deputy Sam stated to the council the National Night Out is August 3rd from 4-7 at Windmill Park. Carlson Meats will be donating the meat, Schmidty’s will be donating buns and such, and Deputy Sam is hopeful that Bernicks, Old Dutch, or Viking Coke will donate as well. Fire Department will be cooking the food. Deputy Sam reported that the callshave been extremely busy. Deputy Sam asked the council if he could buy two of the old Grove City Sheriffs badges that were found in the City Office. Council brought up about making a shadow box to display some of the other patches, badges, pins and etc. to display at City Hall. Council member Evenson made a motion to give Deputy Sam the badges that he was inquiring about at no cost to him. Council member Lokken seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Clerk- Kalkbrenner brought to the council about Aaron with the Baptist Church if he needed to fill out a Grove City Rental Agreement Form and pay the deposit. Kalkbrenner asked since they are non-profit if the council would be willing to cover the rental deposit for Aaron. Council member McCoy made a motion to waive the Rental Deposit for Aaron to use the Gym. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Kalkbrenner spoke on behalf of Charles Horky. Horky is wondering what steps he needed to take in order to add a driveway to his property. With investigation the City office did establish that there is no driveway to access 310 2nd Street S / Charles Horky property. Horky is asking if he can cut the curb and have Meyer Contracting install an 18’ driveway. The council discussed that we can add the driveway addition to the current permit and that Horky does not need another construction permit.
Kalkbrenner asked the council for permission to purchase a new voice recorder to replace the old one. Council member McCoy made a motion to spend up to $100 on a new recorder for council meetings. Council member Lokken seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Summer Rec- council discussed paying the helpers under 14 years of age. Council discussed that the Clerk will pay Sam for summer rec and she can pay the helpers that are under 14 years old, and 2022 summer rec will have a new contract.
Public Works- Hiepler informed the council of an estimated cost of gutters for the Fire Hall of approximately $900.00. Mayor Hudec made a motion to spend up to $900.00 for gutters for the Fire Hall. Council member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with majority vote of Mayor Hudec, Evenson, Halterman and Lokken voting in favor. Council member McCoy abstained.
Hiepler spoke on the behalf of Public works supervisor Roering asking the council if he could purchase an old transformer for $15. Mayor Hudec made a motion to give Roering the transformer at no charge with the stipulation that a receipt is written up. Motion was seconded by Council member Halterman. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Hiepler asked the council for permission to go to overhead school at a cost of $465 for the training plus hotel, food and transportation. Council member Halterman made a motion to send Austin Hiepler to Overhead Training in September 14th-17th. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Hiepler presented the purchase of a new Crimper to the council for the Public Works Department, as the one that they currently have is worn out and does not operate in a safe manner anymore. Council member McCoy made a motion to spend up to $2,800 on a new crimper for the Public Works Department. Council member Halterman seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Rescue- Chief Thomas brought up to the council that they have hired Emily Hanson for the Rescue Squad. Ericka McCann has moved and left the Rescue Squad. Chief Thomas asked the council if he could get someone to clean the Fire Hall. Council member Halterman asked if the Rescue squad is not able to empty garbage and pick up after themselves after their meetings or training. Chief Thomas brought up to the council that Rescue and Fire could use some new hand held radios. The parts are becoming obsolete and harder to find. The costs for the radios are around $3,500 per radio plus the programming. Chief Thomas did bring up as well that the SCBAs for Fire and Rescue are expired and could use replacing. They have applied for some grants in the past and were denied in 2020. Cost for the SCBAs is approx. $6,500 each and they have twenty of them. It was discussed to replace ten of them one time and ten later another time so that they all did not need to be replaced at the same time down the road. It was discussed doing some more research on switching brands (Scotts or MSA), seeing if the ones that are not working can be fixed or if they need replacing for sure, as well as, getting bids on quantity and brands.
Fire- Chief Jans brought checks for pools filled. Pumper truck 531 over heats each time it is driven. Jans is asking the council for permission to take truck 531 in to be fixed, approximately $3,000 ($1,500 for parts and $1,500 for labor) to fix with new radiator, labor on install and to service the truck. Council Member McCoy made a motion to spend up to $3,500 on a new radiator and misc. repairs to pumper truck 531. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. The motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Mayor Hudec- brought to the councils attention about installing a roof over the entry way to City Hall. Quotes ranging from $2,200-$3,200. This would allow the water to drain out over the flower beds and past the sign.The Council decided to discuss further at a workshop at a later date.
Heartland community sign grant this year and next year. Mayor Hudec will take it upon himself to look in to community signs.
Lokken–brought to the council a flyer to go out as a mailer with the utility bills just as a reminder of City Ordinances pertaining to lawns, pets and nuisances, pending some grammatical changes.
ADJOURNMENT: Council member Halterman made a motion to adjourn. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
City of Grove City – Special Council Meeting Monday, June 21th, 2021
MEMBERS PRESENT- Hudec, Halterman, Evenson, Lokken, McCoy
AGENDA: Fence variance for Shawna Skinner/ Deloris Modderman.
Ms. Skinner expressed installing a white vinyl fence for her back yard for a dog that her grandmother has. There was a complaint that came in via phone with concerns about bringing a Pit bull dog on to the premises. A complaint of barking dogs was reported to the sheriff’s department. Council member Evenson asked about the dimensions of the fence. Ms. Skinner expressed that she believes that the vinyl panels equal a total length of 100 feet.
Community member Mr. Mike Bredeson was in to voice is concerns about the snow load that would slide off of his garageroof and could potentially slide off and hit Ms. Skinners fence causing damage. As well as the general maintenance on his own fence as she needs to be a little more away from the property line.
Council member Lokken: expressed that a more detailed drawing with some picture and better dimensions is needed, as well as a better description of how the fence will be laid out and the set size of the fence.
Council requested that there would have to be a minimum of 24-26 inches from the property line to allow proper distance for maintenance. As well as, that Ms. Skinner talks with Mr. Bredeson and gets some better idea of a plan of if the fence can be fastened to Mr. Bredeson’s fence or if it should be.
City of Grove City – Regular Council Meeting Monday, June 14th, 2021
MEMBERS PRESENT- Hudec, Halterman, Evenson, Lokken, McCoy
Agenda: Council Member Mike Halterman made a motion to approve the consent to agenda and the minutes from the December 14th, 2020 meeting. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor
Visitor Recognition and Public Comments:
Marcia Garza/ Brent Whitcomb – asked to speak and did not show up on their behalf.
Mike Sordahl– Property –asked to speak and did not show up to speak on his behalf.
Jeff Niendenthal presented more information on his proposal on a Small Cafe in Community Center- discussion of further information needed from the legal and State departments. Decision to table until Jeff had further information. Jeff will be in contact with City Office when ready to present to Council again.
Niendenthal also presented a proposal to the Council about going in on the cost of a new Community Message Board with the Church. Church will contribute $20,000 and asking that the City cover $15,000. Council would like to move forward with further information on the Sign and see if the City has access to any grants to apply to the purchase of a New Community Sign.Council decided to table Niendenthal’s proposal until further information could be provided.
David Euerle delivered Audit. All is looking well. South Grove will mature in 2021.
Bill Perterka– brought concerns to the councils attention that Grove Lake is low and that he has put rocks in and noticed that someone has taken the rocks out. Bill is asking that the City get some Aggregate. Halterman suggested the Federal Management Preserve with the DNR in Litchfield.
Mike Bredeson– Concerns about a vinyl fence his neighbor is putting up. Mike was asked to come back and voice his concerns again at the Special Meeting as well on June 21st 2021.
Sam Anderson– Mayor Hudec made motion to pay Samantha $3600 for summer rec with the stipulation of a contract to be turned in for next year by January/ February. Mayor Hudec amended the motion to approve the donated $600 being paid to Samantha. Council member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Summer Rec-Two checks donated for summer rec for freeze pops, band aids and water. 6 kids enrolled in summer rec and 3 helpers. $2600 to be paid to Sam and $1000 to be paid to helpers. Council member Halterman did ask if left over funds would carry over into next year’s program fund.
INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS: Sheila Krohse came to deliver and update to the council.
SOUTH GROVE GYM: Council member Halterman made a motion to open the Community Center and South Grove Gym to public with no restrictions with the stipulation that the City write up a New Rental Application. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with Evenson, Halterman, Lokken and Hudec in favor and McCoy opposed.
REMINDER OF SEWER CREDIT FOR POOLS ONLY: Does not include hot tubs, watering lawn, washing houses, vehicles or watering gardens.
POOL WAIVER- FIRE DEPARTMENT: League of MN Cities does NOT recommend filling pools. Discussion of the people that have filled their pools thus far need to be billed for filling their pool. Personnel department will reach out to the Fire Department to get a list of people that have had their pools filled. Council member McCoy made a motion to not fill pools with the use of the Fire trucks until further discussion can be had at a workshop. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor.
CHRIS RANSOM: Council member Evenson made a motion to increase Chris’s rate of pay per hour from $16.32/hr. to $17/hr. starting June 16th, 2021. Mayor Hudec and Council member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor.
MMUA – Delegate Appointment: Council member McCoy made the motion to adopt the Delegate Appointment. Council member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried will all in favor.
MDH Grant Agreement: Council member Evenson made a motion to accept the MDH Grant Agreement. Council member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor.
RESOLUTION 2021-6: ADDING BAILY TO THE BANK ACCOUNT: Council member Evenson made a motion to accept Resolution 2021-6. Council member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with council members Evenson, McCoy and Lokken in favor. Mayor Hudec and council member Halterman opposed.
APPA (.Gov Domain at No Cost): Kalkbrenner will look in to what changing hosts all entails. Changing would give a more secure and professional look to the City website.
SOUTH GROVE–UTILITY FEEDS FOR INTERNET AND TV SERVICES: Discussion of how there is electrical work that goes thru windows and walls inappropriately, and how it needs to be fixed. Further information was needed and council decided to table discussion for upcoming workshop.
DAMAGED RETAINING WALL BY JESSE HUDEC PROPERTY: Council decided to table further discussion for a Workshop allowing more information to be gathered on if the wall needs to be there, and costs to repair it, etc.
Windmill Days: tabled discussion for Windmill Days for a Workshop. a. Results and Comments b. Increase donations for next year c. Minn-E-Rods — Different location d. Snowmobile Grass Drags II.
SHERIFF: Deputy Danielson filled in for Deputy Swisher. Deputy Danielson stated there was 52 calls last month. Council member McCoy inquired about Windmill Days. Deputy Danielson stated that it was a pretty good. Mayor Hudec inquired about the Minn-E-Rods if there were any complaints. Deputy Danielson did not have any to report at that time. Deputy Danielson asked the council if they were going to participate in National Night out. Council decided to have it at Windmill Park. Deputy Danielson will get City of Grove City registered.
CLERK: Kalkbrenner MCFOA training June 15th-18th. Kalkbrenner will be setting up Banyon training when she gets back from MCFOA Training.
PUBLIC WORKS: Public works supervisor Roering asked the council for permission to go to the Waste Water Conference August 24th -26th 2021. Council member Halterman made a motion to send Roering to Training in August. Council member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion passed with all members voting in favor. Roering asked the Council to consider sending Austin to Over Head School Training September 14th -17th in Marshall. Voiced concern about haying job at the ponds, he keeps having the hay blowing on the rocks causing more weeds and Public works having to spray and maintain more. Roering asks the council to consider someone else as the contract is up at the end of the year. Roering brought up concerns of a resident at South Grove that is reaching the point of needing more assistance than what South Grove can allow.
FIRE HALL KEYS– Roering had more keys made for the Fire Hall. Mayor Hudec did explain that Rescue should have been the only ones that needed keys as there is a lock box for the Fire Fighters to get in to the Fire Hall. Kalkbrenner made a new Key Sign Out sheet to go with any keys being given out moving forward.
HALTERMAN: Council member Halterman brought up that there are becoming more and more holes on some of the streets and recommended to Roering that he get some winter patch. Halterman brought to attention that there is a Voicemail box that has not been set up.
MCCOY: Council member McCoy brought up concerns about some ceiling tiles at South Grove in the kitchens and if Public Works to replace them, as well as checking out some other concerns at South Grove.
HUDEC: Mayor Hudec presented some information about Wireless / Broadband Internet, if he is able to reach out more and see if there are further grants and other options for the area of Grove City. Hudec reached out to Brian in regards to the post in the alley.
LOKKEN: Council member Lokken brought to attention about properties that need mowing or are in violation of City Ordinances. Lokken asked that a notice be sent out on Pets at large and the corresponding Ordinance. Lokken asked if she could put a flyer together with a reminder of some Ordinances and other information for the website. Council talked about adding a Community Reminders page to the website.
ADJOURNMENT: Council member Halterman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council member Evenson Seconded the motion. Motion carried will all members voting in favor.
City of Grove City
Special Council Meeting Agenda
Monday April 26, 2021 6:30pm
1. 2nd Interview for the position of City Clerk/Treasurer of Grove City2. Flowers at South Grove
MEMBERS PRESENT- Hudec, Halterman, Evenson, McCoy, Lokken
2nd INTERVIEW FOR CITY CLERK/TREASURER: The personnel committee invited Baily Kalkbrenner for a final interview before council. After further questions, the city would like offer the City Clerk/Treasurer position to Baily Kalkbrenner. This position will be offered a pay rate of $18 an hour with full benefits. The position will have a 6 month probationary period, at which time performance and pay will be evaluated. Mayor Hudec made a motion to hire Baily Kalkbrenner at the terms above, pending a background check. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with Halterman, Lokken, Evenson, and Hudec voting in favor, McCoy opposed. Kalkbrenner accepted the position.
SOUTH GROVE FLOWERS: Mayor Hudec made a motion to spend $100 on flowers for South Grove. Council member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Hudec made a motion to adjourn the special meeting. Council member Lokken seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
April 12th, 2021 @ 9:00 AM
1. Local Board of Appeals and Equalization Meeting
MEMBERS PRESENT- Halterman, Evenson, McCoy
ABSENT-Hudec, Lokken
LOCAL BOARD OF APPEALS AND EQUALIZATION: Meeker County Assessor Amy Rausch gave the city council a brief synopsis of the latest trends of Meeker County. For 2020, there were 9 sales in Grove City. Grove City, Eden Valley, and Litchfield were the only cities with no increase. There were no members of the public that came to the special meeting.
ADJOURNMENT: Council member Evenson made a motion to adjourn the special meeting at 9:22 am. Council member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
March 18th, 2021 @ 3:30 PM
Accept Clark’s resignation letter
Advertise Job Opening
March 18th, 2021 @ 3:30 PM
MEMBERS PRESENT- Hudec, Halterman, Evenson, Lokken
ACCEPTING CLARK’S RESIGNATION: Council member Evenson made a motion to accept Clark’s resignation letter dated March 15th. Mayor Hudec thanked Clark for all of the work she had done for the city for the last 5 years. Council member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Halterman and Lokken also thanked Clark.
ADVERTISING JOB OPENING: The council discussed a few requirements they would like to see included in the job opening that will be posted. Clark will put an advertisement together and work with the personnel committee to get it approved and submitted. Clark offered to sit in on interviews as needed, and continue to help out with invoices and payroll until a new clerk is hired.
ADJOURNMENT: Council member Halterman made a motion to adjourn the special meeting. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
GROVE CITY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING February 8th, 2021 @ 7:00PM MEMBERS PRESENT- Hudec, Halterman, Evenson ABSENT-McCoy
AGENDA: Council Member Halterman made a motion to approve the consent to agenda and the minutes from the January 11th, 2021 meeting. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Council member Halterman made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-4 which authorizes the City to apply for the Small Cities Development Program Grant. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. Resolution 2021-4 Local Government Application was approved with all members voting in favor. Mayor Hudec made a motion to approve the proposal from Development Services Inc. (DSI) for administrative services. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Council member Halterman made a motion to authorize Mayor Hudec to sign the final grant application. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with Evenson and Halterman voting in favor, Hudec abstained.
INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT: Clark informed the council that there had been no updates on when the walkthrough is scheduled between all involved parties.
RESOLUTION 2021-4 ACCEPTING RESIGNATION & DECLARING A VACANCY: Council member Halterman made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-4 accepting Bill Peterka’s resignation from the Grove City City Council, and declare a council vacancy. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Anyone resident interested in serving on the council can request and drop off an application with Clerk Clark. Any council applicants will be interviewed at the next council meeting on Monday, March 8th at 6:30pm.
FIRE: Fire Chief Jans inquired with the council if there was extra storage anywhere for the fire department to use. Jans will work with Roering to find some space. Jans also inquired about purchasing another radio or two, but will look into finding grant sources first.
SHERIFF: Deputy Swisher stated that there were 40 calls last month. Swisher informed the council that there has been an increase in stolen catalytic convertors.
CLERK: Clark informed the council that the Local Boards of Appeals and Equalization annual meeting will be held on Monday, April 12th at 9 am. Clark is also looking for volunteers to help with the Windmill Days committee.
HUDEC: Mayor Hudec updated council and staff on South Grove concerns and ordinance matters.
ADJOURNMENT Council member Halterman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
GROVE CITY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING January 11th, 2021 @ 6:30PM MEMBERS PRESENT- Hudec, Halterman, Evenson, Peterka, McCoyABSENT-None
SWEARING IN OFFICIALS: City Clerk/Treasurer Clark swore in council members Sheldon Evenson and Jason McCoy, and Mayor Jesse Hudec.
AGENDA: Council Member Halterman made a motion to approve the consent to agenda and the minutes from the December 14th, 2020 meeting. Council Member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
Lisa Graphenteen with Development Services Inc. was present at the public hearing to provide the public with information on the application for grant funding to the Small Cities Program. She reviewed the grant activity of owner occupied rehabilitation and rental rehabilitation, including budget and project financing. She reviewed the grant schedule and that the target area will include the entire City of Grove City.
Council member Peterka made a motion to proceed with the grant application. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Council member McCoy made a motion to authorize a request for procurement for the administrative services for the grant. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT: Clark informed the council that mediation was scheduled for Wednesday, January 13th.
SOUTH GROVE GYM: Council member Peterka made a motion to allow walking in the gym provided masks are worn and the CDC Guidelines are followed. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
RESOLUTION 2021-1 OFFICIAL APPOINTMENTS & MEETING DATES: Council member Evenson made a motion to include Roering on the utilities committee. Council member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Council member Peterka made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-1 Official Appointments & Meetings Dates. Council member McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor. Council meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at 7 pm in the Grove City Community Center.
RESOLUTION 2021-2 ACCESS TO CHECKING & SAVINGS ACCOUNT: Council member Halterman made a motion to approve Resolution 2021-2, which decrees that City Clerk/Treasurer Lacey Clark, Mayor Jesse Hudec, and Council member Mike Halterman have the authority to make withdrawals from, sign checks related to, or otherwise remove money from any checking, savings, or other account owned or controlled by the City of Grove City. Council member Evenson seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
FEE SCHEDULE: Council member Peterka made a motion to approve the 2021 Fee Schedule. Mayor Hudec seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
SHERIFF: Deputy Swisher stated that there were 30 calls last month.
PUBLIC WORKS: Public Works supervisor Roering asked the council for permission to proceed with pole testing thru STAR Energy. Council member Evenson made a motion to approve further electric pole testing. Council member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
PETERKA: Council member Peterka informed the council that he would be resigning after the evenings meeting. The council thanked him for the14 years of service as council member.
ADJOURNMENT Council member Peterka made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council member Halterman seconded the motion. Motion carried with all members voting in favor.
6:30 PM
Call Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Resolution for the Appointment of Council Member
Swearing in of new Council Member
Roll Call
Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of January 13, 2025 meeting
C. Claims Approval
Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
Staff and Council Reports
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
Old Business
New Business
A. Resolution for EDA Appointments
B. Council Reports
1. Lokken
2. Sordahl
3. Anderson Bergstrom
4. Hieb
5. Houselog
B. Resolution for Donation from West Central Mutual
C. Water plant roof approval
D. MN Beer Co. Brew Pub License
E. Land Rent agreements
F. MN Rural Water Association membership
G. Electric meter at 218 Atlantic Ave
H. City Attorney
6:30 PM
This agenda is subject to change.
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
This agenda is subject to change.
TUESDAY, November 12, 2024
6:30 PM
This agenda is subject to change.
6:30 PM
City of Grove City
Community Center 210 Atlantic Ave W
Monday, September 9, 2024 - 6:30 PM
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Grove City Council will conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, September 9th, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the Grove City Community Center, 210 Atlantic Ave W, Grove City, MN to consider public input regarding a structure over 500 square feet variance as applied for by David Olson on property located at 403 4th Street South, in the R1-Single Family Residential District, described as follows: Lot 10 & 11, Block 21.
Public comment relating to the above matter is welcome and may be given in writing to City of Grove City, PO Box 98, Grove City, MN 56243, hand delivered, or emailed to prior to the hearing or verbally at the Public Hearing. The Grove City Council reserves the right to continue the Public Hearing to future dates if necessary. For more information, contact Betsy Ammermann at 320-857-2322.
Betsy Ammermann
City Clerk/Treasurer
Agenda August 12, 2024 City Council Meeting – 6:30PM
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Visitors Present:
1. July 8, 2024 Regular Council Meeting
A. Resolution 2024-12: Resolution for the Appointment of Council Member.
B. Oath of Office for Debra Bergstrom
C. Agave Cantina LLC Liquor License Revocation Hearing
D. Jack Hickok
E. New Hire: City Clerk-Treasurer
F. November Council Meeting Date Change
G. City Office Cell Phone
H. Notary Commissions for City Personnel
I. City Credit Card
J. Pickleball Court Fence Quote
K. City Office Remodel Update
L. Block Party Procedures
M. South Grove Handbook & Pet Policy
N. Lions Club Storage
O. Fire Alarm Box
P. Dakota State Test Report and Recommendations
Agenda Detail July 8, 2024 City Council Meeting – 6:30PM
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Visitors Present:
The meeting was called to order at _______ by Mayor McCoy.
Motion by _________, seconded by _________ and carried, to approve the agenda of the July 8, 2024 meeting. Vote:
Motion by _________, seconded by _________ and carried, to approve the following by consent: Vote:
1. June 10, 2024 Regular Council Meeting
Total: $ 47,654.36
A. JH Partial Sewer Credit
B. South Grove Mail - Allan Knutson
C. Commercial Fence - Monica/Brent Whitcomb
D. Windmill Days and Website
E. Resolution 2024-11: Resolution Appointing Primary and General Election Judges for the Elections of August 13th and November 5th, 2024.
F. Council Vacancy
G. Office Air Conditioner Unit Quotes
H. DSI Grant Amendment
I. Lions Club Bingo License for Trinity Lutheran Church
J. City Shop
K. Dakota State Report
L. Dropbox
Agenda Detail June 10, 2024 City Council Meeting – 6:30PM
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Visitors Present:
Agenda Detail May 13, 2024 City Council Meeting – 6:30PM
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Visitors Present:
Agenda April 8, 2024 City Council Meeting – 6:30PM
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Visitors Present:
1. March 11, 2024 Regular Council Meeting
MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2024
6:30 PM
MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2024
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
F. 2024 BUDGET
6:30 PM
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, December 11, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
a. Agenda
b. Minutes of the following City Council meetings: November 13, 2023 Regular Council Meeting, November 27, 2023 Special Meeting
c. November, 2023 Claims Totaling $__________; Payroll: $__________
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
V. Old Business
a. Ordinance Violations: R1 Property, Fence on N 3rd St, 300 2nd St S, 104 Sunset Ridge
b. Office Blinds
VI. New Business
a. 2024 Budget
b. Audit Engagement Letter
c. Truth and Taxation Hearing at 7pm
d. MMDC Fraud Awareness Training
e. ACGC Community Ed Firearm Training Safety Room Rental
VII. Staff and Council Reports
a. Staff Reports
i. Rescue
ii. Fire
iii. Sheriff
iv. Clerk
v. Public Works
b. Council Reports
i. McCoy
ii. Evenson
iii. Lokken
iv. Sordahl
v. Simota
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, November 13, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
a. Agenda
b. Minutes of the following City Council meeting: October 9, 2023 Regular Council Meeting
c. October, 2023 Claims Totaling $116,299.98; Payroll: $18,678.03
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
V. Old Business
a. Zoning Issues with R1 Property-
b. Trailer Court
VI. New Business
a. City Clerk Position
b. Employee Reviews and Increases
c. Money Market
d. Liquor Licenses
e. Parking and Speed Limits
f. 2024 Budget
g. SCDP-South Grove Draw #10-Approval November-2023
h. Bolten and Menk-2023 Street Project Pay Request #1
i. Approve Collateral Substitutions
j. Resolution 2023-24: Resolution Appointing Presidential Nomination Primary Election Judges for the Election of March 5, 2024
k. Ordinance Violations
l. Resolution 2023-25: Resolution to Designate Ordinance Committee as a Body to Determine and Abate Ordinance Violations.
m. Resolution 2023-26: Resolution to Adopt City Code Violation Penalties
VII. Staff and Council Reports
a. Staff Reports
i. Rescue
ii. Fire
iii. Sheriff
iv. Clerk
v. Public Works
b. Council Reports
i. McCoy
ii. Evenson
iii. Lokken
iv. Sordahl
v. Simota
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, October 9, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: August 14, 2023 Council Meeting, September 11, 2023 Council Meeting.
C. Claims Totaling $____________; Payroll: $___________
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
V. Old Business
A. August Meeting Minutes and Motion
B. Summer Rec Report and Payment
New Business
B. Atwater Boy Scouts Comm Room Rental
C. Waste Central Sanitation
D. Grove City Bank Investment Options
E. Liability Waiver Form
F. Zoning issues with an R1 property
G. Susan Barker Retaining Wall
H. New address of 99 Lindstrom Ave E
D. Ordinance Violations Enforcement
E. MMUA Safety Management Contract
F. Lions Club Charitable Gampling App
G. Utility Rate Increase
H. Wings Gym Rental
I. Township Meeting Date
VI. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
IX. Adjournment
B. Council Reports
1. McCoy
2. Evenson
3. Lokken
4. Sordahl
5. Simota
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, September 11, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Appointment of Council Member
A. Motion to approve Mayor’s appointee.
B. Oath of Office
IV. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: August 14, 2023 Council Meeting, August 24, 2023 Emergency Meeting.
C. Claims Totaling $____________; Payroll: $___________
V. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
VI. Old Business
A. Updated Zoning Map
VII. New Business
A. Online Banking Access
B. Preliminary Tax Levy Resolution
C. South Grove Deputy Office and Keys
D. City Clerk-Treasurer Job Description
E. MCFOA Reg 3 Meeting
F. Main Street Beautification
G. ACGC Dance Team Gym Use
H. City Office Interior Updates
I. Southwest Initiative Foundation
VIII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
IX. Adjournment
B. Council Reports
1. McCoy
2. Evenson
3. Lokken
4. Sordahl
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, August 14th, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: July 10th, 2023
C. Claims Totaling $448,872.64; Payroll: $17,299.85
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. David Euerle - 2022 Financial Statement
B. Brenda Grates – St. Phillips Church
V. Old Business
A. Speed Signs
B. Fall Clean-up
VI. New Business
A. Resolution 2023-22: Joint Powers
B. City Council Interview Questions
C. Shirts for Council and City Staff
D. Camping Signage
E. Emergency Management Training
F. Key Policy for City Office
G. Deputy Office
VII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. McCoy
2. Evenson
3. Lokken
4. Sordahl
VIII. Adjournment
Agenda Detail June 10, 2024 City Council Meeting – 6:30PM
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Visitors Present:
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, June 12th, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Oath of Office
IV. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: April 20th, 2023, Special Closed Meeting Minutes, May 8th, 2023, Special Council Meeting Minutes, and May 8th, 2023, Regular Council Meeting Minutes.
C. Claims Totaling $379,865.99; Payroll: $18,531.43
V. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Eli Vasquez – Mexican Restaurant
VI. Old Business
A. Sheila – Street Project Timeline
B. Basketball Court - Assessments
C. CARE Lease
1. Legal Fees for CAREs Lease
2. Backpay from April 2022
D. Pond Haying
E. Mosquito Spraying
F. Fee Schedule - Revised
G. Speed Signs
H. Time Clock
I. Community Sign
J. Golf Cart / ATV Stickers
VII. New Business
A. Rental Rehabilitation Program Deferred Loan Repayment Agreement
B. Resolution 2023-01 - Revised
C. Resolution 2023-19: Recognizing National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.
D. Resolution 2023-20:
E. Resolution 2023-21: Grant Navigation Support
F. Resolution 2023-22: Adoption of Basic Code of Ordinances
G. South Grove Apartment
1. Flooring
2. Painting
H. Letter to Carlson Meats
I. Heartland Security – Security System
J. Windmill Days
1. City Donation
2. Council Involvement
3. Black Dirt for Mud Volleyball Courts
VIII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
a. Window replacement
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
IX. Adjournment
B. Council Reports
1. McCoy
2. Evenson
3. Lokken
4. Sordahl
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, May 8th, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meeting(s): Special - March 27th, 2023, and April 10th, 2023,
C. Claims Totaling $383,896.09; Payroll: $17,443.30
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Chris Daniels – MN Beer Company
V. Old Business
A. Vibrant Broadband Permit
VI. New Business
A. South Grove Flowers – Ardy Johnson
B. Community Center Flowers – Gabra Lokken
C. GIS Mapping
D. Resolution 2023-17: Accept the Meeker County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan
E. Resolution 2023-14: Designating Sale of Property
F. Time Clock
G. Golf Cart Permit
H. General Waiver of Liability
I. LMC 2023 Ordinance Book
J. Duluth Conference (Jason and Michael)
K. Public Comment Sign-up Sheet
L. Grove City Employee Warning Write-Up Form
VII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. McCoy
2. Evenson
3. Lokken
4. Sordahl
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 13th, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meeting(s): January 13th, 2023, and February 13th, 2023
C. Claims Totaling $311,875.93; Payroll: $15,419.19
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Sheila
B. Susan Barker – dog park
C. Mae Mauer-Rogers
V. Old Business
A. Summer Rec Survey Results
B. Farm Rental Contracts
1. Paul Martin
2. Matt Weseman
VI. New Business
A. LMC Liability Coverage Waiver
B. MN Beer Company Liquor License
C. Community Center Roof
D. Street Sweeping Contract
E. Rugs for Gym
F. Spring Clean-Up
VII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. Martin
2. Evenson
3. McCoy
4. Lokken
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, February 13th, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meeting(s): December 12th, 2022, December 13th, 2022 and January 13th, 2023
C. Claims Totaling $243,672.60; Payroll: $16,849.85
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Custom Marble – No Parking Signs
B. Shannon Eckhoff / Gambling Permit
C. Gwen Cram – Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Report
V. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. Martin
2. Halterman
3. Evenson
4. McCoy
5. Lokken
VI. Old Business
A. Fee Schedule
B. Resolution 2023-1
C. Old Basketball Court
D. CARE Lease
E. Aimee Gourlay
VII. New Business
A. Mike’s Letter of Resignation
B. Resolution 2023-9: Declaration of Vacancy
C. Boyscout Gambling License - Bingo
D. Summer Rec Survey
E. MN Fire Department Grant
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, January 11th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meeting(s): December 12th, 2022 and December 13th, 2022
C. Claims Totaling $5,119,640.86; Payroll: $49,282.06
IV. New Officers
V. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Andrew Hallin – Open Gym /Summer Rec
B. Jess Hopp- Snow Removal/Plowing
C. Matt Dahl- Appartments
VI. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. Martin
2. Halterman
3. Evenson
4. McCoy
5. Lokken
VII. Old Business
A. CARES Lease
B. South Grove Mail Delivery
VIII. New Business
A. Resolution 2023-1: Annual Appointments and Meeting Dates
B. Resolution 2023-2: Access to City Checking and Saving
C. Resolution 2023-3: Mayor Pro Tem
D. Resolution 2023-4: Designating Official Newspaper
E. Resolution 2023-5: Designating Official Insurance Agent
F. Resolution 2023-6: Pre-Authorized Payments
G. Resolution 2023-7: Designating Official Depositors
H. Resolution 2023-8: Designating Building Inspection Program
I. Fee Schedule
J. Cybersecurity Assessments - Heartland
K. Certificate of County Board Classification of Forfeited Lands
L. CARES Gambling Fee
M. South Grove AEDs and Training
N. Grove Bank ACH Agreement
IX. Adjournment
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, December 13th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: November 12th, 2022
C. Claims Totaling $606,715.64; Payroll: $15,960.49
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Taina Drange
B. Ron Mortenson
V. Old Business
A. Apartment Check List
B. Load Management Survey Results
C. Speed Signs
VI. New Business
A. Welcome to Meeker County Guide Project
B. Resolution 2022-11
C. Resolution 2022-12
D. Resolution 2022-13
E. Phone provider – Library
F. Law Enforcement Contract
G. Training Repayment Agreement
H. Dare
VII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. Halterman
2. Evenson
3. McCoy
4. Lokken
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove City EDA Agenda
Tuesday, December 13th, 2022
6:00 p.m.
I. Call to Order
II. Business
A. Approval of Minutes
1) October 10th, 2022 Minutes
2) October 26th, 2022 Minutes
3) November 14th, 2022 Minutes
B. Other
III. Visitors
IV. Reports
V. Adjournment
I. Call the Meeting to Order
II. Agenda
A. Truth and Taxation
III. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Other
IV. Adjournment
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, November 14th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meeting: October 10th, 2022
C. Claims Totaling $330,555.14; Payroll: $16,019.85
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Janell Martinson – Cokato Fire Relief
V. Old Business
A. September 12th, 2022 Minutes
VI. New Business
A. Debit Card
B. Open Position- Jack Ranthum
C. Resolution 2022- 9: Accepting Donation
D. Resolution 2022-10: Certify Past Due Bills
E. Cleaning at South Grove and New Apartment
F. Abstract of Votes Cast
VII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Fire
2. Rescue
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. Mayor Halterman
2. Evenson
3. McCoy
4. Lokken
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove City
Special Council Meeting and Grove City EDA Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, October 26th, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.
I. Agenda
1. Approve Sale of Bonds
2. Approval of Contracts
3. Contract start date
4. Loan agreement discussion
5. other
B. Council
1. Approve Sale of Bonds
2. Shannon Sweeney
3. Other
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, October 10th, 2022, at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: Sept. 12th, 2022 and Sept. 13th, 2022
C. Claims Totaling $266,630.40; Payroll: $15,248.69
IV. EDA Public Hearing for the
A. Issuance of G.O. Bond
B. Approve remaining Bids
V. Grove City Public Hearing
A. Issuance of G.O. Bond
VI. Small Cities Development Public Hearing
VII. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. West Central Sanitation
VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
A. Arvig Pricing
B. Meeker in Motion Dec 14th waive fee
C. Liquor Licenses (3)
D. Bids for Bailing
E. Signing bonus Grant
F. Lacey Letter of Resignation from Windmill Days
G. DEED Conflict of Interest and Attorney Opinion Letter
X. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. Halterman
2. Evenson
3. McCoy
4. Lokken
XI. Adjournment
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, September 12th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: August 12th
C. Claims Totaling $175,511.52; Payroll: $17,543.54
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. 4H Club- Lynette Holmquist
B. Sheila – Bolten & Menk
C. Lisa Graphenteen- DSI
D. Windmill Days
E. ACGC Boyscout Troop 221
F. Allen Knutson – South Grove
V. Old Business
A. Performance Reviews
B. Trailer Court
C. Kitchen Remodel
D. Historical Society Lease Agreement
VI. New Business
A. EDA Recommendations
B. Meeker County Housing Study
C. David Eurle - Audit
D. MMUA Service Proposal
E. Energy Assistance Program
F. Water Assistance Program
G. 2023 Budget
H. 2023 Proposed Tax Levy
I. Load Management Survey
J. Austin’s Letter of Resignation
K. Advertise for Open Position
VII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. Mayor Halterman
2. Evenson
3. McCoy
4. Lokken
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, August 8th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: July 11th, 2022
C. Claims Totaling $245,027.43; Payroll: $15,673.08
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Scott Swanson- variances
B. Ranulfo Moreno- Street
V. Old Business
A. DEED Update
B. Bids on painting Community Center
VI. New Business
A. Tennis Courts
B. Josh Thomas- filling pool
C. Bids for Electric in the park
D. Heat Share Agreement
E. Date for annual township meeting
F. Set performance review date
VII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. Mayor Hudec
2. Halterman
3. Evenson
4. McCoy
5. Lokken
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, July 11th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: May 9th, 2022 and June 13th, 2022
C. Claims Totaling $428,653.94; Payroll: $16,698.00
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Sheila – Bolten & Menk
B. David Tisk
C. Aaron VanDuinen
D. Sean Ung
E. Gwen Cram – sidewalk
F. Joe Chupp – Building Permit
G. Rick Rossow-
V. Old Business
A. DEED Update
B. City Website – final approval and launch
C. Campground
D. Bids on painting Community Center
VI. New Business
A. CARES Program – Senior Exercise Equipment
B. Resolution 2022-7: Declaring vacancy
C. Resolution 2022-8: Annual Appointments for 2022
D. Resolution 2022-9: Access Checking and Saving
E. Resolution 2022-10: Appoint City Council Member
VII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. Mayor Hudec
2. Halterman
3. Evenson
4. McCoy
5. Lokken
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, June 13th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Claims Totaling $ 178,878.07; Payroll: $19,162.34
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Leighton Johnson
V. Old Business
A. Grove City Area Care LAH Program Lease Agreement
VI. New Business
A. Carlson Meat Shop
B. Spraying for mosquitoes
C. Campground
D. Resolution 2022-6
E. Booster Club
VII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. Mayor Hudec
2. Halterman
3. Evenson
4. McCoy
5. Lokken
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, May 9th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: March 14th, 2022 and April 11th, 2022
C. Claims Totaling $132,837.64; Payroll: $15,329.32
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Allen Knudsen
B. Marcia Brown- community garden
C. Corrina – Goals Nutrition
D. Matt Dahl
E. Cares Program
V. Old Business
A. Plots for new development
B. Meeker Housing Committee Purpose and Goals
VI. New Business
A. Zoning Update
B. South Grove Rent
C. Other
VII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. Mayor Hudec
2. Halterman
3. Evenson
4. McCoy
5. Lokken
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove City Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, April 11th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: February 14th, 2022, March 14th, 2022 and April 4th, 2022.
C. Claims Totaling: $115,074.74; Payroll: $14,477.92
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Michael Sordahl
V. Old Business
A. Grove City Area Care LAH Program Lease Agreement
B. Resolution 2022-2: Accepting Donations
C. Summer Rec Registration
D. Broadband to Grove City
VI. New Business
A. Resolution Authorizing Membership in the 4M Fund
B. Windmill Days
C. EDA Board Member – Michael Sordahl
D. Right of Way Permit for CenterPoint Energy
E. Gambling permit for Cares Program
VII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. Mayor Hudec
2. Halterman
3. Evenson
4. McCoy
5. Lokken
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove CityRegular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, November 8st, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meeting: October 11th, 2021C. Claims Totaling $302,782.59; Payroll: $14,058.58
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Beverly Peterson
V. Old Business
A. Resolution 2021-8: Accepting Donations
B. Grove City Resolution to Adopt the MCHMP
C. Small Cities Grant Contract Agreement
D. City Wide Clean Up
VI. New Business
A. Liquor Licenses
B. Resolution 2021-11: Designating the Polling Place
C. Resolution 2021-12: Certifying Past Due Utility Billing
D. Resolution 2021-13: Accepting Donations
E. Dance Team Rental of South Grove Gym
F. Interim Loan / USDA Update
G. Baily Performance Review
VII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
a) Bids from Torkelson’s
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
a) Training in Rockville
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. Mayor Hudec
2. Halterman
3. Evenson
4. McCoy
5. Lokken
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove CityRegular Council Meeting Agenda Monday, October 11th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: September 13th, 2021
C. Claims Totaling $275,334.78; August Payroll: $18,749.09
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Christine Alternhofen
B. Michael Sordahl
C. Jeff Niendenthal
V. Old Business
A. City wall at Jesse Hudec
B. 4 J’s Trailer Park Assessment
C. Ranulfo Moreno Permit
D. Other
VI. New Business
A. Final Mediation Agreement Reiner vs. Grove City
B. Gambling Permit Application for G.C. Cares LAH Program
C. Small Cities Development Grant
D. Grant Writing Part – Time position
E. Matt Dahl – Vacant Properties
F. Other
VII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Reports
1. Mayor Hudec
2. Halterman
3. Evenson
4. McCoy
5. Lokken
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove CityRegular Council Meeting Agenda Monday, September 13th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting to Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: August 11th, 2020
C. Claims Totaling $256,469.66; July Payroll $19,004.24
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Faye Kemp
B. Jeff Niendenthal
C. Brent & Monica Garza
D. Anthony Polly
V. Old Business
A. SCDP Grant Update
B. Amend Resolution 2021-7
C. Land Use Zoning Permits
D. Infrastructure Update
E. Grove City Voluntary Waiver of Liability Agreement
F. Oktoberfest
VI. New Business
A. Heat Share Program Agreement
B. Donations to South Grove from CARES
C. Grant for Historical Society
D. 2022 Proposed Tax Levy
E. Pet Ordinance
VII. Staff Reports & Council
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
a) Clerks Conference
5. Public Works
a) Quotes for Shop
b) A/C at South Grove
B. Council Reports
1. Mayor Hudec
2. Halterman
3. Evenson
4. McCoy
5. Lokken
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda Wednesday, August 11th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting or Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: July 12, 2021
C. Claims Totaling $ 239,625.83; July Payroll $ 18,539.95
D. Final City of Grove City Rental Agreement and Check List forms
E. Summary of LGA Certified for 2022
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Rick Rossow
B. Lindel Rohrer
C. Ranulfo Moreno
V. Old Business
A. Mud volleyball – Amount to be billed
B. Mowing of Wastewater Ponds
C. Mask notices at South Grove
VI. New Business
A. Meeker in Motion Class- Community Center November 16th waive deposit fee
B. Grove City Voluntary Waiver of Liability
C. Water Shortage (Drought)
D. Energy Assistance – Water
E. Re-addressing Parcel
F. Revision of Ordinances 1705.46 and 1705.48
VII. Council & Staff Reports
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
a. Building bids
C. Council Reports
1. Mayor Hudec
2. Halterman
3. Evenson
4. McCoy
a. Garden of Eating water meter
5. Lokken
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove City
Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, May 10th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting or Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: March 18th, 2021, April 12th, April 26th
C. Claims Totaling $125,701.47; April Payroll $17,167.15
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Building Permit for Michael Sordahl
V. Old Business
A. Infrastructure Improvements Project
VI. New Business
A. Windmill Days
B. Need Street Names & Numbers
C. Pending background check, Clerk’s training for Baily June 15-18
D. Property Lambertson purchased from the city
E. Other building permits
F. Gary Schumacher property
G. Other
VII. Council & Staff Reports
A. Staff Reports
1. Rescue
2. Fire
3. Sheriff
4. Clerk
5. Public Works
B. Council Report
1. Mayor Hudec
2. Halterman
3. Evenson
4. McCoy
5. Lokken
VIII. Adjournment
City of Grove City Regular Council Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 8th, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting or Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: February 8th, 2021
C. Claims Totaling $;117,047.20 February Payroll $169,965.68
IV. Interview Council Applicants
A. Resolution 2021-5 Appointment of New Council Member
V. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
A. Nels Onstad- Superintendent of ACGC
VI. Old Business
DSI Grant
Infrastructure Improvements Project
VII. New Business
VIII. Council & Staff Reports
IX. Adjournment
City of Grove City Regular Council Meeting Agenda Monday, February 8th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call the Meeting or Order
III. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: January 11th, 2021
C. Claims Totaling $174,064.78; January Payroll $18,043.17
IV. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
V. Old Business
DSI Grant – Resolution 2021-4 Local Gov’t Application Resolution
Infrastructure Improvements Project
VI. New Business
Resolution 2021-3- Accepting Resignation & Declaring a Vacancy
VII. Council & Staff Reports
VII. Adjournment
City of Grove City Regular Council Meeting Agenda Monday, January 11th, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Swearing in Officials
III. Call the Meeting or Order
IV. Consent to Agenda
A. Agenda B. Minutes of the following City Council Meetings: December 14th, 2020 C. Claims Totaling $183,497.67; December Payroll $49,581.66
V. Public Hearing-Grant Proposal
VI. Visitor Recognition and Public Comment
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business
Resolution 2021-1-Official Appointments & Meeting Dates
Resolution 2021-2-Access to Checking & Savings Account
Fee Schedule
IX. Council & Staff Reports
X. Adjournment
Position | Name | Phone | Web Page/Email |
City Clerk/Treasurer | Betsy Ammermann | 320-857-2322 | |
Deputy City Clerk | Chris Ransom | 320-857-2322 | |
Public Works Superintendent | Shannon Roering | 320-699-1749 | |
Public Works Assistant | Jack Ramthun | 320-699-1750 | |
Deputy | Sam Swisher | 320-693-5400 | |
Sheriff | Brian Cruze | 320-693-5400 | |
Fire Chief | Joe Jans | 320-699-1563 | |
Assistant Chief | Brandon Thomsen | | |
Rescue Chief | Mike Dahl | | |
Emergency Director | Joe Jans | 320-699-1563 | |
Head Librarian | Elizabeth Cronk | 320-693-2483 | |
Assist. Librarian | Kristin Carlson | 320-857-2550 | |
Summer Rec Coodinator | Andrew Hallin | | |
Data Practices Official | 320-857-2322 | | |
Building Inspector | Brian Fehrenbach | 320-693-4650 | |
City Attorney | Rupp, Anderson, Squires & Waldspurger, Amy Mace | 612-436-4300 | |
City Engineer | Bolton & Menk, Inc. | 320-231-3956 | |
Meeker County | Meeker County Court House | 320-693-5200 | |
Official Newspaper | West Central Tribune | 320-235-1150 | |
Official Depositor | Official Depositor: Grove Bank | 320-857-2521 | |
Health Inspector | Health Inspector Meeker County Public Health | 320-693-5370 | |
HeatShare | The Salvation Army | 320-857-2322 | |